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Beardsmen...how many on CR?


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This thread wreaks of anal ease and shame


And with that being said I'll add to the stank.


If I grow my beard out I look like a homeless Sasquatch in no time at all. I have never used any kind of "product" and honestly have never even heard of such things.


A good beard catches all the gravy so you don't ruin your dinner shirt.

Edited by Snowflake
First triple ever bitches
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Beard oils applied daily help appearance, softness, and keep skin healthy. The quality stuff will run you $20-$40/1oz bottle depending who you get them from and the scents. I'll be making my own in a few weeks, and i'll have a ton. PM me if you want to buy some of the excess. It will be a lot less than the quality stuff currently available. I'm just going to have way to much to use myself. I should even be able to send you some free samples first to even see if you like them.


As for soap, I wash mine twice a week with the hudson beard and shave soaps. Its doesn't take much. And they may seem expensive, but they will last a very long time.




Let me know when you get your stuff together.

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I would be willing to try some of yours. I just bought some from beardbrand.com shipping was fast, bought the citrus scent not a huge fan of that smell.


Beardbrand makes good stuff. I like their Tea Tree, Tree Ranger, and Spiced Citrus. Not impressed with their most expensive oil, Four Vices, but I see how some could really like it. Too bland for me. Spiced Citrus is probably my favorite, but I understand that not everyone has the same tastes, so to each their own.


The Bearded Bastard is another quality company. I have some of their oils too.


The biggest issue I have is the price. Don't get me wrong...the stuff is made in America, with quality oils (from what I can tell). And long term, $20, $30, $40 isn't horrible as a 1oz bottle should last quite a while. But I am pretty confident that I could sell 1oz bottles for around $12-$15/bottle while still using high quality carrier and essential oils. My goal is for a majority of the ingredients to be close to 100% organic.


The biggest challenge is coming up with the right scent combinations that work well together, and that other people like.


Ill let you guys know when I am able to whip some stuff together that I think will work, and i'll be able to send free small samples. Ill get some small plastic sample viles in that I can put oils in to send out for samples. That way, no one would have to buy something to find out they don't like it and be stuck with a big bottle.

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When I'm clean shaven I look 19 and I hate it...so 99% of the year, I have a full beard, trimmed really short. Well I like to call it a full beard but it's not nearly as thick and full as I would prefer. It's not patchy and trashy, but no Grizzly Adams thats for sure. Although a few of my friends in their late 20s/30s can barely grow any variation of a beard so I guess I shouldn't complain.
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here is my beard. I let it grow out during the winter and then shorten it in spring. Had to trim it here recently when work said it was "getting in the way of me moving up".





thought I would try something different for a little bit, short sides and longer middle.



and short after they told me to trim it.



oh and the baby's beard


Edited by The_buster
added pic
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I have always wondered why facial hair would ever prevent someone from "moving up."


"Sorry, if we are going to give you more money and make you the boss of people, we are going to need you to be a clean shaven, bow tie wearing, faggot. Because, facial hair has everything to do with your ability to do a job."

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I have always wondered why facial hair would ever prevent someone from "moving up."


"Sorry, if we are going to give you more money and make you the boss of people, we are going to need you to be a clean shaven, bow tie wearing, faggot. Because, facial hair has everything to do with your ability to do a job."


I've been turned down for jobs because I have a beard. A few of them dealt with customers but there are some places that will still follow that "rule"

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Same here. I was forced to shave my beard at work.


Disclaimer, my beard was very thin but still looked stylish. Worked for two years then out of the blue, got told to shave or a write up. Tried a chin strap. Got told again. So now a goatee.

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I understand that regardless of how I feel, the world is that way and I am not going to change that. Still aggravates me. A couple weeks ago I took one of my vehicles in for a state inspection. The kid I was dealing with had a pretty big beard. I complimented the awesomeness that grew upon his face. He chuckled and thanked me. Then proceeded to tell me how his bosses had been hassling him about shaving. The thing was, this kid was great. Pleasant, excellent service, and got my vehicle in and out quickly. So I went onto their little survey thing on the bottom of the paperwork to tell them about my experience and I basically said that it made my day to interact with this guy because of the epicness, (yes, I used that terminology), of his beard on top of his courteousness and professionalism.


I doubt it did anything to get them off his back; but I tried. It just frustrates me that anyone would hassle him when the dude is an excellent employee. Who cares if he has a beard or not, as long as he does the job well.

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The only time any company should be able to ask you to shave is if you work in a job that requires a resperator (sp?). I could see how if you are in a customer service job that they could ask you to keep it presentable, but if you do not deal directly with customers or have a need to wear something that seals against the face then how would having a beard effect your ability to perform a job? I hate how some jobs try to force you to fit a certain mold.
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I have always wondered why facial hair would ever prevent someone from "moving up."


"Sorry, if we are going to give you more money and make you the boss of people, we are going to need you to be a clean shaven, bow tie wearing, faggot. Because, facial hair has everything to do with your ability to do a job."


Same way with tattoos. Deal with it

Or find a job at Mc.D's

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Ice had some for of beard for about 3 years now. Usually keep it less than 1 inch long. Mine gets really bushy, doesn't get long just curls in on itself and creates the bushiness. However I can't shave till our baby girl is born. Which will be late march.
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