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Car salesmen...

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I know there are a few guys on CR that sell cars for a living, and I am curious to learn more about the intricacies of the job. It seems like anyone I've talked to either loves it or despises it, usually depending on the dealership they work for. If you work at a dealer, how did you get started? Are you glad you made a career out of it?
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I think it has to do with the dealership and pay than it does the actual job. All the sales staff I talk to at the dealer I work at love it. They are treated well, compensated fairly and have time off to spend with their family. Those factors alone make working more enjoyable.
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Our pay plan is pretty good, the hours are miserable, our location sucks, customers suck, putting on fake smiles sucks, acting like I care about jesus or football sucks.


The occasional fat checks are nice though. Oh and working for Byers opens up a lot of doors. Buying cheap oem parts is one of them.

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Our pay plan is pretty good, the hours are miserable, our location sucks, customers suck, putting on fake smiles sucks, acting like I care about jesus or football sucks.


The occasional fat checks are nice though. Oh and working for Byers opens up a lot of doors. Buying cheap oem parts is one of them.


This lines up more with what i've heard.


I think it has to do with the dealership and pay than it does the actual job. All the sales staff I talk to at the dealer I work at love it. They are treated well, compensated fairly and have time off to spend with their family. Those factors alone make working more enjoyable.


not even once have i heard this

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Are you looking to get into it, or just want to know what it's like?


Ehh mildly interested, I guess. I feel like selling cars is one of those jobs that everyone thinks they would be great at or they think would be a fun/easy career, but dig below the surface and you suddenly realize there's way more to it than you think.


I would have no problem putting on a smile and dealing with people, especially if I'm selling cars or something else I actually have an interest/passion for. I sell appliances and windows and other boring shit every day, so cars would be extremely refreshing for me. I just think the biggest turn off would be dealing with the lousy schedule, like Sean mentioned.


This is more just a topic for conversation, but it's something I do think about from time to time.

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Salesman turn over more then any other job I've worked around, most of them come and go and move around. Some make really good money at it, some get fed up quickly. I only tried it for about a week 15 years ago, I don't have the patience for it, besides I feel like I accomplish something with my day producing something or making it work again.
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Wait...what dealership is this?


If you scroll through and read some sales folk bio's on our site quite a few have been there a few years which seems to be unheard of in sales. Techs work a 40 hour week, salesmen don't seem to work much more than that. Germain (at least the Rick owned stores) is a great company to work for. 95% of the people I work with love their job and working for the company, those 5% that hate it put themselves into that position by being a total jackass and not doing the simple things asked of them that an employer would expect, and are treated as such.

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Depends on the dealer I guess. My brother worked at Dennis used cars for a little while. He ended up loathing it because of the way management pressured the employees to pressure the customers. My brother hated to do that because he knows pressure drives people away. In short, don't work for a dealer that wants to pressure you into shitty sales tactics.
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I would have no problem putting on a smile and dealing with people, especially if I'm selling cars or something else I actually have an interest/passion for.

I had a passion for learning about computers so I jumped into IT. Now I hate computers as much as I hate the mouth breathers who use and break them.

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Our pay plan is pretty good, the hours are miserable, our location sucks, customers suck, putting on fake smiles sucks, acting like I care about jesus or football sucks.


The occasional fat checks are nice though. Oh and working for Byers opens up a lot of doors. Buying cheap oem parts is one of them.


What he said, minus the football.


A lot of it is the company. I like working for Byers. I've got some pretty laid back bosses who put family first, which is the complete opposite of MAG. Being with Ford is fun too. A lot more laid back and have an overall great product.


The other big part is having a very thick skin. Yeah, some of the time you get great customers who love you and are genuinely grateful for helping them. There's few feelings better than that, at least to me. On the other spectrum, the thick skin comes in with the tire kickers, the Internet super shoppers and the plain old assholes. They seem to come in waves and you have to be strong enough to ride it out or it will destroy you. I've seen it happen more times than I can count.


It's not for everyone, but if you're passionate about cars (like me) or a really good bullshitter (not me), you bust your ass and work 50-60 hours per week (including weekends), then you will do okay.

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I had a passion for learning about computers so I jumped into IT. Now I hate computers as much as I hate the mouth breathers who use and break them.


HA!! I feel exactly the same way. Hopefully I won't be doing this IT shit too much longer.

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