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To the Lambo owner.....This won't buff out


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The Mazda is still at fault speeding or not the lambo had the right of way.



Not too sure. It might more 50/50 in that particular case.


You can't yield to cars you can't see.


Scenario: What if this was at night and the Lambo didn't have it's headlights on? The lambo would still have the right of way, but could you fault the Mazda? No.


Lambo is flat black on a cloudy British day, lower profile than most cars around it, and it sounded (to me) like it was speeding.


Your argument is speed of the Lambo doesn't matter. Well it does, if it was going 100mph, it would be totally at fault.

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Not too sure. It might more 50/50 in that particular case.


You can't yield to cars you can't see.


Scenario: What if this was at night and the Lambo didn't have it's headlights on? The lambo would still have the right of way, but could you fault the Mazda? No.


Lambo is flat black on a cloudy British day, lower profile than most cars around it, and it sounded (to me) like it was speeding.


Your argument is speed of the Lambo doesn't matter. Well it does, if it was going 100mph, it would be totally at fault.


In this case the Mazda did turn out in front but the Lambo was not only speeding but he didn't even brake until after he hit the cars. I don't use the word often but he was clearly a douche driver.

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I'm not so certain the Lambo was speeding. Speed is notoriously difficult to judge by onlookers and estimates of speed can be affected by a lot of things, including our expectations. Oh, look it's a Lambo, it's fast, people drive them fast, so it must have been going fast. I'm not saying that I'm sure he wasn't speeding, I'm just saying that I don't think we can be certain he was, at least not by what I've seen in the video.


...and it sounded (to me) like it was speeding.


How exactly can you just the speed of a car based on it's sound? Kind of a serious question.


In this case the Mazda did turn out in front but the Lambo was not only speeding but he didn't even brake until after he hit the cars. I don't use the word often but he was clearly a douche driver.


Again, I don't think it's clear that he's speeding. Also, maybe he didn't hit his brakes because he didn't have time or maybe he didn't see the other car. I don't mean to sound like the Lambo driver's apologist, but you're kind of coming across as a hater without just cause.


Not only did he fail to check on his girl, someone else did. He goes back to the Mazda, picking up a piece of the Lamborghini front the ground, then discarding it. Just seemed more like an ass than anything else.


The Lambo driver doesn't pick up a piece of his car, the good Samaritan in the red sweatshirt did.

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I'm not so certain the Lambo was speeding. Speed is notoriously difficult to judge by onlookers and estimates of speed can be affected by a lot of things, including our expectations. Also, maybe he didn't hit his brakes because he didn't have time or maybe he didn't see the other car. I don't mean to sound like the Lambo driver's apologist, but you're kind of coming across as a hater without just cause.


we don't know the speed limit but I think it's fair to say he was going faster than good judgment given he didn't have time to even hit his brakes or as you said didn't see the car that pulled out. He certainly no defensive driver that's for sure.

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No, that's not fair to say. We don't know the speed of the car and to act like we do with any certainty is a stretch at best. Again, maybe he didn't have time to act defensively. Everything looks like it happened very quickly.


Maybe you could just admit you hate the Lambo driver and we can wrap up this discussion.



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No, that's not fair to say. We don't know the speed of the car and to act like we do with any certainty is a stretch at best.


He was going fast enough to hit cars on both sides of the road, go airborne and still not stop quickly. No stretch needed to see his speed wasn't slow.


Again, maybe he didn't have time to act defensively. Everything looks like it happened very quickly.
If he wasn't driving like an ass-hat he wouldn't have "act defensively" One could say he should be driving defensively; especially in what appears to be an urban area with so side street entrances like that and people all over.

Maybe you could just admit you hate the Lambo driver and we can wrap up this discussion.

Can't hate him, don't know him. Drives like a douche though. ;)
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So because he hits two cars he is speeding? Thanks for that physics lesson.


And because he got in a wreck he wasn't driving defensively? Thanks for that tautological explanation.


Yes, we know you don't hate him, Lady Macbeth.

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So because he hits two cars he is speeding? Thanks for that physics lesson.


No, because he blew over one car causing his vehicle to go airborn and still continued on to take out the side of the BMW not braking until he was in mid air tells me he was driving like an ass-hat. Physics lesson not needed nor is a radar gun to see this.

And because he got in a wreck he wasn't driving defensively?

My guess is he never drives defensively and is clearly not thinking of those around him, namely pedestrians or other drivers. His behavior and driving habits lead him to not have full control of his vehicle and thus contributed to some extent to the accident. I bet he better understands that Karma is a bitch.


Yes, we know you don't hate him, Lady Macbeth.
Let's just say my give-a-fuck meter isn't registering for him.
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1. Spy on Tim for a few weeks


2. Find out where he usually drives.


3. Wait for him off of a side street of his normal route, with a camera setup.


4. Pull out in front of him at the very last second making it impossible for him to avoid an accident.


5. Tell him he, "never drives defensively and is clearly not thinking of those around him, namely pedestrians or other drivers. His behavior and driving habits lead him to not have full control of his vehicle and thus contributed to some extent to the accident. I bet he better understands that Karma is a bitch."


6. Post said vid on CR


7. ???????


8. Profit




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