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College Football Thread v6.0


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I'm hoping you put money on OSU losing seeing how confident you are that they will. If you don't think Ohio State has a chance Saturday, then I don't think you watch college football :dumb:


He is a keyboard warrior and all talk, he will never put his money where his mouth is. You are probably right about him not watching college football, probably jumped on the SEC bandwagon to troll this thread.

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I bet on MSU last year and won and yes I have money on them again. I am not impressed by OSU or there schedule. They are a very inconsistent team.


Ask my wife about Saturday's in our house, all I do is wTch college football :lol:


I am a Bama fan I married into one. I have never been shy about who I root for. Neither do my girls


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I don't think they are a consistent team this year. The polls are a joke, as we have discussed almost weekly since this thread has started.


Who has Alabama really played this year so far? They have a "quality loss" against a now 2 loss Ole Miss team haha. West Virginia is probably the toughest team they have played. We will know a lot more about Alabama in the next month than we know about them right now. If they win out and win the SEC Championship Game then yes, it's impossible to argue against them. I just don't see that happening though. As you see I have them losing to LSU this weekend.

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I bet on MSU last year and won and yes I have money on them again. I am not impressed by OSU or there schedule. They are a very inconsistent team.


So what makes you so sure about MSU? I'm asking very specifically, what makes you so sure that they are better than Ohio State this year? I'll wait for your intelligent response.


They very well could beat Ohio State, but I don't think ANY intelligent college football fan is saying that Ohio State will lose without a shadow of a doubt like you are.

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#13 Baylor vs #18 Oklahoma

#10 Notre Dame vs #14 Arizona State

#9 Kansas St vs #7 TCU

#16 Ohio State vs #8 Michigan St

#5 Oregon vs #17 Utah


It's gonna be a super close game, and Ohio State has grown tremendously since Virginia Tech, but our performance against Penn State still tells me that our team still struggles in prime time games. Herman needs to be going for the throat, I don't think a conservative game plan will work against an MSU team that makes very few mistakes -- we simply need to outplay them. In the end though, at MSU, under the lights, on national television, I think MSU is going to be more prepared. We're still young, and that's okay. 31-24 MSU. I hope I'm wrong.

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3 national championships in the past 5 seasons. Consistently ranked high in all polls. Ummm do you think they aren't ??


Long term consistency.


OSU has more wins all time (better percentage as well).


...many more Heisman winners.


OSU has more HoF inductees.


All-time Associated Press Poll

1. Oklahoma

2. Ohio State

3. Alabama


Sauce for above quote.


3. Ohio State University

Total profits: $155,063,608

Players drafted: 5.8%

Winning percentage: 86.2%

Bowl record: 5 appearances, 2 wins


7. University of Alabama

Total profits: $179,707,922

Players drafted: 2.9%

Winning percentage: 73.1%

Bowl record: 5 appearances, 3 wins

*National champion, 2009


You can argue all you want, but the proofs in the pudding. If you say 'Bama is consistent and more dominant but the numbers/history show OSU right behind or just above in literally every category you could compare NCAAF teams in, you have to at least respect the program. Hence why I, as a life long Buckeye, have always respected 'Bama. I don't feel the same way about the entire SEC though.

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It's gonna be a super close game, and Ohio State has grown tremendously since Virginia Tech, but our performance against Penn State still tells me that our team still struggles in prime time games. Herman needs to be going for the throat, I don't think a conservative game plan will work against an MSU team that makes very few mistakes -- we simply need to outplay them. In the end though, at MSU, under the lights, on national television, I think MSU is going to be more prepared. We're still young, and that's okay. 31-24 MSU. I hope I'm wrong.


I agree with this. OSU CAN win, I'm just not sure they will.

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Georgia has Florida, Kentucky, Auburn, FCS (of course), Georgia Tech.


I expect one loss, would put money on 2 and would not be surprised with 3. Gurley or no Gurley.


I had a good feeling about Florida going into this weekend. Not a only attempt 6 passes and run all over Georgia but a good feeling.


One down, at least one more to go.



I will not be surprised if Mizzou moves into the top 25 this week or even next week on their bye. I am 100% convinced they won't let a SEC title game only have 1 ranked team. Even if the team has 3 losses.

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So my question is for those who seem to want to deny the ESPN bias: Why have they not burnt North Carolina to the ground yet? Is it because the money they bring in for MARCH MADNESS BAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBYYYYYY?


Wife has the OSU game on and the ABC/ESPN bias just bleeds through the TV. They don't report the news results, they try to make it and mold it to fit the agenda$$$$

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Actually, not burning North Carolina would be evidence of a lack of bias. ESPN doesn't get any money from March Madness. That's all CBS/TNT/TBS/TruTV. I think it's more them realizing that the public is mostly burnt out on college scandals. They went crazy over OSU/Tressel when it wasn't even a big deal, largely ignored Miami/UNC the first time around and didn't know what to do with PSU coverage. It's funny and sad that their most unbiased reporting in the last several years was probably the PSU coverage because no one wanted to say the wrong thing with regards to that. Having an opinion or spinning that story could have been toxic so they simply covered what was happening.


Back to football...



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getting hot in hurr.


OT: what up, Berto. I've got a good friend that lives in Indy now. I'll shoot you a text when I'm out there visiting him next and maybe we can get together and have beers. Or I can watch you almost die in a foam party/rave. You're choice.

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