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Best phone?

Johny Utah

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I own a LG G2 and I fucking love it. I switched to it after getting an Android based Tablet... once I realized how much better Android is over IOS I switched from the iPhone to the G2. It is a great phone and can be had for less than $100 with 2-year. I got mine for $0.01 at Micro Center



Same here.. i had an S2 and an S3 neither of which held up very long. I ended up grabbing he LG G2 because I didnt want something quite as large as the note series. Best phone I've owned so far.

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I have had an iPhone since they first came out, so close to 7 years now. Always updated with the newest model, not because of the "cool factor" but because it didn't cost me anything. I would pay the $199, extend my contract, and sell my old phone for $200+ on eBay.


After using the same phone for so long the familiarity kept me tied to the brand. I can navigate through the phone without paying much attention because I know it so well.


That being said, I think I am jumping ship. The last couple iPhones I have got have been plagued with problems. From screens going out, to poor reception, to this most recent one that can not be off of a charger for more than a few hours. I know the phones well enough, that I can do my own repairs, I am just sick of having to do that.


So I think when the S5 comes out I will bid farewell to my old friend the iPhone.


**OT: When a loyal user like me is willing to jump ship... it's probably time to dump your Apple stock **

My (verizon) iphones have had the worst reception of any cell phone I've ever had. I upgraded from a 4 to a 5 simply because I have a bunch of apps and shit I don't want to repurchase on another phone, but I may jump ship next time around if the 6 doesn't wow me. Plus, the tiny screen is getting annoying for games and texting.. and pretty much everything else.

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Same here.. i had an S2 and an S3 neither of which held up very long. I ended up grabbing he LG G2 because I didnt want something quite as large as the note series. Best phone I've owned so far.


I'll jump on the G2 train as well. Amazing phone at a great price. Best battery on the market right now too, even outperforms the Maxx in any real world testing. Mine has lasted > 48 hours (wifi/bluetooth off, ~4 hours of screen time during this period) on one charge before too. Camera is comparatively slightly worse than others on the market in low light, but definitely not unusable by any means. Some people have complained that the speaker isn't loud enough but it's been more than fine for me through both the headphone jack and loudspeaker. Stupid fast processor, big beautiful screen, 32gb onboard storage, multitasks great. Now if Verizon would freaking port 4.4 already...


10/10 would recommend.

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Currently ultra-satisfied with my Galaxy S4. I see no reason to upgrade for another year or two, I've had no issues and this phone does everything I want.


If I were to upgrade, it'd be a GS5 or Note 3, and I'd probably end up with a GS5. I am not a huge fan of the phablets for personal use, though they are fantastic devices. Not a Samsung devotee by any means (I've toyed with the G2 and Nexus 5 and they seem like awesome devices) but they've done nothing to lose my business, and I think they are vehemently trying to stay ahead of the curve instead of resting on their laurels like some fruity companies.


I'd avoid anything Motorola like the plague. I got a Droid Bionic when it was sold as a flagship phone for some build of Android (can't remember which) but it took FOREVER to update to newer versions and by the time they did the hardware was too far behind and it was a POS. I'll never own another MOTO as this was the second time they've failed me (first time was way back during Ye Olde Flip Fone days).

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HTC One M8 is out today. I guess Verizon got a pretty go deal right now for Buy one Get one free.. lol


Ugh, loathe this phone already. Zero camera upgrade, zero screen upgrade (same resolution and tech spread over a larger display actually makes it a WORSE display), and the single largest bezel of ANY smartphone on the market. The phone is absolutely a full inch taller than it could otherwise be. Let's not forget all of HTC's poorly coded bloat they've added to Android.

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Ugh, loathe this phone already. Zero camera upgrade, zero screen upgrade (same resolution and tech spread over a larger display actually makes it a WORSE display), and the single largest bezel of ANY smartphone on the market. The phone is absolutely a full inch taller than it could otherwise be. Let's not forget all of HTC's poorly coded bloat they've added to Android.


Did you buy the M8? There's more under the hood. Snap 600 vs Snap 801.

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Love my Note 3 but don't go with AT&T. They have some GPS related issues and if they don't get it resolved soon I'm moving to Verizon.


You're having issues too? Is this being discussed anywhere online? I have never had GPS issues until this phone.

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This is the first real issue I've ever had with them. I LOL at Verizon at work as no one can't use their GPS while being on a call it seems. Maybe that's changed but I don't think so as I always see people saying "I'll call you back because my GPS won't work if I'm on the phone." I was immune as with AT&T I can stream music, use the GPS, talk and email whatever all at once with no issue.


If AT&T doesn't resolve this within the kit-kat update due out anytime (rumor is it begins tomorrow...but we'll see), then I'm going to warranty exchange it and likely end up either working it out for another phone (HTC M8 ?) or I'll leave them completely and move to Verizon.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Ordered an M8 Thursday. (mostly out of boredom) Found a coupon code and got it for $150 through VZW. Figure I have 2 weeks to hate on it and send it back if it sucks or its too big.


Though Im curious if they even have my order. It error'd out on the "confirm" screen but I still got two emails afterwards confirming. But its been processing for 2 days. Customer "service" couldn't even tell me if it was actually in process. LOL verizon..

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Rocking a BlackBerry Q10, and I love it. I switched from my Galaxy S4 (which I still have, and still like). I just started getting fed up with how big the phone was. Plus if I didn't want to have to worry about the battery dying I had to use the extended one, which made it even bigger. This thing just goes and goes. Plus it runs Android apps. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, but it's got fantastic build quality, and the keyboard is very satisfying to type with.


Don't get me wrong, I still love Android. I just wish someone would come out with a flagship phone in the 4.3" screen range. All of the "mini's" have downgraded specs. Or if and Android OEM would come out with a phone with a form factor similar to a BlackBerry with a keyboard...Moto has really stepped up their game recently. A flagship spec Droid 5 would really get me interested.

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Don't get me wrong, I still love Android. I just wish someone would come out with a flagship phone in the 4.3" screen range. All of the "mini's" have downgraded specs. Or if and Android OEM would come out with a phone with a form factor similar to a BlackBerry with a keyboard...Moto has really stepped up their game recently. A flagship spec Droid 5 would really get me interested.


I agree. I really like the size of my nexus and would like to stay there but none of the new/good phones are smallish. Wish I could just upgrade the speed on my current guy.

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Im happy with mine so far. The speakers make the overall size worth having. I havent taken but a few pictures with it but it seems ok. Sure it might not take great print worthy shots but for what I do it should be fine. (instagram/randomness) The little software gadgets are neat for someone like me that doesn't want to take the time to do actual editing.


The only thing that seems limiting is the notifications. Apps like light flow and others dont work with it at least yet. You only get a green flash regardless of the notification. Im having to turn off notifications like Tapitalk because you dont know whether its a tapitalk noti or a text. Seems amateur. Maybe there will be a mod eventually.


Oh and my cell reception seems better with the M8 vs. Samsung nexus. I dont drop iHeart radio in either spot where I did daily with the samsung.

Edited by cruizin01
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Not sure if this helps with service but I would say a Samsung.


Out here in the desert we have wifi service in our rooms, however my droid cant pick it up, my buddys iphone cant get wifi either in the room. My other friends Samsung though is able to get wifi. My tablet cant pickup the signal either just his Samsung and my laptop.

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