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Need help with my new laptop


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I bought a new laptop in February. My ex boyfriend set it up for me, well I thought. It has him as the administrator and I have no clue on his password. I need a factory reset. I'm not tech minded at all. I had an IT dept where I worked. Can anybody reset it for me?
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won't need the disc. It should have a factory restore partition on it. So long as you know you'll lose anything you've got on it, fire it up and tap F12 on the first screen you see.


If F12 doesn't work, try the "0" key as it seems some Toshiba were set like that.


Should pull up a screen that lists HDD recovery, or factory reset, something along those lines. Follow instructions, win.

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Install gentoo.


Or, hirens boot CD. There are some password changers on there that should work with what you have. Id do it, but im willing to bet the misses would probably get jealous or something.

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I can't install anything since I'm not the administrator.


Its a boot CD. You dont need to install anything. This says its for windows 7, but i dont see why the new version wouldnt work with windows 8. I do suppose youd need to burn a disk first.


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Typically there aren't CD/boot CD's that are coming with new computers. We had several issues that were said would be fixed with "boot CD's", yet none were with any of the 20+ systems. The fix ended up being someone downloading one from a torrent, then using that to gain access. We were outside the US, so our means to fix the issue were rather restricted.


Have you considered calling where you bought it? Best Buy, or where ever you bought it, and telling them it needs reset and came with no disc's. I would call them and be almost insistent they take care of it.

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Thanks guys. Yes I tried to get it fixed where I bought it. Unfortunately I bought it at Walmart but with the extended warranty. They told me at 2 different locations that the first year all they do is send it back to the manufacturer. I won't ever buy there again.


I took it to a place close and they couldn't get it to boot from a disc. My next step was a factory reset. I had nothing on the computer since I had never used it since I bought it a couple months ago.

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