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Okay, who the hell is this.......


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I gotta ask, you going to vote for him? (For those who don't know Tim, he loves himself some Republicans, and thats putting it mildly).


As a middle-of-the-road libby, (whom voted for Mccain the first time around - there's a real Presidential Candidate), I thought for sure the Republicans had learned there lesson with President Cheney in office. I was wrong. Now you go and get someone like Donald Fucking Trump to be your front-runner. L-O-FUCKING-L. He's laughable VP material on a good day:confused:


My Sister (whom is pretty damn Conservative) even said she's slightly scared that he's already achieved the following he has, I mean this is exactly how Hitler got into power. Trump is a billionare, old-money Reality-T.V. host that is more then likely (at this point) going to win the Republican Ticket. Scary, shit is Scary.

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I gotta ask, you going to vote for him? (For those who don't know Tim, he loves himself some Republicans, and thats putting it mildly).


As a middle-of-the-road libby, (whom voted for Mccain the first time around - there's a real Presidential Candidate), I thought for sure the Republicans had learned there lesson with President Cheney in office. I was wrong. Now you go and get someone like Donald Fucking Trump to be your front-runner. L-O-FUCKING-L. He's laughable VP material on a good day:confused:


My Sister (whom is pretty damn Conservative) even said she's slightly scared that he's already achieved the following he has, I mean this is exactly how Hitler got into power. Trump is a billionare, old-money Reality-T.V. host that is more then likely (at this point) going to win the Republican Ticket. Scary, shit is Scary.


Personally I don't like to quantify my political beliefs with an R or a D, HOWEVER I would say that i lean SLIGHTLY to the right on most issues. That being said, I am still in disbelief that Trump has garnered the type of following he has. Let's be honest, he's a bigot, he's threatened by strong women (and no I'm not talking about Hilary), he's all flash and no substance and I feel like there's a certain niche of America that fucking loves the guy for some reason. He is a reality TV celebrity (among other things) running for president, wtf did people expect?


I have a friend who has NEVER been politcal but now all he does is repost Trump shit on facebook. Now, I like this friend but if I'm being honest he's not the brightest guy in the world. For some reason he see's Trump as some sort of grand redemption for America, that he's suppose to "make us great again"... whatever the fuck that's suppose to mean. And I shit-you-not I heard a Trump supporter actually say, "I'll vote for Trump b/c he's already rich and you know he wont be tempted to take bribes or be bought off..." where the fuck is that big-eyed emoji when you need it.


"Trump as a candidate is like the comments section of YouTube running for president."

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I gotta ask, you going to vote for him? (For those who don't know Tim, he loves himself some Republicans, and thats putting it mildly)..


Not likely but like many, I'm far from having a decision. I also wouldn't say I'm as extreme as you indicate but that's really not important here.

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Trump is the worst thing that could happen to this country. I'm a small government appreciating, free market espousing, freedom-loving (not pretend freedom-loving, like your average Toby Keith fan, actual freedom) token libertarian, and the man is the most Hitler-esque of any modern candidate I can remember, though his persona is so ridiculous one has to wonder how much of it is an act.


Choose between a socialist/scandalous liar who deletes government-related email servers because they're somehow "private", or a bigoted lunatic, who stands firmly against the "small government" ideals his party is supposed to represent, and whose genius ideas include a giant border wall that would cost hundreds of billions to build, and wouldn't work.


We are fucked.

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Trump is the worst thing that could happen to this country. I'm a small government appreciating, free market espousing, freedom-loving (not pretend freedom-loving, like your average Toby Keith fan, actual freedom) token libertarian, and the man is the most Hitler-esque of any modern candidate I can remember, though his persona is so ridiculous one has to wonder how much of it is an act.


Choose between a socialist/scandalous liar who deletes government-related email servers because they're somehow "private", or a bigoted lunatic, who stands firmly against the "small government" ideals his party is supposed to represent, and whose genius ideas include a giant border wall that would cost hundreds of billions to build, and wouldn't work.


We are fucked.



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Trump is the worst thing that could happen to this country. I'm a small government appreciating, free market espousing, freedom-loving (not pretend freedom-loving, like your average Toby Keith fan, actual freedom) token libertarian, and the man is the most Hitler-esque of any modern candidate I can remember, though his persona is so ridiculous one has to wonder how much of it is an act.


Choose between a socialist/scandalous liar who deletes government-related email servers because they're somehow "private", or a bigoted lunatic, who stands firmly against the "small government" ideals his party is supposed to represent, and whose genius ideas include a giant border wall that would cost hundreds of billions to build, and wouldn't work.


We are fucked.


Bingo, there is no good person to vote for in 2016 from the major parties. I don't know how, but they have brought the political system in this country to a new low.


Maybe we can vote in the guy from Independence day? He does a good job getting rid of those illegal aliens without a fence :gabe:

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Trump is the worst thing that could happen to this country. I'm a small government appreciating, free market espousing, freedom-loving (not pretend freedom-loving, like your average Toby Keith fan, actual freedom) token libertarian, and the man is the most Hitler-esque of any modern candidate I can remember, though his persona is so ridiculous one has to wonder how much of it is an act.


Choose between a socialist/scandalous liar who deletes government-related email servers because they're somehow "private", or a bigoted lunatic, who stands firmly against the "small government" ideals his party is supposed to represent, and whose genius ideas include a giant border wall that would cost hundreds of billions to build, and wouldn't work.


We are fucked.


not as fucked we would be if Clinton or another demo wins

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Trump is the worst thing that could happen to this country. I'm a small government appreciating, free market espousing, freedom-loving (not pretend freedom-loving, like your average Toby Keith fan, actual freedom) token libertarian, and the man is the most Hitler-esque of any modern candidate I can remember, though his persona is so ridiculous one has to wonder how much of it is an act.


Choose between a socialist/scandalous liar who deletes government-related email servers because they're somehow "private", or a bigoted lunatic, who stands firmly against the "small government" ideals his party is supposed to represent, and whose genius ideas include a giant border wall that would cost hundreds of billions to build, and wouldn't work.


We are fucked.


Between this post and your gun thread posts I feel like we should be best friends.

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