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New Topic: Can people be trans-racial?


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For those who don't know, a crazy person in Spokane, WA faked being black to become the local chapter's NAACP president. Only came to light when her white parents called her out in their local news.


Now she says she identifies as being black and there is no proof here biological parents are her biological parents.


While Bruce Jenner came out as being "female" to a media circlejerk and accolades, the trans-racial person is being called a crazy-person (she is) and a liar (she is).


Trans-gender = good

Trans-racial = bad




P.S. I identify myself as an Eagle

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I think this is the biggest crock of shit I've seen. She is an embarrassment to humanity because of her actions


But there are people who genuinely feel like they were born the wrong gender so I suppose it is plausible that some may feel like they were born with the wrong race.

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But there are people who genuinely feel like they were born the wrong gender so I suppose it is plausible that some may feel like they were born with the wrong race.


people genuinely feel like they were born Jesus Christ too.


where does a biological mix-up (transgendered people who believe they were born the wrong sex) end and mental illness begin?

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people genuinely feel like they were born Jesus Christ too.


where does a biological mix-up (transgendered people who believe they were born the wrong sex) end and mental illness begin?


I think we should let the pope decide, he seems pretty well versed on matters of science :gabe:

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Do you think kristen wiig could get away with an "orange face" skit on snl?



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Plausible. If there's enough reinforcement the mind can start to believe. Maybe some Filipinos get called Latino enough that they think they really are.


The above wasn't exactly serious. I think this would strictly be an environmental, external thing whereas transgender is internal. Nurture vs. Nature. Does that apply with this woman, I don't know - she may have grown up and/or has been treated as if she was black.

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she may have grown up and/or has been treated as if she was black.


as far as anyone could tell, she was raised by white parents with adopted black siblings. she sued Howard University for discrimination for being denied a teaching position and having her artwork not featured in a display, as a result of being "white."


she might just be a professional victim?



P.S. I now identify myself as a Candle

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It's pretty well accepted now by everyone who's not an idiot that sex is not just a male or female thing. Biologically there is a big grey area.


Anyone who looks at this woman without the makeup and doesn't think she is white has a screw loose. Are we just witnessing the first time a white person tried to pass as a black person to get a job and it happened in the age of social media so that's why it's such a big deal? P.S. look up passing if you don't get the nuance of what I'm talking about here.

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Race is a human construct with no clear definition, and even our "I know it when I see it" understanding of race is based on a pretty disgusting history of racism.


Nigerian kid name Kevin adopted by white parents, grew up in some 99.9% white suburb, listens to Barry Manilow? 100% black guy.


Extremely light-skinned kid named D'vonte with 1/8 African American heritage, grew up on the south side of Chicago and doesn't have any white friends? 100% black guy.


White guy name Travis with no African American heritage, grew up on the south side of Chicago and doesn't have any white friends? 100% white guy.


Makes perfect sense. One drop rule and all that.



That said, this woman clearly has issues. If we're going to have a discussion about how stupid our compulsion to categorize people is, we should ignore this person and find someone better.

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When Norm (Littleguy) and I hang out, we identify as one whole white guy or one whole Latino guy depending on the situation, ie; white for the authorities or loans, Latino for rougher areas we live or find ourselves in or for any kind of EEO or affirmative action.


(Little background info, we're both "half-breeds", "half and halfs", "moist backs", "mutts", "spics that span", etc. ;))


In other words, we identify as asian.

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Race is a human construct with no clear definition, and even our "I know it when I see it" understanding of race is based on a pretty disgusting history of racism.


Nigerian kid name Kevin adopted by white parents, grew up in some 99.9% white suburb, listens to Barry Manilow? 100% black guy.


Extremely light-skinned kid named D'vonte with 1/8 African American heritage, grew up on the south side of Chicago and doesn't have any white friends? 100% black guy.


White guy name Travis with no African American heritage, grew up on the south side of Chicago and doesn't have any white friends? 100% white guy.


Makes perfect sense. One drop rule and all that.



That said, this woman clearly has issues. If we're going to have a discussion about how stupid our compulsion to categorize people is, we should ignore this person and find someone better.



Neither issue listed is people/society categorizing a single person, it's how the individual is self identifying.


Race is an easy way to gauge common interests or cultures. Humans just looking for a community.

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Neither issue listed is people/society categorizing a single person, it's how the individual is self identifying.


Why is that an issue though? It's because everyone says that she's self identifying incorrectly. You can't think she's wrong if you don't have a "correct" category in mind.



Which isn't to say that she's allowed to self identify as whatever she wants as long as the rest of the world works this way. She checked a box that she doesn't have a right to check, and she's been duly raked through the coals for it. But isn't this really all a bit silly?

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It's pretty well accepted now by everyone who's not an idiot that sex is not just a male or female thing. Biologically there is a big grey area.


Not sure if troll post? Biologically, it's very black and white? You either have a penis or a vagina. Now your preference in mate is another thing...

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