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WWCRD: Family Fraud Edition


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Dayton girl? That says it all.


They need to wipe Dayton off the map.


Not raised there, was raised in the middle of BFE but apparently something is appealing to her about getting houses in your neighborhood shot at and living next door to a crack house. She was afforded every opportunity most people arent and she decided not to use them.

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I'm sorry I misread.. Have you checked Amazon prime pricing?



$170 for 4 cans (if free shipping). Each can lasts ~3 days = ~10 cans/month = $425

I have thought a lot about this for most of the night. While I don't really want kids, especially at this point in my life, this is a different circumstance and a big decision.




She does not live in Columbus, she lives in Dayton.




She basically just says "well I know it is all wrong, but I don't want to say anything because I'm scared of her and really scared of her when she yells at me"


Not joking.



Still kind of at a loss for words. Was around her again tonight and this shit is way worse than I thought. 95% sure I heard her snorting a "substance" of some sort in another room while she was holding the kid in her arms. Walked back outta that room sniffling and coughing. I wonder what that could be....

Is the kid 6 months old in that pic??

Edited by Mojoe
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$170 for 4 cans (if free shipping). Each can lasts ~3 days = ~10 cans/month = $425


Is the kid 6 months old in that pic??

I'm assuming if you are at that point you've exhausted all the other options? My sister had a milk allergy, my parents could order cartons of 12 cans of the non milk/special ones via kroger and just pick them up at the store like a special order. Kroger and giant eagle seem to have alot more options then ever before for specialty powders

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$170 for 4 cans (if free shipping). Each can lasts ~3 days = ~10 cans/month = $425


Is the kid 6 months old in that pic??


Nope, I'll see if I can get a pic of him today before I take her back home. I guess I'll be able to see what sort of living conditions they have then.

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What do your parents have to say? Sounds like you and the rest of your family need to sit them down for a "come to Jesus session". Before our society became one of enabling, they would not have made it. It was called Darwinism, and we as a society, are REVERSING the way of nature. Those least fit to reproduce are given every advantage (artificially, through govt aide), so that they produce the most offspring. It's crazy, when you step back and think about it.
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What do your parents have to say? Sounds like you and the rest of your family need to sit them down for a "come to Jesus session". Before our society became one of enabling, they would not have made it. It was called Darwinism, and we as a society, are REVERSING the way of nature. Those least fit to reproduce are given every advantage (artificially, through govt aide), so that they produce the most offspring. It's crazy, when you step back and think about it.


My dad died 4 years ago, my mom has tried but nothing really seems to work.. She knows that she lives in a shithole, laughs at the situation and will laugh at her boyfriend being a felon. I agree 100% with what you said. The idiots are pushing them out faster than cats, while the smartest are MAYBE producing...

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If it were me I would just mind my own business. In my past experiences people who eavesdrop can't be trusted. So if you can't be trusted there's probably some shit out there you're doing that you shouldn't be.


Unless you're some kind of Saint or something then I guess it'd be ok to snitch.

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If it were me I would just mind my own business. In my past experiences people who eavesdrop can't be trusted. So if you can't be trusted there's probably some shit out there you're doing that you shouldn't be.


Unless you're some kind of Saint or something then I guess it'd be ok to snitch.

You sound like a real winner.


When there is another, innocent life at stake and it's within his own family he is more than justified to "eavesdrop" on the situation.

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If it were me I would just mind my own business. In my past experiences people who eavesdrop can't be trusted. So if you can't be trusted there's probably some shit out there you're doing that you shouldn't be.


Unless you're some kind of Saint or something then I guess it'd be ok to snitch.


On CR snitches get bitches and end up with riches. :lolguy:

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Forgot to update this:


Quick update until I have time later on tonight.


Basically the guys mother and step dad smoke a whole lot of weed in the house and my sister told my mom (while laughing) that they have harder drugs in the house. I guess the house isn't a complete shit hole (compared their neighbors who had a tarp for half their roof).


This is the shortest version possible. Will edit this later.

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Forgot to update this:


Quick update until I have time later on tonight.


Basically the guys mother and step dad smoke a whole lot of weed in the house and my sister told my mom (while laughing) that they have harder drugs in the house. I guess the house isn't a complete shit hole (compared their neighbors who had a tarp for half their roof).


This is the shortest version possible. Will edit this later.




If this can be EASILY provenn call Children's Services.





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1. My suggestion is to try and be a presence in the kids life as much as possible. offer to babysit, take him to the park with your gf or mom or something. Just be around.


2. Honestly, its a matter of time before the boyfriend/baby daddy gets in trouble again and thrown back in jail. you could probably expedite the matter quicker by reporting him to his PO but either way, he's a loser and he's going back to jail.


3. NOTHING annoys me more than to see people abuse the system that I / regular people pay for. My brother does the same shit and i can barely be in the same room as him. His ex wife did similar gov scams (though not as in depth as your sister) and she eventually got in some deep shit with the IRS. As shitty and annoying as all of that is, none of it will be enough to get her kid taken away.


4. Its REALLY hard to CPS to take a child away from a family, I've seen it. That being said if what you say about drugs in the same house is true you should do something immediately.


Put it this way, what happens if someone tries to rob them or whatever illegal drugs are inside the home? Do you think they care about the 6 month old kid?! That kid is in direct danger every minute he lives with them.


If I read your previous post correctly, your mom is afraid of your sister?! Have you talked to your sister at all? honestly she doesnt sound like the type of person would would listen to reason but shit.

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1. My suggestion is to try and be a presence in the kids life as much as possible. offer to babysit, take him to the park with your gf or mom or something. Just be around.


This is probably the biggest thing you can do, be a positive role model in the kids life. One of my best friends has some real winners for siblings. Their kids, but especially the boys in the family he is sometimes able to set straight when they do dumb shit despite their parents due to him being a good example in their lives. Be a success story for the kid, show him what happens when you do the right thing and work hard.


Also, don't neglect the situation between your mother and your sister due to being blinded by how bad things are with the kid. Do what you can with your mom to make sure your sister can't take advantage of her. If she hasn't already, she will eventually come to your mother with her hand out with some sob story to scam your mom.

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1. My suggestion is to try and be a presence in the kids life as much as possible. offer to babysit, take him to the park with your gf or mom or something. Just be around.



I second this, even go so far as to suggest to your sister that you be listed as the child's emergency contact in certain cases (try to pitch it as a way of helping them out). If what you are saying is true then as pointed out it may be only a matter of time before they need to rely on that emergency contact to take the child so CPS doesn't have to foster home him when things go down.

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Couple things....


As a taxpayer I would call it into Ohio Jobs and family services as I am paying for that crap.


Working for ODJFS I would call it in as it violates so many different regs. Basically selling the EBT swipes will get them booted out right there. Claiming false habitation location is another boot out of the system.


As for the kid, I hear you.

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Thanks for all the suggestions. I truly do appreciate them.


Another thing I learned that I don't think I shared is that he has not seen or spoken with his parole officer since the child's birth, so almost 7 months now. Not sure about the stipulations on this stuff as I've never had anyone I know involved with it. I'd venture to guess this will result in a bench warrant being issued against him?


The more I think about this situation the less I really know what to do, even after reading the responses here. I've asked a lot of long time friends who have known the situation a lot more in depth since I grew up with most of them. I know what the right thing for the kid is, but if I do anything odds will be half my family won't speak with me again, this includes my mother more than likely. Half of me wants to give my sister an ultimatum about this and give her until a certain date to straighten shit out, but she is a known pathological liar and will not let any family into that house she lives in. So odds are then that nothing will be changed and she will just lie about all of it changing. The other half wants to call it in right now and see what happens and try to keep my name out of it, or at least her knowing for now. In reality I can pretty confidently say nothing will change until the dad is thrown back into jail, and then I see things getting either one hell of a lot worse, or her moving in with my mom, which would be awesome for the kid.

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I think you are taking the wrong outlook on this. Your anger over the illegal activity is at odds with your concern for the welfare of the child. Put the welfare of the child first and find ways to be involved with the kid. The illegal activity is what it is, steer clear of it, it won't take long for someone to catch on or something else happen and they need you to watch out for the child.


I don't think you need to give anyone an ultimatum, and in fact you yourself admit it will make the situation worse. Make the situation for the kid better, if your sister and her boyfriend is really heading for the graybar hotel let them get their on their own. You can set certain things on your terms, like if you babysit do it at your place only, to keep you clear of their nuttiness.


Figure out your priorities - compassion or vengeance. you can't have both.

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If this can be EASILY provenn call Children's Services.







I dont want to chat a lot about it but I am going through something similar.


I anonymously called child services, made a report about child neglect and drug use around the children. Exagrattrated on some facts to make it seem more dire. They showed up at the bitches house the next day for questions and I believe forced her to take a drug test. Failed the test with multiple substances. Started the whole process real quick. I dont want my family member to lose his kids but when both parents give no fucks about their own kids you have to do something.


Good luck and only worry about the kids future.

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