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I'm starting to like Tesla


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They advertise it at $610 a month AFTER fuel savings.


At 144 months. NO MONIES DOWN


That's crazy. IMO is one has to do that they are buying way too much car. LOL at people and their priorities though....

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Oh...those Tesla muhhafuggas are smart.


1) Lease Tesla under your $180/year LLC owning a collection of Beanie Babies.

2) Enjoy pimpity DD, "Greenie" admiration, street cred for blowing doors off M5's. Save money at the pump.

3) File taxes, use lease expense as a personal income writeoff



If only a fast-charger was included in the price...

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If only they had a gas generator module you could drop in the front cargo area for long trips. If I could afford one, I'd still be iffy on getting one because I couldn't drive it to visit family in MA. But otherwise I'd love to have a S.
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If only they had a gas generator module you could drop in the front cargo area for long trips. If I could afford one, I'd still be iffy on getting one because I couldn't drive it to visit family in MA. But otherwise I'd love to have a S.


Have you looked at the Supercharger maps lately? By the end of the year, you should be able to drive to most areas for free. Superchargers charge in less than 30 minutes, i just hit one yesterday and got 203 miles of charge in 22 minutes. Oh, and its free.

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