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Steam summer sale


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My steam library is fucking swelled, so I've been less inclined to buy shit this time, but I have bought a few gifts for friends. Waiting to see if the Dark Souls 2 DLC gets even a minor discount, and I may pull the trigger in Wasteland 2.
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Spoke too soon. Borderlands 2 and all DLC went on sale. I purchased all 5 head hunter packs for $4.90


Planetary Annihilation looks awesome. I think I'll be picking that up.


Edit: Fall of Cybertron is an immensely satisfying game for anyone who grew up with transformers. But, given the game's age, I'm surprised it's going for $15 during a steam sale.

Edited by JaSSon
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Also, just in cause some of you didn't know.

Amazon matches almost every game that's for sale on Steam. 90% of which are just Steam activation codes.

So, if you are out of Steam Cash but have some Amazon credit laying around. You can still pick up the game you want and still have it on Steam. ;)


Happy Hunting!

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Anyone ever play Planetary Annihilation? Looks like the galactic war version of Kerbal Space program meets Red Alert.


Pa is done by the guys who did total anhiliation sick game, borderlands 2 is fun


Same people behind Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander 1. Two of the best RTS games ever.

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I've got a pretty solid backlog too. Playing Watch_Dogs right now which is definitely enjoyable for the anti-GTA element, but goddamn the driving in this game is giving me fits.


So far I've just gotten Call of Juarez for $3, waiting to see if anything else piques my interest.

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Anyone ever play Planetary Annihilation? Looks like the galactic war version of Kerbal Space program meets Red Alert.


I bought it and can't get it to load ( :fuuuu: ). It seems a lot of people are having this issue. I'm not computer smarts enough to fix it. FML.

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So....who wants to volunteer to give this one a try?




edit - after reading this review I'm not sure that I can pass it up


All my life I have been empty. The doctors could not tell me why I was so depressed, and I never knew myself until today. I needed to experience my life as a goat. Goat Simulator has filled the void in my life.


I knew as soon as I hit the truck with my goat that this was what I had been missing. I flew through the air in slow motion, tongue flying around, hitting the edge of the map and rebounding back, landing on (and falling through) the roof of a house. I could not get out, but that did not matter. I was treated with the ability to look down into the house beneath me, seeing the unsuspecting people casually sitting at their computers, oblivious to the sheer terror of the goat above them.


Whether it was playing football with a basketball, swinging lampposts into groups of people or even doing 1080 degree flips, there was no limit to life as a goat. I didn't think it could get any better than this.


I was wrong.


As I jumped and screamed my way around the map, leaving a path of destruction in my wake, I happened upon a golden statue. Curiosity overtook me and I resisted the urge to grab it no longer. My life as a goat changed completely. I had a jetpack.


I knew that this was meant to be, and what my mission from the Great Coffee Stain in the sky was. I was granted the supergoat power of being able to lift people and cars with my tongue. I could survive any impact. I could slow down time with mere thought. Now I could fly. It was time for world domination. Humanity had to be silenced so that the new goat overlords could reign supreme.



All the humans are dead or enslaved. I have won. I am the goat, the goat is me.


Go and goat this game. I kid you not, for mere bucks you can experience a sandbox like no other. Destruction, mayhem, death defying stunts. Seriously, there are more than 921 million goats in the world. Killing the humans was just part of the game. This is a SIMULATOR. Do you understand? A SIMULATOR. This can happen. There are enough goats out there to enslave us and/or kill us.


It is your duty as a human to get this game, so that you may truly know your enemy. An enemy people do not take seriously, an enemy that we know nothing about. Coffee Stain studios have granted us the insight into the true terrifying reality of the impending Goatpocalypse. This is your weapon against the goats. Be prepared, for the goats are coming to get us.

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So....who wants to volunteer to give this one a try?




edit - after reading this review I'm not sure that I can pass it up


Bought it, tried it, got bored with it after 30 minutes of playing. It's a giant rag doll simulator involving a goat terrorizing shit. Entertaining time waster but not sure it's worth the $7 on sale price

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I did buy Planetary Annhiliation, and it is AWESOME!


I'm hoping the final release has some single player campaign, because getting my clock cleaned online will get old quick. So, I played a little vs the AI yesterday to get the hang of it. It can be a lot of work to manage massive armies across an entire system! But it's so satisfying to place a space station above an enemy base and watch it bombard it from orbit.

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I did buy Planetary Annhiliation, and it is AWESOME!


I'm hoping the final release has some single player campaign, because getting my clock cleaned online will get old quick. So, I played a little vs the AI yesterday to get the hang of it. It can be a lot of work to manage massive armies across an entire system! But it's so satisfying to place a space station above an enemy base and watch it bombard it from orbit.


It work just fine for you? I can't even get it to load to the main menu without "pa.exe has stopped working" showing up.


I need a video card (only have integrated at this time...), but I would think it should at least load to the main menu before crashing. Any thoughts?


E5700 CPU

8gb ram

Win7 64bit

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