zeitgeist57 Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 Putting this thread in the Kitchen, because I know that's exactly the tone this conversation is going to go. That being said... As a long-time member of CR, I'm very happy to be able to share a lot of thoughts with like-minded guys/girls in the area. In addition to automotive knowledge, I've met really great paople and learned a lot that helps me in many aspects of my life. While I'm an outgoing individual, I have learned over the last two elections to NOT talk about politics in modern life. As such, I want to be honest with CR when I say I am having very strong feelings about the upcoming election season, and only want to air them here (as opposed to other social media outlets): I cannot get behind Trump as a presidential candidate, and Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry and whatever other white guys running all blend together in my head undifferentiated (aside from Kasich as our Ohio stand-in:)). The more that I hear Ben Carson speak, the more I seriously like this guy. I grit my teeth at how calm and soft-spoken he is in a high-energy campaign, but at the same time he really holds his own considering the lack of fanfare around him. The other candidate I like is Carly Fiorina, for being a strong female candidate and a good representative from the business sector. Curious of other peoples' thoughts, and if anyone really feels strongly about "their" candidate. I laugh at the Democratic side, because aside from Hillary representing all that is wrong with American politics today, she doesn't have to do anything (unless Bernie catches up) to combat the GOP until our "clown car" of candidates starts thinning out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nickey4271647545519 Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 Stand with Rand 2016 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
o0n8 Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 #FeeltheBern I don't think Hillary was expecting any sort of competition at all. Trump. No. Both sides anger me and it's truly become what candidate can I be OK getting stuck with? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forrest Gump 9 Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 How hard is it to become Mexican? Do I have to learn Spanish? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
unfunnyryan Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 zeitgeist57 said: The more that I hear Ben Carson speak, the more I seriously like this guy. I can't get behind a guy whom was a former neurosurgeon that doesn't believe in evolution and thinks that going to prison makes people gay. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Turbs3000 Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 Probably in the extreme minority here but I would say I lean towards: Bernie Kasich Hillary/Carson/Rand And Trump is not really running obviously but sure is putting on a good show and going to further his empire of printing money out of spin and bs. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BigOxley Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 #feeltheBern The GOP base would not let a woman/minority run as a presidential candidate in 2016 I love Trump shaking it up, but as a candidate...no. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fiji ST Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 All I'm going to say about this right now is if anyone votes for Clinton, you deserve whatever punishment is inflicted on you when you reach Hell. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zeitgeist57 Posted August 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 unfunnyryan said: I can't get behind a guy whom was a former neurosurgeon that doesn't believe in evolution and thinks that going to prison makes people gay. Which is why I posted this thread. Thanks, Ryan. Didn't know about the first statement...heard the second yesterday and was not dissuaded. I googled his comments on evolution and found this left-wing page: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/ben-carson-evolution-absurd-myth-give-me-break I have to admit that while I certainly believe in evolution, there are many aspects of our world I have to leave under the category of "intelligent involvement" to intervene. Then I saw this right-wing page about a very recent comment he said about use of morning-after pill: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/08/dr_ben_carson_says_to_use_abortion_pill_ru486_to_prevent_conception.html I don't need for him to believe 100% in evolution if he at least recognizes that the morning-after pill is an effective form of contraception right now. Yup, still like the guy. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LJ Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 I definitely like Kasich the most out of all candidates. Very moderate like me. I'm not into Bernie Sander's socialism at all. Carson and Trump are LOL's to me. The rest just have a view or 2 that are just too fringe for me Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HotCarl Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 Most of my family are die hard liberals and they're in love in Bernie. The few times I have heard him speak he seemed ok but he has come out as saying the second ammendment should be all but erased that no citizen's have a need for firearms at all (not a direct quote). Other than that, thats all ive heard of the guy. I like Ben Carson but his delivery is just so.... slow. its almost frustrating. I was actually worried some people were considering Trump as a legit contender. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jeffro Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 Bernie 2016. Don't believe the media lies about him not gaining traction. This dude is pulling huge numbers and is being nearly completely shrugged of by major news outlets. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mmrmnhrm Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 Yep, that's my impression of this election cycle so far. Not a single candidate from any party that I wouldn't hold my nose in voting for. Maybe Gary Johnson, if he gets the (L) nod again? Trump - A blustering blow-hard egotist is the last thing we need when dealing with Koreans and Iranians. Fiorina - Under her tenure, HP sucked. To hide the suck, they bought Compaq, and we all saw how well that went. Paul - Seems to understand domestic issues well enough, but foreign? Clinton, Bush - No... just no. There's a reason Washington retired after two terms. Sanders - Maybe it would do this country some good to see what a real socialist is like, rather than hurling it as an insult every time someone suggests government might need to be involved in restraining unfettered capitalism. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geeto67 Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 zeitgeist57 said: I laugh at the Democratic side, because aside from Hillary representing all that is wrong with American politics today Really? All that is wrong with American politics? I think trump has that covered way more than anybody else in this hunt. I'm not throwing my lot in with Hil, per se but Trump is a one man poster boy for "this election shit be fucked up". I am luke warm on Ben Carson because socially he seems to either be incredibly misinformed or towing the defacto republican party line so as to get that religious money. I also don't, as a matter of personal experience, to find physicians to even remotely knowledgeable on matters of law in this country and he has not disappointed (google ben carson and Judicial law). I also think people who advocate the flat tax don't understand how financial discrimination works in America, and double discount politicians whose justification for it is "biblical". I want to like Carly Fiorina, I really do. But her platform is business experience and frankly her track record isn't that stellar because of the Compaq deal (which HP ceremoniously fired her for). To be a little sexist for a moment - she feels more like the token woman candidate from the GOP so they can say they had a female option for voters, but straight up against HC, she's not in the same league politically and any direct face off between the two would be a slaughter favoring the democratic party. She does have some libertarian/free market positions which I find a little fascinating, mostly because of their likelihood to cripple the system as much as help it. She has the same social positions as the rest of the GOP so...meh...where are this year's Goldwater Republicans? Honestly, I am backing Trump and here is why: the Republican party needs to crash and burn for the sameness that is currently crippling their candidate pool and I think Trump could set that precedent. If he loses it will be spectacular and force the GOP to get their shit together and realize institutionalized discrimination is not an acceptable party platform and the revert back to the same political machine that used to drive equality and civil liberty in this country. If he wins, it will expose the many flaws in the system and well I have never seen a violent revolt in person before, might be nice to get some good old fashioned 1968 political unrest going in this country. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zeitgeist57 Posted August 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 Good call on Bush: when people tell me they like Jeb, I tell them no one is going to support a 4th Bush election. Not even worth the effort to follow him. Either Trump is being a "scorch the earth" vote, or a "Joe the Plumber" outspoken-candidate-of-the-times that rally the small-business-owners that feel downtrodden by what D.C. as done to them in the last 10-15 years. People get their opinions. Hillary is what is wrong with gubmint today because of the establishment mentality that gave us 3 terms of Bush presidency: just because you wield political power doesn't mean you get - or will do well with - the power to be president. However, I'm also cognizant that people voted in 8 years of Obama as a "fresh face" that did little to enhance race relations (in the U.S. and overseas) as well as economic strength of the country in the end. To be clear: I don't subscribe to know the right candidate, but I can smell the wrong ones pretty obviously at this point. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
airwg2189 Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 I like Kasich and Sanders. I fear Trump is going to ensure a Democratic victory in the election though. Mildly related, I don't think Hillary gets the nod from the DNC. She's too polarizing and she's all but burned every last bridge with the military. I know she's the popular name right now (and this is part of the problem with elections in this country - it's a popularity contest based on name familiarity instead of actual issues) but I think she'll get destroyed in the debates and someone else will get the Democrat nomination. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Turbs3000 Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 To aid this along... https://www.isidewith.com/elections/2016-presidential-quiz Promise me Bill will be VP and I may be able to hop the Hillary train... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Orion Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 Must...resist...urge........... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geeto67 Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 zeitgeist57 said: Hillary is what is wrong with gubmint today because of the establishment mentality that gave us 3 terms of Bush presidency; just because you wield political power doesn't mean you get - or will do well with - the power to be president. Wielding political power is exactly how you get to be president. But I will agree with "do well" not being a guarantee. However, people have enough fond memories of a Clinton era 1990's to maybe carry her forward - polarizing or not. Political "families" have plagued this country since the start (John Adams 2nd president and JQA, his son 6th president), so Bush's and Clinton's pose no more "wrongness" than the Kennedy's, Roosevelt's, Tafts, etc.... I don't necessarily think there is something wrong with it if the family is good about keeping the skilled politicians in check, Politics can be a "family" business as much as anything else in America can be. The Kennedy's were masterful about this, the Bush's were not at all. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Littleguy Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 I love the Clintons so I will be voting for Hillary. It would be funny however, if Ben Carson got elected, it would be proof that once you go black you don't go back. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diamonds Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 Nickey427 said: Stand with Rand 2016 Came to post this Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lauren Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 I'm sick of my Facebook newsfeed constantly filled with Sanders shit. He is he cool thing right now much like it was cool to vote for Obama in 2008. And with sanders claims to give shit away the younger generation is buying into it hook line and sinker. I also think Facebook and meme's have destroyed politics. i can see a Kaisch/Rubio ticket Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mmrmnhrm Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 Geeto67 said: Honestly, I am backing Trump and here is why: the Republican party needs to crash and burn for the sameness that is currently crippling their candidate pool and I think Trump could set that precedent. If he loses it will be spectacular and force the GOP to get their shit together and realize institutionalized discrimination is not an acceptable party platform and the revert back to the same political machine that used to drive equality and civil liberty in this country. If he wins, it will expose the many flaws in the system and well I have never seen a violent revolt in person before, might be nice to get some good old fashioned 1968 political unrest going in this country. I like the thought process here. A couple years ago, there was a delightful website/blog called Angry Patriotic Bastard, wherein was made a comment along the lines of "America is best when we're fighting each other like drunk rednecks over Daisy Duke." Sadly, when I loaded up the old domain on my phone, I got what looked like a Japanese soup recipe review site :megusta: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wagner Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
C-Mart Posted August 17, 2015 Report Share Posted August 17, 2015 Bernie Sanders is an admitted socialist. The only thing worse than full fledged government socialism is socialism light without great economists and purposeful manipulation. I will be very surprised if Hillary gets the D nomination. She has a lot of skeletons and I think the Rs are holding back on things to draw the scandals out. Trump isn't done yet. He will get bigger before an almost inevitable implosion. Like others have said I like the 'idea' of what he is doing, but instead of picking his fights he is unnecessarily going after everyone (Megyn Kelly). Cruz and Walker are too far right to get elected. I can't say I agree with everything Rand does, but his message is constant and he won't change his tune if he gets into office. He also has the best chance of pulling some left votes. Rand 16 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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