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New Mooney aircraft


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As an aviation enthusiast, I've always wanted and been interested in Mooney aircraft, specifically the M20.


Recently, I heard that the 60+ year old Texas-based aircraft manufacturer was purchased by Chinese investors earlier in 2014, as well as the storied Continental aircraft engine manufacturer. AVIC also has recently developed China's first commercial aircraft...as well as their own jet engine, reverse-engineered from a GE design. Oh yeah, they also own their own regional airline in China. So, you can say the Chinese government is on a tear...


It's exciting to see such investment in the general aviation industry, but in reading the article and watching the unveiling of the "new" Mooney M10, I can't help but see evidence of how we're losing a foothold in many industries where we once led the world. True capitalists will tell you that the Chinese government's support and sponsorship helps it compete unfairly in many global industries, so not much you can do there.


I look at it overall as a positive: carbon-fiber development in the industry. Thought my fellow gearheads may appreciate a greater perspective on how the world around us is changing.



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My guess for a "competitively" priced, 170kph diesel 2-seater would be $150-$225k. I'd price it lower, but diesel powerplants are 'SPENSIVE...


No way that cheap, I'm guessing 300 -400k Expecially with the g1000 in it. What's a new 172 theses days? Mid 3s isn't it

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No way that cheap, I'm guessing 300 -400k Expecially with the g1000 in it. What's a new 172 theses days? Mid 3s isn't it



I haven't been pricing new GA aircraft since I started flying 4 years ago...I couldn't afford it then and I can't afford it now. :lol:


So are they still going to be built in the US?

Because if they're built in China, might as well get a higher life insurance premium while you're at it


The M10 is being built in China, but so is Cessna's LSA, and a lot of other lower-end planes.


I took Allegiant Air out of Rickenbacker to Florida last month. They fly old, smoky MD-88s, and I noticed the tag on the main hatch frame said 10-20-83. I have less of a problem taking that old monster around the world than some of the LSA's being built in China today, "advanced-tech" or not.

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I used to work on the Mooney's (Cesna & Beech too - Avionics) and was always impressed with the people that pulled up in a Porcshe's and flew these aircraft. The cool thing was the early (Unsure about the later ones) had lightly changed / modified Porcshe engines.


Also agree w/Clay it is sad to see the US loosing so much of the manufacturuing business as this is where we learned / created so many items (Really a Porsche motor in an aircraft).


Now thy are powered by diesels (Not what attracted early Av people) and wonder if this will help the marketing or hurt it. The composite fuselage is interesting, but I have not spent much time in that area for over 20 years.

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FYI for anyone interested in this topic: the diesel mill doesn't benefit the U.S. market that much. We still have readily-available sources of 100LL (100-octane low-lead) which most of the 4- and 6-cylinder GA planes burn. Diesel propeller planes burn JetA (jet fuel) which is slightly cheaper than gas and also readily available at any decent airport in the states.



However, elsewhere in the world, 100LL is either tough to get, or ridic 'spensive: I read where 100LL may be $6.89/gal and JetA is $5.89/gal in the United States, in Europe or Asia it can be $10/gal for 100LL, and in Africa it's as high as $22/gal (if you can find it)! Mooney's diesel M10 makes a lot more sense to the rest of the world.



The performance of diesels is definitely respectable, but it'll take a worldwide shift to jetfuel-burning Cessnas for the U.S. fuel infrastructure to change IMO.

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It's exciting to see such investment in the general aviation industry, but in reading the article and watching the unveiling of the "new" Mooney M10, I can't help but see evidence of how we're losing a foothold in many industries where we once led the world. True capitalists will tell you that the Chinese government's support and sponsorship helps it compete unfairly in many global industries, so not much you can do there.


Truth is GA is dying in the United States. The production flows to where the money is and these days General Aviation in China is a growth industry.


To be honest I am happy that Mooney is in production at all, I don't particularly care who owns it and where it happens as long as the products come to market.


The only downside to people who are shopping for a used mooney, prices are going to go up again, so buy now. I can never understand why when your airplane company is out of production the value of the plane bottoms out, an old plane is just an old plane, but it does. Considering Mooney has been supporting their existing fleet with parts even when they weren't producing aircraft it shouldn't have made a difference but it did.


Just to add something personally relevant to this thread, here is dad's 1989 205 Special Edition:



He traded the 1963 M20C he and I restored back in 1994 for this airplane and we have loved it ever since (although we did love the 1963 slightly more).

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So how many people here on cr are pilots?


I'd like to be... I have a introductory flight lesson coming up, my only dilemma is justifying price! My Grandpa and both my uncles had their private license, but money was more expendable for recreational use 30-40 years ago. I'd like to get my sports license and go from there depending on my financial situation in the future!


I'm the little guy on the wing


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I've been a student pilot for the last 3 years. 48 hrs under my belt...you'd think I'd take my damn written by now!


I take my written tomorrow. I'm sitting at 64 hrs I think. When you guys get your license let me know we can all go 1/3 share on a new mooney lol

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I've been a student pilot for the last 3 years. 48 hrs under my belt...you'd think I'd take my damn written by now!


Clay, I didn't know you were taking classes... Its something I've always wanted to do. I would have definitely picked your brain at softball.... When you showed up!


- Dennis

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You're a funny guy, Dennis. :)


Actually, I have been using Sporty's, though I didn't do much flying last year so I wouldn't be surprised if I had to pony up another $300 to renew my iPad materials. I'm part of Columbus Northwest Flyers (http://www.columbusnorthwestflyers.com) and my CFI is a member there too.


No Mooney's until the kids are out of college. For now, I just rent when I fly; far more economical. Call me in 20 years about that Rocket 231. :D

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You're a funny guy, Dennis. :)


Actually, I have been using Sporty's, though I didn't do much flying last year so I wouldn't be surprised if I had to pony up another $300 to renew my iPad materials. I'm part of Columbus Northwest Flyers (http://www.columbusnorthwestflyers.com) and my CFI is a member there too.


No Mooney's until the kids are out of college. For now, I just rent when I fly; far more economical. Call me in 20 years about that Rocket 231. :D


I'm going through the FTC at osu university. After I get my license I'm probably gonna start renting from capital city. Or delaware since I live under the downwind for 10.

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