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Lost my cell phone...What are my options?


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So my cell phone is currently swimming with the fishes at the bottom of Lake Cumberland thanks to someone who dropped it off the houseboat Saturday.


I'm still about 6 months before my 2year renewal and I've never done this....what are my options?


I also would REALLY like to get as much off of it as possible, if at all possible. It was an Iphone 5.


I was planning on holding out to see the iphone 6 in person but I need a phone NOW. What do you guys recommend I do and if not an iphone what phones are good? I've only had iphones for the past 4 years but am open to something else. Am I going to be stuck paying full price for a phone because I'm not up for renewal?


Thanks in advance.

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Did you have insurance on it?


If yes, then have them send you a new one.


If no, buy a cheap whatever off craigslist, or better yet swappa.com until the ifruit6 comes out. If you are willing to go with android instead of another iphone, there are plenty of good options depending on what carrier you are on (that you didn't mention). Any carrier will let you buy a phone either used or new at full price and activate it on their network. Only thing is it has to be a phone that is locked to your specific carrier, or carrier unlocked and uses your carrier's bands (GSM vs CDMA).


Anything you didn't have backed up to the cloud or to your computer is lost. No chance of retrieving it. If you could have fished your phone back out of the water, then let it dry for a couple days you may have had a chance, but if it's gone, then the info is gone with it.

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That sucks that it's in the lake still. I'm sure it's somewhere pretty far down. FYI, I had an iPhone get knocked in the water from a boat while in the Virgin Islands. I swam down 10'-15' and snagged it up. Went to shore and ran to the room and turned the hair dryer on it for about 45 minutes, while I went looking for some rice. I don't recall if I ever found rice, but my phone worked fine after the hair dryer treatment.


As for replacements, I'd get something cheap off craigs list and wait for the i6 if that's what you are want.

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So my cell phone is currently swimming with the fishes at the bottom of Lake Cumberland thanks to someone who dropped it off the houseboat Saturday.


Call it repeatedly and until someone hears it. Then you'll know where it's at and can just retrieve it. That's usually what I do when I lose my phone.


Wait. What?

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