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This guy in Michigan runs red lights constantly.


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Kept waiting for camera car to be first in line at red and deny the pass...

this woudl be me, ide make it a POINT to be that guy every day.



Your right he does this to get, what one car ahead? Its not like hes speeding off down the road, hes just driving noramal after that wtf idiots.

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If I get stuck behind a super slow car I've been guilty once or twice of rolling up alongside the slow car as we approach a stop sign, like I'm going to make a right turn. And then pass them, after stopping at the stop sign.


This dude is nuts though. Breaking the law at nearly every intersection and he doesn't ever really get ahead.

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This dude is nuts though. Breaking the law at nearly every intersection and he doesn't ever really get ahead.


That's what bothered me. Risking multiple accidents on one stretch of road, when the law abiding guy is still right behind you.


Someone is going to find this guys car, and it won't be doing it anymore.

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Michigan looks like an awesome state. I'm looking forward to visiting there...


















































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