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Cameraman/Newscaster shot and killed on live: man hunt over-shooter dead


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Update - he is NOT dead- Criticlly wounded.


(woops see i was beat to the punch- sorry was making lunch)


If he shot himself in the head, he's already gone. In the off chance that he doesn't end up brain dead (and he likely will when his brain starts swelling...), there will likely not be anything left of him to understand any punishment that's coming his way.


Fucking coward.

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I'm speechless - this was my wife's sorority sister at JMU. I just don't understand people and what drive them to do such horrendous things to each other.


Reports are coming in he was angry over "race comments" the reporter made, and had a beef with the camera man over something that happend at work. He had posted about each on his twitter.


I've been angry at work, but never angry enough to ever do something like this. I guess because I understand the idea of right vs wrong and how to act like a normal person.


Keep him alive as a veggie and find fun ways to make him suffer, he is not human and should not be treated as one.

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I'm speechless - this was my wife's sorority sister at JMU. I just don't understand people and what drive them to do such horrendous things to each other.


Society's mentality to get as many 'likes' as possible along with their 15 minutes of fame. Always gotta be doing something to 1-up the previous guy.

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Reports are coming in he was angry over "race comments" the reporter made, and had a beef with the camera man over something that happend at work. He had posted about each on his twitter.


I've been angry at work, but never angry enough to ever do something like this. I guess because I understand the idea of right vs wrong and how to act like a normal person.


Keep him alive as a veggie and find fun ways to make him suffer, he is not human and should not be treated as one.



Sounds like he thought the camera man went to HR and got him fired, but that was 2 years ago...

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Sounds like he thought the camera man went to HR and got him fired, but that was 2 years ago...


Long time to get really angry, have a breakdown, and do this.


I'm sure its not his fault.

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WOW! Saw this light up the news this morning and am amazed at the insanity that walks among us. It was about as cold of a killing I've seen/heard outside a movie.


Like others have said, the guy is a coward and looney toon who deserves a most painful recovery and face the penalties of pound me in the ass prison.

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It seems odd that the lady was shot and yet she was still able to run away ... just goes to show people typically don't die at first after being shot. Sad to think about that she probably realized that she was shot and knew what was coming.
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I think it is interesting how the first person shooter perspective is given in this. Now, it comes out that he detailed how easy it was to buy a gun. Add in the racial tension factor from the church shooting that he was mad about, and the racist comment he felt a coworker made. Compounded this all with "workplace violence". Three people are reported dead from this, with a fourth still under care.


I have watched the video's several times. I'm not trained in forensics in any way, but to me, he missed several of the first shots. The reporter had zero reaction to being shot before she was off screen. I understand adrenaline very well. And there is always the element of "that's just what happened". It's likely he missed all the close shots we see in his vid, but then got everyone with the later shots. That is possible. To me, in his video, he targeted the reporter for about the first 5 shots. Somewhere around there and to the 7th shot, the cameraman's camera falls showing blood drops, indicating he had been shot. I count 14-15 shots before the shooters vid cuts. The weapon used was a Glock 19, which comes with a 15 round mag and could have had one chambered. He also could have reloaded after what video shows. I take all these things into consideration, and the fact I wasn't there. But, there are some things I have a hard time taking at face value, and I can't overlook them. I'm not saying it didn't go down the way we 99% hear it did. There are just a few things off.

Edited by Mojoe
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but to me, he missed several of the first shots. The reporter had zero reaction to being shot before she was off screen. I understand adrenaline very well. And there is always the element of "that's just what happened". It's likely he missed all the close shots we see in his vid, but then got everyone with the later shots. That is possible. To me, in his video, he targeted the reporter for about the first 5 shots. Somewhere around there and to the 7th shot, the cameraman's camera falls showing blood drops, indicating he had been shot. I count 14-15 shots before the shooters vid cuts.


^^ sounds like you nailed it Joe. there's been no release on how many times each person was shot but my guess is he ended up putting several in them once they were down. I was surprised at how many shots he took for just three people.

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Good points, Joe. From the first couple of shots, it's clear that shooting one-handed (I'm guessing holding a camera with the other) and with multiple shots killed his accuracy.


It's sad that his terrible form didn't ultimately give them enough time to escape. :(

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