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PSA: Don't Drink and Drive!!


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I think these guys should have done something more than shooting video to make sure his car doesn't get hit, but hindsight is most certainly 20/20 in this instance.


This guy in the Jeep is fucking moron and I hope he gets the book thrown at him.


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Not trying to say the dude wasn't wrong. But doesn't look like the car he turned into made any effort at an evasive maneuver. Seemed to have had a good chance a reacting and turning away to avoid it.



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Not trying to say the dude wasn't wrong. But doesn't look like the car he turned into made any effort at an evasive maneuver. Seemed to have had a good chance a reacting and turning away to avoid it.




Yea, going to have to 100% disagree with you there....


1) Drunk ass should not be behind the wheel

2) Drunk ass should not be behind the wheel

3) Drunk ass should not be behind the wheel



Just imagine, it's 2-3 am, that lady was perhaps driving home from a 3rd shift, coming back from a friends house, is probably tired, has her guard down, and is not expecting some fucking idiot to get drunk, get behind the wheel, and just turn into you at an intersection....I'd say I sympathize with her.....

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Am i the only one around here who expects everyone to pull in front of me and coasts through intersections with my foot hovering above the brake pedal?



Every... Single... Time....


Probably not. I don't go that far, but I do pay attention to anyone that is stopped. I have had too many asshats pull out in front of me to not pay attention.

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Why not have physically restrained the dude from driving in the first place instead of just recording it?


Wrongful imprisonment, kidnapping, assault... All things you could plausibly be accused of if you took such a course of action and were wrong. Imagine if you thought the guy was drunk and he just had a speech impediment. Sounds strange, but stuff like that has happened before. In addition, physically restraining drunk people is kinda dangerous if you're not trained for it and don't have police tools (i.e., mace, cuffs, TASER). People tend to fight back when grabbed. In short, even with good intentions, laying hands on someone else is risky business.


That said, I think instead of filming the shit in voyeuristic fashion the camera wielding twat probably could have done the decent thing and tried to buy the guy a cup of coffee and talk him into calling a cab or Uber.


One final thought... Clearly the guy was drunk. But damnit all, don't do roadside sobriety tests. If an officer asks you to do them, they already think you're drunk and they're just asking you to provide ammunition to confirm their suspicions and justify the arrest they're already hoping to make. Don't give it to them. There's no penalty for refusing a roadside test. (Although there is a penalty for refusing a breath/urine/blood test at the station. Don't get the two confused).


*Not legal advice. Just my .02.

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Why not have physically restrained the dude from driving in the first place instead of just recording it?


^^ this.


Wrongful imprisonment, kidnapping, assault... All things you could plausibly be accused of if you took such a course of action and were wrong. Imagine if you thought the guy was drunk and he just had a speech impediment. Sounds strange, but stuff like that has happened before.


I get it but that guy was clearly drunk.


In addition, physically restraining drunk people is kinda dangerous if you're not trained for it and don't have police tools (i.e., mace, cuffs, TASER). People tend to fight back when grabbed. In short, even with good intentions, laying hands on someone else is risky business.


Agree but 2-3 guys in a bar could do it easly and save a life. Can't help but think someone should have been calling the cops the moment he started that Jeep.

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Wrongful imprisonment, kidnapping, assault... All things you could plausibly be accused of if you took such a course of action and were wrong. Imagine if you thought the guy was drunk and he just had a speech impediment. Sounds strange, but stuff like that has happened before. In addition, physically restraining drunk people is kinda dangerous if you're not trained for it and don't have police tools (i.e., mace, cuffs, TASER). People tend to fight back when grabbed. In short, even with good intentions, laying hands on someone else is risky business.


That said, I think instead of filming the shit in voyeuristic fashion the camera wielding twat probably could have done the decent thing and tried to buy the guy a cup of coffee and talk him into calling a cab or Uber.


One final thought... Clearly the guy was drunk. But damnit all, don't do roadside sobriety tests. If an officer asks you to do them, they already think you're drunk and they're just asking you to provide ammunition to confirm their suspicions and justify the arrest they're already hoping to make. Don't give it to them. There's no penalty for refusing a roadside test. (Although there is a penalty for refusing a breath/urine/blood test at the station. Don't get the two confused).


*Not legal advice. Just my .02.



I figured that would be the general response. Because 'murica and liabaility and will sue for everything! That being said, there gets to be a point where one must analyze their conscience and ultimately do what's right, not what may get you in trouble. It's unfortunate we live in a society that puts people in such a predicament...do what's right and possibly have long lasting repercussions, or don't do what's right, let things play out, and much worse happens.


And I agree, some drunk people can be dangerous...that guy, clearly was not. He could barely walk. Someone needed to walk up behind him, taser him, and have no witnesses as to who did it. There were better ways to handle that situation.

Edited by RC K9
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I think I would have been on the phone immediately telling the police that this guy is about to leave the lot and maybe they get there before he leaves. You also tell the guy that you just called the police, and that may restrain him (mentally) from leaving the lot or driving away......I agree that trying to stop a drunk person from doing something is like trying to catch a pig in a pig pen....


I think we play 'what-ifs' all day, but hopefully we all think about this for the next time we all see this situation and stop it....

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Wrongful imprisonment, kidnapping, assault... All things you could plausibly be accused of if you took such a course of action and were wrong. Imagine if you thought the guy was drunk and he just had a speech impediment. Sounds strange, but stuff like that has happened before. In addition, physically restraining drunk people is kinda dangerous if you're not trained for it and don't have police tools (i.e., mace, cuffs, TASER). People tend to fight back when grabbed. In short, even with good intentions, laying hands on someone else is risky business.


That said, I think instead of filming the shit in voyeuristic fashion the camera wielding twat probably could have done the decent thing and tried to buy the guy a cup of coffee and talk him into calling a cab or Uber.


One final thought... Clearly the guy was drunk. But damnit all, don't do roadside sobriety tests. If an officer asks you to do them, they already think you're drunk and they're just asking you to provide ammunition to confirm their suspicions and justify the arrest they're already hoping to make. Don't give it to them. There's no penalty for refusing a roadside test. (Although there is a penalty for refusing a breath/urine/blood test at the station. Don't get the two confused).


*Not legal advice. Just my .02.


100% correct. I use to work in bars for a long time and no matter how much you think you need to stop someone the average citizen has no authority to stop someone from driving drunk.


Hindsight, the establishment should never have over-served him in the first place, that's their liability. You can take his keys (which I've done before with disastrous results) but again you're putting yourself at risk for theft. There's always the option of simply calling the police BEFORE he attempts to drive.


If the video is true several people tried to persuade him from not driving and he wouldn't listen. Dumb people do dumb things.

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