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College Football Thread v6.0


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What did I tell you a few weeks ago when LSU was left for dead in a bayou? They have plenty of time to vault themselves back into the playoff discussion. Watch, they'll beat Bama and all of sudden be sitting at like 7 in the polls. #SECspeeeeeeeeeed
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I just read this and found it interesting as well. The B10 is horrible haha


"After reading the Skull session today, I was a bit depressed by what Rob Oller tweeted out about how our last home win vs a top ten team was TTUN in 06. And last road win was in 1990(!!!!!) VS IOWA. "


Talking about OSU playing top 10 conference opponents.

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ESPN is pushing so hard for 2 SEC teams lol. I saw something last night flipping through the channels where one of the analyst was saying Bama beating a #16 LSU would be more impressive than Oregon beating #17 Utah


It would be. Do you somehow disagree with that statement??

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would be. Do you somehow disagree with that statement??



How do you justify that beating LSU this year is somehow better than beating Utah? To me it's identical and not one better than the other.


LSU has 2 losses and should honestly have 3 had Wisconsin not totally shit the bed in the 4th quarter of that game. They also only have 1 "quality" win on their resume beating a now 2 loss Ole Miss.


Utah also has 2 losses, one coming in OT to Arizona State, "quality". They also have a quality win against UCLA.

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Ucla is the only ranked team they beat. They are 6-2 right now, with Oregon, Arizona, Standord remaining as worthy opponents and a colorado team. At best they finish 8-4 but more likely 7-5. They haven't upset anybody and lost their biggest game to ASU so far.
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Wasn't that the same year LSU beat OSU in the national championship game :lolguy:


It probably was, also the same year Utah who was 12-0 with a couple wins over top 25 schools was left out of the conversation...


So Utah loses to Oregon and has 3 losses, Bama beats LSU to give them 3 losses as well...again how is that more impressive? Because SEC? Because ESPN says so?


Ole Miss is the only ranked team that LSU has beat with a pulse. Beating a bad Wisconsin team isn't "quality"...You have a really bad argument on your hands sir. You should probably remove the SEC homer glasses and see things from a better perspective.

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S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C!
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I just read this and found it interesting as well. The B10 is horrible haha


"After reading the Skull session today, I was a bit depressed by what Rob Oller tweeted out about how our last home win vs a top ten team was TTUN in 06. And last road win was in 1990(!!!!!) VS IOWA. "


Talking about OSU playing top 10 conference opponents.


It's a shame we don't play in the SEC where you can pick up top 10 wins over trashy teams like South Carolina or A&M.

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So beating Utah( fucking utah ) has more weight then beating LSU. Is this real life ?


Utah isn't in the shit conference that they used to be in and have played well against some of the decent teams out west. The playoff is based on THIS year's teams. Not how LSU has done in the past 10 years, but THIS year. They beat an over rated Ole Miss team and beat a Wisky team that has no QB. Please enlighten me on how LSU is SO much better than Utah at this time, not at the end of the season or the beginning of the season, but right now. That is how this system is "supposed" to be working.

Speculation is exactly what is supposed to be left out of the "un-biased" system that we currently have.

Nice try though.

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I'm starting to get annoyed with people saying that this MSU front 7 is by far the best OSU has faced this season. I would say that the Penn State Front 7 is better than MSU's. I think MSU has the best defensive end in Calhoun that OSU will face, but the Penn State unit is stronger overall.
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Something to think about...


Thanks to UGA's annual vapor lock performance, the leader in the SEC East is now Missouri, who lost to Indiana, who lost to Bowling Green, who lost to Western Kentucky, who is currently sixth in the Conference USA East.

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Something to think about...


Thanks to UGA's annual vapor lock performance, the leader in the SEC East is now Missouri, who lost to Indiana, who lost to Bowling Green, who lost to Western Kentucky, who is currently sixth in the Conference USA East.


C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A! C-U-S-A!

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Something to think about...


Thanks to UGA's annual vapor lock performance, the leader in the SEC East is now Missouri, who lost to Indiana, who lost to Bowling Green, who lost to Western Kentucky, who is currently sixth in the Conference USA East.


Don't let ESPN find out. They may kill themselves.


It's a running joke on another site I post on that Indiana is the current SEC East champ. That was started the second the clock hit 0:00 in that game due to Mizzou winning the East last year but if they win it this year too... the lulz will be immense.

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I just read this and found it interesting as well. The B10 is horrible haha


"After reading the Skull session today, I was a bit depressed by what Rob Oller tweeted out about how our last home win vs a top ten team was TTUN in 06. And last road win was in 1990(!!!!!) VS IOWA. "


Talking about OSU playing top 10 conference opponents.


This is where I secretly love teams like USC and Miami of the 1980s/early 2000s - they manhandled all kinds of top ranked teams.


Ohio State has been historically fantastic at beating teams they should beat and underperforming against teams that are equally as good as them, IMHO.

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Beating LSU in their stadium at any time in the past decade is impressive. They don't lose there often. In fact, under Miles (which has been since 2005, I think), they have only lost like 4 times at home.


So, yeah, Bama beating LSU at LSU would be, in my opinion, a whole lot more impressive that Oregon beating Utah. I have to side with ESPN and the resident Bammer on this one.

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