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Free Community College? THANKS OBAMA!


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Nothing in life is free they will.raise taxes. We are already taxed to breaking point to help everyone out on welfare, and other programs now I gotta pay more. Enough is enough


Or cut military spending by a half a percent to fund the 70b project....

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Educated population = higher incomes = more income tax revenue.


"the world needs ditch diggers too"


--judge smails (spelling?)




i pay enough taxes, and am saving up for kids' college. fuck this stupid idea. why not free 4 year college? why not free grad school? free trade school?

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"the world needs ditch diggers too"


--judge smails (spelling?)




i pay enough taxes, and am saving up for kids' college. fuck this stupid idea. why not free 4 year college? why not free grad school? free trade school?


Don't bring that logic in here

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Don't bring that logic in here


Yeah, seriously, don't bring that logic. I mean, why pay for public high schools when 20% of the population drops out anyway? Don't need a high school degree to dig a ditch. Don't need junior high either. Hell, why pay for any public schools? Think of all the taxes we'd save!


There's no rational reason to cut off the normal public education track at 12th grade; I'm sure that's just some accident of history coinciding with the age of majority. As a society, we've clearly decided that there's a public benefit to an educated citizenry, so why brindle at the idea that maybe our arbitrarily chosen cutoff isn't arbitrarily correct? After all, the government already pays plenty of people to go to college in the interest of having an educated military, because the military readily acknowledges that a high school diploma doesn't cut it anymore. My dad didn't pay for college in exchange for 5 years in the service. I got 2 years of free college and half of a master's degree in exchange for... well, nothing, because I was already enlisted at that point.


Like I said, I don't like the idea of allowing anyone to go to any community college for any degree on the government's dime, because I think that will lead to a lot of art majors, and I fucking hate art majors. Because of that, actually, free trade school is the idea I could probably most get behind. I'd listen to a reasonable proposal and I could maybe be convinced to pay a little bit more in taxes to make it happen.

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Because of that, actually, free trade school is the idea I could probably most get behind. I'd listen to a reasonable proposal and I could maybe be convinced to pay a little bit more in taxes to make it happen.


Agreed, at least with (most) trade school tracts you're getting a skill that, AT THE VERY LEAST, you can do something to improve your own life with. Arguably, a business degree, for example, does nothing without a job.

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Yeah, seriously, don't bring that logic. I mean, why pay for public high schools when 20% of the population drops out anyway? Don't need a high school degree to dig a ditch. Don't need junior high either. Hell, why pay for any public schools? Think of all the taxes we'd save!


There's no rational reason to cut off the normal public education track at 12th grade; I'm sure that's just some accident of history coinciding with the age of majority. As a society, we've clearly decided that there's a public benefit to an educated citizenry, so why brindle at the idea that maybe our arbitrarily chosen cutoff isn't arbitrarily correct? After all, the government already pays plenty of people to go to college in the interest of having an educated military, because the military readily acknowledges that a high school diploma doesn't cut it anymore. My dad didn't pay for college in exchange for 5 years in the service. I got 2 years of free college and half of a master's degree in exchange for... well, nothing, because I was already enlisted at that point.


Like I said, I don't like the idea of allowing anyone to go to any community college for any degree on the government's dime, because I think that will lead to a lot of art majors, and I fucking hate art majors. Because of that, actually, free trade school is the idea I could probably most get behind. I'd listen to a reasonable proposal and I could maybe be convinced to pay a little bit more in taxes to make it happen.


Wait a second, so 20% can't even graduate? So how about we address that problem first before we look at spending those tax dollars on higher education?


An even better thought, how about we fix the shattered educational system in this country?


I LOVE the idea of higher trade school education for those who want it. Maybe then we can get some manufacturing back here in this country.


I love art majors, most of them make a great cup of coffee :gabe:

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Wait a second, so 20% can't even graduate? So how about we address that problem first before we look at spending those tax dollars on higher education?


An even better thought, how about we fix the shattered educational system in this country?


Another logical fallacy is thinking that we can only working on one problem at a time.


We've fought hard to get to an 80% graduate rate; our country has never been good at learning, apparently, but we're getting better.


I love art majors, most of them make a great cup of coffee :gabe:



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Set it up as a loan with full forgiveness as long as a certain criteria is met.


ie. Graduating and maintaining a certain GPA.


THEN it might do some good.

Now you're talking. Reality is it'll never get paid back.


Yeah, seriously, don't bring that logic. I mean, why pay for public high schools when 20% of the population drops out anyway? Don't need a high school degree to dig a ditch. Don't need junior high either. Hell, why pay for any public schools? Think of all the taxes we'd save!


Wait a second, so 20% can't even graduate? So how about we address that problem first before we look at spending those tax dollars on higher education?


An even better thought, how about we fix the shattered educational system in this country?


I LOVE the idea of higher trade school education for those who want it. Maybe then we can get some manufacturing back here in this country.


Trade education would be wonderful, I realize not everyone is cut out for a desk job, but then again. Ever hire an electrician? Jeebus $$$


See a common trend here? 20% that don't graduate is likely a result of a k-12 system that is MANDATORY (as in children will get taken away if they don't go). People basically have no option not to go.


This would be different in the way that these people 'want' to go. I don't mind funding it* (*depending on how much I actually have to contribute via taxes, TBD), as long as people using the monies take it seriously. In that case I would propose what 'people in other countries' do, entrance exams. If you really want it, bust your butt, study, prove you want to be there.


Of course there will be 'liburls' that will kick and scream because you aren't giving everybody a fair chance, but I think its a fair compromise.


How we filter out people for trade school, I don't know.


But let's be serious, this is just going to be a recommendation to a Republican congress, so....

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My teachers always told me I'd dig ditches for a living. They just never told me I'd make 150k doing it.


My dream job is to operate an excavator. Lol. Seriously. My elementary school teachers were absolutely shocked to find out I ended up going to college, grad school, etc.


The point is, after high school it's all about motivation and hard work. Some people have it, and some don't. Some people end up spending the rest of their life jumping from shitty job to shitty job. Others don't get motivated until they are well past high school. Doesn't mean they can't work their way up the company they are employed by, or go back to school later to advance their career or start a new career.



I'm all for education grants and scholarships/loan programs for people to get into a two year college provided::


They have the grades to get in, and they maintain a certain gpa.


The idea of paying for everybody for any reason is bullshit.

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The hs graduation rate has come a long way, as in the 90's through about 5 years ago it was in the 60's. Also, to be fair columbus state may not have a high graduation rate but they also have something like a 30% transfer rate and 67% of the students are part time.

I'd like to see something like this happen but with strict standards like others have discussed. Though it will still turn into a student loan money grab in one way or another I fear... I would more importantly want to see changes made in the student loan world and school systems across the country because the money bleeding from those is sickning.

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My dream job is to operate an excavator. Lol. Seriously. My elementary school teachers were absolutely shocked to find out I ended up going to college, grad school, etc.


The point is, after high school it's all about motivation and hard work. Some people have it, and some don't. Some people end up spending the rest of their life jumping from shitty job to shitty job. Others don't get motivated until they are well past high school. Doesn't mean they can't work their way up the company they are employed by, or go back to school later to advance their career or start a new career.



I'm all for education grants and scholarships/loan programs for people to get into a two year college provided::


They have the grades to get in, and they maintain a certain gpa.


The idea of paying for everybody for any reason is bullshit.


I've been putting money away for my sons future since before he was born. I hope he goes to school and gets educated so that he can be succesful without having to break his back.

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My dream job is to operate an excavator. Lol. Seriously. My elementary school teachers were absolutely shocked to find out I ended up going to college, grad school, etc.


The point is, after high school it's all about motivation and hard work. Some people have it, and some don't. Some people end up spending the rest of their life jumping from shitty job to shitty job. Others don't get motivated until they are well past high school. Doesn't mean they can't work their way up the company they are employed by, or go back to school later to advance their career or start a new career.



I'm all for education grants and scholarships/loan programs for people to get into a two year college provided::


They have the grades to get in, and they maintain a certain gpa.


The idea of paying for everybody for any reason is bullshit.


this ^


When I was in tech school, there were lots and lots of older guys going to school with me. One day I asked what one of them was going for since he looked like he was retirement age or damn close. He told me he could retire within a couple years but as long as he stayed in school, his unemployment would continue. He then let me know he already attained "several" degrees over the past few years while on unemployment and was just riding the gravy train until the end. He had no desire or motivation to use those degrees or get employment. The saddest part was many of the classes he was enrolled in were limited in capacity so he basically took the spot of some poor kid who wanted to go to school to get a job but had to wait for a whole year for the program's rotation to cycle around.


Before I sign on the dotted line to hand out money to give free education, there needs to be some reform of the system. Once the schools see a free check coming in, they'll cram the classrooms full of fucking people, degrade the program to the point that people don't learn shit all in an effort to keep the gpa high enough so they get their government check. Pretty much the same problem most k-12 schools have imho.

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A bit more of the details...

Students would need to go to school at least half-time, maintain a 2.5 grade point average and make progress toward a degree.

States would have to provide about a quarter of the costs of the program, maintain existing education spending and work to reduce the need for remedial classes and repeated courses

Colleges with participating students would have to offer academic programs that fully transfer to four-year colleges or job training programs with high graduation rates that lead to degrees and certificates sought by employers.

The proposal, estimated to cost the federal government $60 billion over 10 years, could save students an average $3,800 in tuition per year. The White House estimates that if every state opted in, about 9 million students could be helped.


If that's the way it actually ended up I'm not sure i could support that. I would also like to see the GPA requirements to be 3.0 instead of 2.5. Also, their is no real incentive to finish. I almost wish it was a massive bill hanging over their head saying if you don't graduate in this time frame with at least this GPA then here you pay the 20k you have racked up. If you do complete it then we will wipe it clean.

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A bit more of the details...



If that's the way it actually ended up I'm not sure i could support that. I would also like to see the GPA requirements to be 3.0 instead of 2.5. Also, their is no real incentive to finish. I almost wish it was a massive bill hanging over their head saying if you don't graduate in this time frame with at least this GPA then here you pay the 20k you have racked up. If you do complete it then we will wipe it clean.


I'd have to agree. We need to hold students accountable for completion. Otherwise you get people who just want free shelter for a few hours a day. And 3.0 should be doable. If you're going to school on my dime you better be fucking trying

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I'd have to agree. We need to hold students accountable for completion. Otherwise you get people who just want free shelter for a few hours a day. And 3.0 should be doable. If you're going to school on my dime you better be fucking trying


Exactly. And let's be honest...a 3.0GPA is a freaking joke. If you cannot maintain a 3.0 while attending free community college you should not be there.


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Exactly. And let's be honest...a 3.0GPA is a freaking joke. If you cannot maintain a 3.0 while attending free community college you should not be there.



The problem is the schools just dumb down the courses to make it easier to attain whatever gpa is required. That's what happened when I was in school. I was the teachers assistant and we had to allow anyone on work grants to retake the test as many times as they wanted till they achieved a passing grade. Most of them would come in, write down their answers, get their failed test to see what they got right then repeat till they got a passing grade. I was shocked but my professor said his hands were tied and the admissions department made this change to allow access to better funding. (Read: free government money bitches!!!) Without holding schools to standards, they will all do the same just to get the free money. It's a shame that we used to be the hardest working country in the world, now we're a bunch of lazy freeloading fucks........

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The problem is the schools just dumb down the courses to make it easier to attain whatever gpa is required. That's what happened when I was in school. I was the teachers assistant and we had to allow anyone on work grants to retake the test as many times as they wanted till they achieved a passing grade. Most of them would come in, write down their answers, get their failed test to see what they got right then repeat till they got a passing grade. I was shocked but my professor said his hands were tied and the admissions department made this change to allow access to better funding. (Read: free government money bitches!!!) Without holding schools to standards, they will all do the same just to get the free money. It's a shame that we used to be the hardest working country in the world, now we're a bunch of lazy freeloading fucks........


Wow :nono: Our country is fucked.


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Wow :nono: Our country is fucked.



Hell, now most don't even want to go to school. They want everything online or delivered to them. Nobody wants to work or EARN a damn living any more. No wonder China is kicking our ass. They are what we used to be.

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