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Quick jack


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Their website sucks, no wonder it took them that long to ship. What was the price on it? I would love to get into something like this but I'm holding off for the eventual shop/lift. Perfect for a renter such as yourself.


I was trying to find some info I saw of another lift system on facebook. Someone posted you use normal jacks but it jacks the car way up.

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I saw a video from these at SEMA or PRI and they seemed like theyd be good to go to me. Guess im not the only one scared to crawl under them... They have a locking mechanism on them so even if the hydraulic gave out they would catch themselves, plus if your that worried you could always put real jack stands under the car too just incase.


Looking forward to your review as i was pretty interested in a set of these, they look awesome and I think theyd work great in my garage (My garage has a metal pole in the middle, and a section where it drops down a foot and a half due to ducting in the house)

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  • 3 months later...

Used them today to change the coolant in my 335is, not a great video but it does the job, took one of it going down and one of it going up. The blue towels are there because the connections leak a little but someone on another forum has found better ones so I think I'm going to get those. The safety bars don't stay up either so I use a piece of velcro on both of them to hold them up when I am putting the car down. They feel plenty safe to me and I was under the car on a creeper for an hour or so today.


Going up.



Going down.


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