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Jeremy Clarkson Suspended By BBC, Top Gear Won't Air Sunday


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Well, you can't do shit like that in the workplace and not expect to be fired. I understand everyone wants to give him leniency, as do I, but would this really fly if you verbally and physically assaulted someone at work or were in turn? I know I'd be typing this after my release from arraignment and jail. :/


Either way, I hope something comes along with the 3 of them together again producing something I enjoyed at least as much as TG UK.

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So, people are still talking about this...


-Is it because the actions to fire Clarkson was justified, and people were horrified by his "behaviour"?


-Is it because his termination was unjustified, and people are horrified by the decision of the BBC?

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So, people are still talking about this...


-Is it because the actions to fire Clarkson was justified, and people were horrified by his "behaviour"?


-Is it because his termination was unjustified, and people are horrified by the decision of the BBC?


According to some he has the right to try to assault a co-worker and get away with it because of who he is :dumb:


I mean, I'm kind of a big deal in my office so I should be able to hand out stone cold stunners and tea bag some bishes with no negative outcome under that line of thought :lolguy:

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So, people are still talking about this...


-Is it because the actions to fire Clarkson was justified, and people were horrified by his "behaviour"?


-Is it because his termination was unjustified, and people are horrified by the decision of the BBC?


Can it be both? His firing was justified and I think he and everyone else he works with know it. He hasn't been begging for his job back. He's a journalist and an entertainer there will ALWAYS be a job for him in this day and age.


People are still talking about this because of the uncertainty of the future. Let's face it, we, the so-called petrolheads, created this behemoth that is known as Top Gear. Yes, the producers and hosts made the content which was top-notch, but we created the conversation, the controversy, and the worldwide reach. We helped let them know what we liked (POWAHHHHHH) and what we didn't so they could constantly improve and constantly change. Many people, myself included, weren't as impressed with their more recent series but we still tuned in to see what hilarity they were engaging in, what new big-boy-toy they were tossing around the TG track and most importantly, which was the King of Dunsfold Park.


We're still talking because we don't know what's more important. Will the institution of Top Gear itself, where the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts, soldier on as the authority in what petrolheads want to know? Or will it become a mockery of itself like TG USA?


On the other hand, will we realize that the parts that are gone, may leave, and whose future is uncertain are the true paragons of motoring? Still worthy of a conversation IMO

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We're still talking because we don't know what's more important.



I think the majority of decent human beings know what is more important. However it puts us in direct conflict with selfish desires. Plus as humans we all have difficulty with change and to a certain extent grief (not in the "loss of a loved one" way but more in the "this was important to me and now I don't have it what am I going to do?" kind of way).


We are still talking about it because really as fans we are pissed that Jezza made this decision to kill the program for us rather than us gradually losing interest as quality declined over time like viewers normally do. It leaves us wanting more.

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I think the majority of decent human beings know what is more important. However it puts us in direct conflict with selfish desires. Plus as humans we all have difficulty with change and to a certain extent grief (not in the "loss of a loved one" way but more in the "this was important to me and now I don't have it what am I going to do?" kind of way).


We are still talking about it because really as fans we are pissed that Jezza made this decision to kill the program for us rather than us gradually losing interest as quality declined over time like viewers normally do. It leaves us wanting more.


Through all this, I just keep imagining Jezza saw this scene before going all bonkers:



I hope the boys reunite with Netflix or HBO as a backer so they can have more creative freedom. It's not like they'd need to rebuild rapport.

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