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Columbus Idea Foundry


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Has anyone heard of this place? I read about it a few months ago and totally forgot about it until a friend and I were talking about getting into word working as a hobby.




Looks really cool and i thought more than a few members on here would appreciate it. I've already seen a few woodworking classes I wouldn't mind trying as well as some welding / metal working and 3d printing stuff, and sewing... because everyone should know how to sew.

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Alex (founder) reached out to me about it when it first was opening. He ran across me when I was making the cornhole boards. They moved into a larger space because they grew so quickly after the first year. It's definitely a great local resource for learning a TON of different skills and trades. Great bunch of people for sure.
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Went there for one of their Wednesday night 3D printing meetups back in july(?). Too many hipsters with handlebar mustaches drinking craft beers for me. It was also hot as balls in there so we didn't stay long.


Pretty cool place with lots of stuff to do though.

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