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Reasonable Price for Used Plasma

Fiji ST

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A family friend is offering my her Hitachi P50H401 50-inch Plasma TV for $325. Everything works and it's a really nice TV, but it is 6 years old. Is that a fair price? I have no idea how to price out used electronics. Plus I don't want to be an asshole to this person and low-ball her.



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That is an LED, but still 55". We had a few non-smart plasma in the same range before the Super Bowl, and will likely get them again.


Dayum thats a good deal. I'm going to be looking at TVs shortly once I get moved. I'll have to keep that one in mind

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Im still a hugh plasma fan. But if its got a room with alot of light, thats the only time i recommend lcd. Now that no one makes plasma anymore, you wont be able to buy new. MC had some LG 60 inch plasma around that $500. That will he the last of them and thats a great price.

OLED will be the one to really replace the picture quality that plasma brought. But its still very pricey.

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That is an LED, but still 55". We had a few non-smart plasma in the same range before the Super Bowl, and will likely get them again.


60Hz "accelerated to 240Hz" = shit. The TV tries filling in the frames on its own and you're left with blocky outlines of whatever the camera is focused on (person walking, car driving, etc) while the background moves. Worth it as a second TV for kids or whatever I guess. I honestly miss my 60" DLP Samsung. The picture on that thing was amazing.

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60Hz "accelerated to 240Hz" = shit. The TV tries filling in the frames on its own and you're left with blocky outlines of whatever the camera is focused on (person walking, car driving, etc) while the background moves. Worth it as a second TV for kids or whatever I guess. I honestly miss my 60" DLP Samsung. The picture on that thing was amazing.


Does that make it "not as good" as a typical decent plasma then? Or is the overall picture still worth it despite that?

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60Hz "accelerated to 240Hz" = shit. The TV tries filling in the frames on its own and you're left with blocky outlines of whatever the camera is focused on (person walking, car driving, etc) while the background moves. Worth it as a second TV for kids or whatever I guess. I honestly miss my 60" DLP Samsung. The picture on that thing was amazing.


True. Many cheap HD's use shite processors and are very disappointing once you start watching sports on them or playing games. Clarity drops, blur and shit increases.

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60Hz "accelerated to 240Hz" = shit. The TV tries filling in the frames on its own and you're left with blocky outlines of whatever the camera is focused on (person walking, car driving, etc) while the background moves. Worth it as a second TV for kids or whatever I guess. I honestly miss my 60" DLP Samsung. The picture on that thing was amazing.



FWIW, most cable companies only broadcast in 60hz anyways.....


Basically filming is shot at 24hz. The cable box turns it into 60hz (or 30hz if its a shitty box). Then your TV turns displays it in 60 120 or 240. But if the source is a cable box, anything above 60hz is generated from the TV.


Although I agree with the premise of what you are saying. I usually disable any of that up-convert bullshit.

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