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Roku questions


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need some advice.


I'm thinking of ditching my cable all together. currently with WOW, but they're pissing me off over $60, and being an 8+ year customer, I said fuck em and told them to cancel my service.


So I'm looking at other options. The other providers (uverse, TW, etc) have introductory pricing that is decent, but it skyrockets soon after.


It's just me in my house, and 90% of what I watch is live cable news, and then I usually have my DVR set up to record stuff like Big Bang Theory, Impractical Jokers, bike races, etc.


How soon do programs update? Is it right after airing, day after, etc? Also, on my main TV, my receiver has what i think they called "HDMI passthrough"...basically, it won't do audio through HDMI. right now, on my xbox and cable box, I have to run optical audio cables to the receiver for the sound to be through my surround sound. what are my options on a Roku for this? I'd rather not use the shitty TV speaker for all my tv watching.


The other thing is, I sleep with the TV on...hardcore. If there isn't sound and light, I wake right up (thanks grandma for passing that trait on to me). Is Roku like what I experience with Netflix, that if I watch a show, I have to select the next one to watch? Can I set up to automatically play multiple programs in a row?


The biggest thing would be college football season, so I'm not sure what I'll do then. Going out or to a friends for a game is fine, but if I want to watch games from 11a - 11p one day, that'll pose a problem.


Anything else you can add, I'm all ears.

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Internet, Netflix for shows, and watch live sports online (multiple sites to do this on). That's how I get by. Obv doesn't help live news, but screw that anyway. All garbage.


The sports site I use covers every sporting event in the world. Motorcycle racing including.

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I've been with WOW for like 15 years now. I never have any problems with the service, but they do try to jack up my price all the time and I have to call and complain to get it back down.


I guess that's how you show your appreciation for long-term loyal customers - soak 'em!


On topic, I have a couple of Roku's as well, but I HATE watching news and sports, so that's not an issue for me. Although there are several news channels available on Roku, as well as the Ustream live "newscaster" aggregator channel with lots of different local live streams from NBC, ABC, CBS and Fox affiliates all over the country.


As far as TV shows go, the only good option there is Hulu+ for getting things in a timely fashion. Netflix and all that usually don't make episodes available until they are out on DVD.


Amazon Prime Instant has a decent TV selection too, and it's a little more timely than Netflix. They have HBO content, too, which is rare.

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Seriously look into getting Chromecast instead. Not only is it cheaper, but your options are so much bigger. You can play anything from your phone, tablet or PC, and if you use Android you can cast the entire device to the screen.


Between Netflix, Crackle, Popcorntime and TVOle, all of which you can cast to your tv, I'm covered on shows, movies and sports.

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Ok I've got a Roku and Chromecast how are you guys watching live racing events? I havent been able to find anything that I can watch live racing on.


The TVOle link I posted above. It has a bunch of ads on there at first, but once you close them out you're good. To cast it, watch it on your pc and use the chromecast chrome extension.

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I suggest just hooking up a computer to your TV. That is what I do. I bought multiple boxes including roku and they all were never able to do all of what I needed. Learn how to download all your favorite TV shows and movies. If you look hard enough most if not all are uploaded hours after they are aired. Use VLC to watch all of them. You can queue up many files to play with VLC. Netflix on a computer will let you play many TV shows in a row before you have to click to continue. Youtube works for when you are awake. Plenty of websites allow streaming live sports, or you could go to a sports bar and watch. I haven't had cable TV for over 5 years.
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I use the Plex app on the Roku to stream pretty much anything from my Mac at home. I have a Chromecast too, but rarely find any reason to use it, especially since my previous-gen Roku now has the YouTube app.
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We're currently in the same boat with Uverse. Clerical errors (switching account holder names and bank acct info) caused us to be behind 3 months worth of payments, I paid the entire amount in June, paid July now they are saying we're 3 months past due again for $385, fucking ridiculous. I'm hardly ever home to enjoy the 2000 channels we have and the only reason I would even keep it is for CBJ games in HD.
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To expand on this topic a bit more, what if you have a man cave with 3 tv's and you want to watch live sports on all 3 tv's at the same time (a different game on each tv)? Do you need a computer for each tv? I also have a tv in the living room and one in the bedroom. What would I use for those tv's?
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The TVOle link I posted above. It has a bunch of ads on there at first, but once you close them out you're good. To cast it, watch it on your pc and use the chromecast chrome extension.


Every time I go to install the player that it says I need my computer detects a Trojan Horse.

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