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Iphone 6 and 6+


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People hating on the iPhone or people who get the newest ones, here is something g not being said. I have been with AT&T since the iPhone 3. That was the only iPhone I have ever bought. I have ordered the new ones every two year, meaning I skip the S models. I pay out of pocket for the new model and flip my old one on CL. I price it to a little less than what others are selling and make my money back every time. Hence, free iPhone's since the 3. At this point it's an investment that maintains value and keep the new stuff in my hands. I don't know if droid phones would hold the value. I also just want reliability and quality. I don't need a bunch of gee wiz stuff that the droid people say the iPhone doesn't do, or is just catching up to.
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People hating on the iPhone or people who get the newest ones, here is something g not being said. I have been with AT&T since the iPhone 3. That was the only iPhone I have ever bought. I have ordered the new ones every two year, meaning I skip the S models. I pay out of pocket for the new model and flip my old one on CL. I price it to a little less than what others are selling and make my money back every time. Hence, free iPhone's since the 3. At this point it's an investment that maintains value and keep the new stuff in my hands. I don't know if droid phones would hold the value. I also just want reliability and quality. I don't need a bunch of gee wiz stuff that the droid people say the iPhone doesn't do, or is just catching up to.


I'm not a hater, but I just get whatever the $1.00 upgrade is every 2 years. Currently I have the Galaxy S III. If I would've gotten it a couple months later it would've been the 4. Meh. I don't care to pay for a phone. Not worth it to me.


If the latest and greatest and all the hassle is worth it to you all, good on ya. Whatever floats your boat.

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Just curious, what constitutes "Time for an upgrade?" Consumerism is part of the problem IMO. The "I want" is more important than the "i need" in todays society.


Just imagine if everyone didn't spend their money on useless electronics and instead put it towards retirement or some other useful resource.


Most people feel they need the best hardware on something they use daily for years. I feel the same way and I don't care.

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People hating on the iPhone or people who get the newest ones, here is something g not being said. I have been with AT&T since the iPhone 3. That was the only iPhone I have ever bought. I have ordered the new ones every two year, meaning I skip the S models. I pay out of pocket for the new model and flip my old one on CL. I price it to a little less than what others are selling and make my money back every time. Hence, free iPhone's since the 3. At this point it's an investment that maintains value and keep the new stuff in my hands. I don't know if droid phones would hold the value. I also just want reliability and quality. I don't need a bunch of gee wiz stuff that the droid people say the iPhone doesn't do, or is just catching up to.


I think this is how the majority of Apple owners feel. And that is okay. This is why Apple will continue down a different path than Android.

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I'm not a hater, but I just get whatever the $1.00 upgrade is every 2 years. Currently I have the Galaxy S III. If I would've gotten it a couple months later it would've been the 4. Meh. I don't care to pay for a phone. Not worth it to me.


If the latest and greatest and all the hassle is worth it to you all, good on ya. Whatever floats your boat.


I hadn't seen your post when I posted. It wasn't directed toward you. I was just making a point in general. These phone are just tools for us these days. Not everyone is doig the same thing or needing/wanting the same tool for what they are doing. I'm always frustrated with the same comments about the iPhone over the years. It's pointless. We might as well argue import or domestic.

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I hadn't seen your post when I posted. It wasn't directed toward you. I was just making a point in general. These phone are just tools for us these days. Not everyone is doig the same thing or needing/wanting the same tool for what they are doing. I'm always frustrated with the same comments about the iPhone over the years. It's pointless. We might as well argue import or domestic.


Harley vs. Honda. Right vs. Left hand masturbation...


I know it wasn't directed at me. I LOL at anyone who pays hundreds for what I'll get for free eventually. I LOL at anyone who waits in line for hours/days for anything, don't care what it is. Just my opinion though. I know not everyone agrees. I still have my 360 and haven't even thought about getting an xBone. Shoot...I still have my original NES and play it.


Hysteria. "ZOMG! I HAVE TO HAVE IT!"


No, not everyone is like this, but the VAST majority are. Those hundreds in lines today all over the world have potato need for an upgrade.


Bet their tweets and posts will look SICK tonight though!

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I GET an upgrade because part of the monthly bill I pay constitutes an upgrade every 2 years. Why not use it? 5's are going for $250-300 on Craigslist and I paid $354...so for $50 I can upgrade my phone.


I don't need an upgrade technically as my phone is totally fine. But I also don't need a lot of shit that I have, as I'm sure is the case for everyone else. The people waiting in line like retards are just that, but again, I am eligible for an upgrade, so I got one. If I can't retire because of that, then I have other problems to worry about in life.


On a side note, I bought an Xbox One because my 360 failed, not because I couldn't live without an Xbox One.

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Then you want an iP6+. It'll add 1.5" to your dick over the iP5s.


Android has been adding 1.5" to dicktures since 2012 :lolguy::dumb::gabe:



how dare anyone buy a phone that suits their wants and needs if it differs from my personal choice that suits my wants and needs

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how dare anyone buy a phone that suits their wants and needs if it differs from my personal choice that suits my wants and needs


Phones are like guns, cars, god, and sexual preference: You are going to like what you like, you are going to do what you do, just don't try to cram it down my throat or there is a good chance I will make fun of you.

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Phones are like guns, cars, god, and sexual preference: You are going to like what you like, you are going to do what you do, just don't try to cram it down my throat or there is a good chance I will make fun of you.


There is only one true god ... so I don't know what you are talking about here

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I'm with Joe. I've built up quite the app collection and switching phones now would be dumb.


See, Brian gets it......CR just don't get it, you don't get it. I have over 60 apps on that phone, do you have any idea how much time and man hours it would take to redownload those apps! Ah, god, its not always about you CR!

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