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Let's discuss CR


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The short answer to this stupidity is, no we will not be moderating the forum more. It does NOT need MORE moderation. Most people are completely civilized to each other unless you overly provoke them.


that has not been my experience, nor has it been the experience of some of the other newbies. I would let them speak for themselves but most have left.


As for our mods on this forum, these are trusted members that we personally know to do what needs done on this forum. Being a moderator on this forum is voluntary and we appreciate every one of them for helping shape CR into what it is. Past and present.


One of your mods started this discussion. And I have met him in person and he's a decent guy. The point is to have a dialog and collect others' opinions. I'm glad to see you are so open to it going so far as to only call it stupidity and not something more offensive.


Unlike most other forums you need to realize most of the members on this forum know each other personally. Some jokes shared between friends may look offensive to an "outsider" which is why some people believe you need to have a thick skin to be a part of this forum. In reality most people do like each other and even hang out with each other in person.


I've met plenty of members of this forum (that still live in Cbus) and they are great in person. The people that I find are often the most proactive at being offensive are not people that go to events and meet up and generally are not present at social activities outside of the board. Sure they may know the old members from the past but....the question was about getting new people in.


And as for the kitchen and the threads in it, it is clearly marked a kitchen thread when looking at new posts. If you can't take the couple seconds to fully read what forum its in before clicking on it, this is your problem, not ours.


Again glad to hear management's position. It was a suggestion and it was brought up in a conversation about board direction and improvement. you opposition to it is noted. I am going to say those who lead lead by example and maybe responses like this are why hostility around here is so tolerated.


part of this thread was to discuss the lack of new people. it has been mentioned several times by many other that this place is too inside and hostile to newcomers. You want newcomers you have to give a little on that, or just stop wondering why there is no fresh blood.

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If you have nothing to contribute and feel you have a growing fan club of haters, not to mention your dislike for the people on the forum, what keeps bringing you back?


because whether you realize it or not, this place does have some relevancy to the larger Columbus automotive community. It's small and getting smaller, but not Everyone on here is a pain, like i said there are some that are great. Unfortunately they post less and less often and that just makes the ones that are seem louder and more vocal.


you want to have a discussion about how to turn that around I have something to contribute. you just want this to be the honeycomb hideout for you and your buddies....well...carry on.

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because whether you realize it or not, this place does have some relevancy to the larger Columbus automotive community. It's small and getting smaller, but not Everyone on here is a pain, like i said there are some that are great. Unfortunately they post less and less often and that just makes the ones that are seem louder and more vocal.


you want to have a discussion about how to turn that around I have something to contribute. you just want this to be the honeycomb hideout for you and your buddies....well...carry on.




Columbus and the surrounding communities is 1.4m+, using your own logic, that's a healthy chunk that's interested in anything automotive.....

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Columbus and the surrounding communities is 1.4m+, using your own logic, that's a healthy chunk that's interested in anything automotive.....


That's right, there is a huge population to draw from. Got to any central Ohio based automotive event and mention CR. almost everyone's heard of it. Few have anything nice to say IRL. for some reason this place has pretty high exposure but low reputation. wanna change the rep? change what goes on.

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I come home from a round trip to Elyria to find a wife who is very pissed off. Yay.


What WAS CR in 2001? It was a place where the members of COFBA and Columbus DSM could plan places to meet and street race. Period. Instead of trolling each other's forums continually (which turned into some great threads, BTW), CR was created since 99% of us did not have a cell phone or other way to contact one another other than the internet.


Between us, friends of friends, etc, CR grew enormously and very quickly as there wasn't anything else like it representing what would eventually become the 15th largest city in the country, and largest city in Ohio.


That was 14 years ago. I daily drove an LT1 Camaro, had dark brown hair, had one child, lived in an apartment, and didn't have a fucking clue what I wanted out of life. The WTC had planes flown into them a couple months before, the internet was serious business, as mentioned above, most of us didn't have cell phones, and forums were the way to go.


So what changed? The world. Technology. You name it. Hell, the LS1 was fucking king of the streets, 11s were insanely fast for a street car, and now we have factory Hondas making 300hp, and 10-second production cars that are as comfortable to drive as they are fast. I now have gray hair, BTW :D


What hasn't changed is the core members and their personas of what makes CR, CR. Sure, we don't have all the same people around, people come, people go. We've had members go to prison, had them die, leave the hobby, you name it. Yet, here we still are, in some way or another.


Are we going to change who we are? No. Will we adapt? Probably. But CR is here for those that want to hang out, cars or not, and have friends that can have a common interest.


I could literally write a novel on my feelings, but I'll leave this here and people can take it as they please.

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That's right, there is a huge population to draw from. Got to any central Ohio based automotive event and mention CR. almost everyone's heard of it. Few have anything nice to say IRL. for some reason this place has pretty high exposure but low reputation. wanna change the rep? change what goes on.


Alot of that came from the initial member rep in. Were some maybe a little to harsh? Sure, but i dont feel sorry for people who refuse to take time to read a sticky they were directed to upon signing up that told them exactly how to make it on.

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Sadly, that was brought on by association with your brother. Being he's so popular on here. It certainly wasn't deserved.


No, while my brother was a troll on here and pissed quite a few people off, I have made a few mistakes of my own (posting in the phil call out thread comes to mind). However, things have changed a lot since then.

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No, while my brother was a troll on here and pissed quite a few people off, I have made a few mistakes of my own (posting in the phil call out thread comes to mind). However, things have changed a lot since then.


I <3 that thread.



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No, while my brother was a troll on here and pissed quite a few people off, I have made a few mistakes of my own (posting in the phil call out thread comes to mind). However, things have changed a lot since then.


Like patching a Rotary back together....


I <3 that thread.




Who didn't? One of the kitchens better moments.

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Phil can come back if he contacts me and apologizes. Seriously.


I'm usually pretty thick-skinned, but the shit he said about me really put in the mood to drive back from Georgia and have a word or two with him. Him and I use to be really close, it I still smart from that last interaction.


Back to the regular broadcast.

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I come home from a round trip to Elyria to find a wife who is very pissed off. Yay.


What WAS CR in 2001? It was a place where the members of COFBA and Columbus DSM could plan places to meet and street race. Period. Instead of trolling each other's forums continually (which turned into some great threads, BTW), CR was created since 99% of us did not have a cell phone or other way to contact one another other than the internet.


Between us, friends of friends, etc, CR grew enormously and very quickly as there wasn't anything else like it representing what would eventually become the 15th largest city in the country, and largest city in Ohio.


That was 14 years ago. I daily drove an LT1 Camaro, had dark brown hair, had one child, lived in an apartment, and didn't have a fucking clue what I wanted out of life. The WTC had planes flown into them a couple months before, the internet was serious business, as mentioned above, most of us didn't have cell phones, and forums were the way to go.


So what changed? The world. Technology. You name it. Hell, the LS1 was fucking king of the streets, 11s were insanely fast for a street car, and now we have factory Hondas making 300hp, and 10-second production cars that are as comfortable to drive as they are fast. I now have gray hair, BTW :D


What hasn't changed is the core members and their personas of what makes CR, CR. Sure, we don't have all the same people around, people come, people go. We've had members go to prison, had them die, leave the hobby, you name it. Yet, here we still are, in some way or another.


Are we going to change who we are? No. Will we adapt? Probably. But CR is here for those that want to hang out, cars or not, and have friends that can have a common interest.


I could literally write a novel on my feelings, but I'll leave this here and people can take it as they please.





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If you can remain mindful on your journey, you eventually reach a point when you realize that there is more road behind you than ahead.


The "end of the road," though still out of sight, becomes less abstract, you begin to feel the pain of it, and you start to anxiously scan the horizon for it. I've already passed the mile marker of that realization.


Perhaps this is also true of enthusiast organizations.


At the point a group becomes self-referential, it's already decoupled from its vibrancy. It can sometimes be put back on track, but like the cigar which burns out, you can re-light it but it will never really be same.


Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the center cannot hold.


At one extreme, you can try to be all things to all people, let everybody join, be the forum for any topic, anything goes.


By some fluke you might even survive despite the multitude of competitors trying to do exactly the same thing. But your members will have forgotten what the letters CR ever stood for .... Cooking Recipes? Conservative Review? By diluting yourself, you've deluded yourself.


Or, on the other hand, you can try to stay true to your roots, maintain your integrity, risk a dwindling membership. But stop denying it:


The days are numbered for amateurs driving their high-powered cars on the street in a "spirited" way.

Your children will prefer their entertainment pods which pilot themselves to their destinations.

Your grandchildren will not learn to drive at all.


And you're looking for new blood for this hobby? There'll be precious few quickenings for creatures of the night the likes of us.


I've driven my own drive and want to stay true to my route. I'm thankful for the miles I've logged. For me, it's been the journey, not the destination.


I have no other insight to offer and no advice on how to run CR. I'm grateful for the ways the members of CR have enriched my life.


*golf clap*

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As far as the site activity going down, there seems to be less new members signing up than in years past. I'm not sure how accurate this observation is, but I feel like the intro section isn't nearly as active as it once was.

Maybe I should go read the intros... sounds like there might be :popcorn: there.


The people on the board have grown (maybe not in maturity) and have more adult problems now. Kids, mortgages, loans, families, yada yada. As the group has grown up, people have branched off, gotten into different things (guns, politics, spanish monkey porn) and cars, while in most cases still a love, are now splitting time. It's just how it goes, y'all. What Doc said really is legit, we have become the metallica of local enthusiast boards. Edgy and cool garage band that rocks like no other...and now were older and doing some different stuff that a lot of the OG fans may not like.

Aye... When Eli brought me in back in '06, I had enough time to spend almost two hours a night in the gym, play EVE Online past midnight, and still get to work in time for a full 8-5 shift. Today, I'm happy if I just drive past the gym, patch the client, lay down before midnight, and slog through the morning with half a pot of coffee. But don't compare me to Metalli^WAlterni^WSymphoni^WSelloutica.

and then.....

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This place has gone through some interesting phases. I'm still around and get on almost daily to see if there are any interesting car bits to read. I rarely post about "knowing how to fix the site" though. Not sure why some seem to think that they have it all figured out. Oh well, what do I know.
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I think I am considered OG, amrite?


Accord Dood 4 lyf. Definite OG.


If I was on this site for business alone I obviously never would have posted that. I'm a member 1st and a Sponsor 2nd. I never came here for the purpose of doing business. I came here to talk racing, made a bunch of friends, and when they started doing business with me anyways I thought it was only right to try and support a group of people who supports me. If the site would suddenly ban "vending" I would still be here.


There are plenty of business owners that will blow sunshine and rainbows up your ass to your face, and talk shit about you when you aren't around. I'm not that guy. That same honesty though, is why a lot of people prefer to do business with me.


To be fair I made it a point to say you might be cool in real life and after reading his post, Tim sure thinks that is really is the case.


My point to you was merely instead of trying to change the online world, why not try to slightly modify the way YOU act in it. I seriously think if you wouldn't have had as many condescending devil's advocate posts you wouldn't have received any of the backlash that makes you want to fundamentally change the whole place.


Can attest. Most honest car salesman I've ever met. I cringe thinking of going anywhere else.


...this place kinda sucks for people doing positive things.


Like toy drives for children in need every year or any of the other charities driven from this site? Like members supporting another member riding in Pelotonia to raise money for cancer research? Perhaps you mean the fact that MANY times over members have used their own valuable time and knowledge that took them who knows how many years and educational monies to acquire to help a friend in need pro bono.


Whatever it is you mean from this, you're wrong. 100%. Uneducated and plain ol' fashioned wrong.


Have I done any racing recently? no. I had a kid and moved to ohio leaving behind my most of my cars and racing motorcycles. I'll own that. I've been a spectator at plenty of Mid-O and auto-x events here.


Lemme get this straight: you bash CR for not being more "racing oriented" b/c members have had children and "life has got in the way", yet you're in the same boat as everyone else? INTERDASTING!


Know what I am not putting into this site? I'm currently working on an old NYC "street racer" cb750 motorcycle, bringing it back to running condition after not being run for 25 years, and adding a large amount period parts I have collected over the years. the best part? has some parts on it made by Carroll Shelby and Al Dowd. In 6 months I will be restoring from the ground up an old kawasaki triple racing motorcycle that was in competition from 1971-1986 and ran at nelson, charlotte, daytona, bridgehampton, etc...I don't put this stuff into this site because really I don't need some wonk calling me a homo because I painted my exhaust white. this is kind of my point, new people who put content into the board tend to get hammered on.


Be The Geet's.

"This site needs moar racing stuffs!"

"I don't wann post my racing stuffs b/c I'm afraid someone will make fun of it."


Look man, post it and be proud. I personally have mad respect for what Farkas does but don't give a crap about having a similar vehicle myself. I like lifted trucks, he likes scraping oil pans. So what?


at this point - doesn't matter anywhere I post it is going to draw something like 2highpsi's response just because of who I am so there is no point.


Perhaps you shouldn't have painted yourself such an ugly hue. Ponder that momentarily while I use the rest of this space for an ad.




If you haven't noticed I have quite the fan club and they follow me around to call me a narcisist and a racist, and all sorts of other "ists" because I am against confederate flag guns stocks or other some nonsense. Problem isn't limited to me though, most newbies get some kind of hard time regardless, so there is no incentive.


I think you're against people who have different views and opinions than yours. Many people here don't agree. We all accept each others difference. The problem lies in the fact that you try to convince everyone that you know everything and we're all wrong just b/c we don't agree with you.


If you have nothing to contribute and feel you have a growing fan club of haters, not to mention your dislike for the people on the forum, what keeps bringing you back?




you want to have a discussion about how to turn that around I have something to contribute.


Prove it. Also, see above. "My way or you're wrong."


Anthony hit the nail on the head. I help where I can, meet where I can, support where I can, and live life. If CR were to fall apart many of the members and myself have conected via phones, facebook, or the likes.


I came for the fast cars. I stayed for the community.

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I think you're against people who have different views and opinions than yours. Many people here don't agree. We all accept each others difference. The problem lies in the fact that you try to convince everyone that you know everything and we're all wrong just b/c we don't agree with you.





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What do you know about me and my history? Part of my point is that I don't put content in here right now because this place kinda sucks for people doing positive things.



Have I done any racing recently? no. I had a kid and moved to ohio leaving behind my most of my cars and racing motorcycles. I'll own that. I've been a spectator at plenty of Mid-O and auto-x events here.


Know what I am not putting into this site? I'm currently working on an old NYC "street racer" cb750 motorcycle, bringing it back to running condition after not being run for 25 years, and adding a large amount period parts I have collected over the years. the best part? has some parts on it made by Carroll Shelby and Al Dowd. In 6 months I will be restoring from the ground up an old kawasaki triple racing motorcycle that was in competition from 1971-1986 and ran at nelson, charlotte, daytona, bridgehampton, etc...I don't put this stuff into this site because really I don't need some wonk calling me a homo because I painted my exhaust white. this is kind of my point, new people who put content into the board tend to get hammered on.


A great example of this is itzame and his Porsche 911/912 thread. lots of people hated that dude because he was a car flipper, not because of the content of the thread. it turned into a dog pile really quick.


That turned into a dog pile because he painted his story about wanting a car to keep, then posted it for sale immediately after. CR saw the hypocrisy and acted. If he would have said I'm looking for a deal to flip that thread would have ended differently.

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