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Military Bros, 1st Assignment: Correction!! Andrews AFB, Maryland


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So, I'm freaking out a little bit haha. I'm still pretty new to the military, and have spent my entire time (14 months) in tech school. First I failed out of linguist school, and now I'm down in Biloxi in school to be what amounts to a network engineer. I'll finish up tech school here in October(ish). I'm 26 and married, have 2 dogs, and 2 cars.


Mainly I'm worried about the wife/dogs. I know I can bring the wife with me, and if I had gotten a base in Europe, the dogs could have come too. But I'm not as sure about Japan. I'd really rather not leave them with family if I don't have to, but obviously that's an option. What kind of work opportunities will my wife have in Japan? She's still got student loans, so she needs work (has a BS in health/exercise science and retail management experience).


On the car front...I know usually they'll ship one, but I'm just a lowly E3, still an option?


I'm going to attempt to trade with anyone else in my class. If I was younger and not married, this would be the chance of a lifetime. Now though, I just want stability (LOL Y U join teh miltry??). So if that doesn't pan out and off to Japan I go, any advice? I have honestly always wanted to go to Japan, so this isn't the WORST thing in the world.

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I have no personal experience with japan, but I do know that I have heard nothing bad about people getting stationed there. I know some that loved it and stayed. I know that when I first got out of tech school, everyone who got stationed overseaas got to pick what base they went back to when they returned to the states so that's a plus. A few went to Hawaii even. The last thing I would worry about is a car. There will be plenty of time to work that out when you get there. I know some wife's that were easily placed in work due to speaking English alone though.
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You and the wife will have a great time in Japan if that's what you wish. Not to mention you can get HOPS all over the place. Wife can get priority hiring on base if they have any openings in her field, otherwise she's stuck on the waiting list with entry level of what's available which can be a pain. They typically only ship one car but I wouldn't even bother. You would be better of selling what you have and getting your dream car over there for pennies on the dollar (good luck bringing it back though). You can always swap with someone in your class but GOOD LUCK...they better have one of the sweetest state side locations if you're passing up on Yakota (unless you're going to Germany then DO IT)!!!



BOP stateside return rights have gone down or away completely depending on your career field. Some AFSC's get the hookup and some get the worst locations possible so just depends when the time comes...

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Japan is an interesting place. I was there twice for 6 months each time. Although I was in Okinawa, I did spend some time on the main land. I liked it there and got to do some cool training. I wish I was into cars when I was there. Just keep in mind you will be a minority, and people still hold grudges. Most of the people in Japan were very Westernized and excited to have an American friend. You're married, so you shouldn't have to worry about the chicks asking you to take them to the big PX. Go sight seeing and take a lot of pics. I hate that I was too busy having fun and never took pics. There is so much history and culture there, do all you can to see as much as you can. Eli has been there a bit recently. Hopefully he will chime in.
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My buddy went there and picked up a hooker for a blowjob and she told him to let her know before blowing his load. He was like yeah okay whatever. She started bobbin his knob and right before shooting his kidpoles he grabbed her head and slammed it down on his cock and spunk shot out of her nose. She got so fucking mad and kept saying YOU NUMBA 10 G.I. FAK U while wiping her nose with her sleeve. When a hooker likes you she says you numba 1, and I guess it bottoms out at 10. She was pissed.


That's all I got sorry.

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My buddy went there and picked up a hooker for a blowjob and she told him to let her know before blowing his load. He was like yeah okay whatever. She started bobbin his knob and right before shooting his kidpoles he grabbed her head and slammed it down on his cock and spunk shot out of her nose. She got so fucking mad and kept saying YOU NUMBA 10 G.I. FAK U while wiping her nose with her sleeve. When a hooker likes you she says you numba 1, and I guess it bottoms out at 10. She was pissed.


That's all I got sorry.




Thanks for the encouraging words guys. I'm starting to try and warm up to it. Still worried about the dogs, any insight into that? And from what I've heard, base of preference is out the window. I've had a hell of a time in tech school, so I currently don't really have plans to stay in past my 1st enlistment. I'm sure it'll get better once I'm operational, so that sentiment can of course change. The time away from my wife already, and bureaucratic BS of tech school has already jaded me to the experience, but you guys are lifting my spirits a bit.

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I love japan. My wife and i are taking a little vacation in August over there to visit a friend from college whose husband is stationed in Okinawa and just had a baby. They have a boxer (I'm pretty sure they bought it there though)


I have been all over that country. Its awesome.

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No insight here for the dogs, sorry. With that said TMO should know. There should be an relocation office on base.


I was active 6 years in the USAF and still serve in the Reserves. I always told myself if I got orders to Japan would buy a older muscle car in good shape, doesn’t matter what could be a Mustang, Camaro, Firebird just to take it over there to sell it to make big $$$. Then take that money you would make and buy you something special over there you can’t find here. I’m a big Subaru fan so I would go something down that route.

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My opinion:

I've always heard great things about Japan, it's just a little to close too nK for me. I understand your concern, but I would say keep that assignment. Chance of a lifetime! Check with your leadership about taking the dogs, someone in TMO should be able to answer your questions. As for taking your car, I'm with what someone said above...sell/store your car in the states and get something over there. I've heard of a few people getting the approved to return and drive in the states after their assignment, then selling them for profit. Your wife should be able to find something on base, not always high paying, but it will be an income.

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After doing a bit of research today, it seems like getting the dogs over there isn't much different from going to Europe. I had just heard Asia was more strict. It's a ton of work over here before we go, and I'm sure it'll be tough on the dogs (the flight and everything). But definitely possible. One minute I'm excited, one minute I'm apprehensive. Same with the wife. But I'm not dead set on trading my assignment now...and the thought of some sweet JDM ride while I'm over there is very enticing lol.
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They had "Scrape the Coast" recently, which was mostly low-rider trucks and stuff. Beyond that, my Jeep isn't really much to show up to a car meet with. And I can't really modify/offroad it now if I've got to sell it this fall.
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Also, if Doc sees this...could you briefly go into the process of importing a car from Japan? Like if I was to buy a car in Japan, that is available in the states, could I bring it back with me without a ton of trouble?
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If I could edit the title I would. Just found out I got diverted to Andrews AFB, Maryland. I'm honestly kind of bummed. I had gotten pretty excited about the prospect of living in Japan. Although, I suppose this will definitely be easier on my wife. Also don't know how I feel about living in DC. But, I suppose it could be Minot or something.
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If I could edit the title I would. Just found out I got diverted to Andrews AFB, Maryland. I'm honestly kind of bummed. I had gotten pretty excited about the prospect of living in Japan. Although, I suppose this will definitely be easier on my wife. Also don't know how I feel about living in DC. But, I suppose it could be Minot or something.




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I loved Andrews when I was stationed there. I was in the ASTS so there was never a boring day. And every time the POTUS flew in or out on Air Force One, we were out on the flight line. From what I remember of on base it was pretty nice, but off base was a shit hole. I had family up north of DC so I was able to visit with them which was nice. But all in all I had a good experience there. Hopefully you'll enjoy it. DC is nice with plenty of things to do with the wife!
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