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Did I break a rib when taking a $hit ?


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I was doing my normal business this morning and I must of done it a little too hard because something just popped on my rh side,like i had ripped something inside.

It hurts to walk and bend.

For the next 2 hours I,m wondering what had just happened....now really breaking a rib is hard to do while going but I think I must have strained a muscle or something,I,m wondering if I had done worse and do I need to go to the emergency room or not.


Has this happened to anyone else?




Take dump

Strained a muscle

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It could be a pulled muscle or even possibly a hernia, but given the your description of the location, probably a pulled muscle.


FYI, you should never be straining this hard when you take a shit. Either deal with it and wait till later or change your diet, if that's the issue. Not only can you pull a muscle, but cause a hernia, blow an ass vessel/hemorrhoids, etc.


While we're on the subject, stop wiping so hard. Wipe gently, but deliberately.


And, don't be afraid to really get in there with a toothbrush....

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