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Get your CCW, car guys!


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Yesterday, I was driving my full-black tint, loud-exhaust, no-front plate 1995 BMW on Rt.30 near Wooster, trying to get to a client meeting at 2pm. As I come over a hill doing at LEAST 75mph in a ?? zone, I see a OSHP Charger in the median. I coast down to about 65, still trying to find a speed limit sign.


Pass the trooper, and he comes out to follow...I obviously see him. Ahh, speed limit is 60. I tap the brakes to slow down (and in a way to signal the cop that I see him, I guess:lol:) and he speeds up to me and pulls me over.


As I'm getting my DL out, I roll down the windows - so he can see me - and he's getting something out of the trunk of his cruiser. As he walks up, it's a tint-darkness-tester-thingy. I tell the officer I have my CCW, but I'm not carrying as he walks up to the car. He beams a big smile and says he sees that (assuming from running my license plate?). Asks to see my insurance card, which I have but it's an old card. He says he pulled me over for tint being too dark, no front plate, an illegal license plate cover on the rear and "I was going a little too fast". Asks me if I have current insurance and I said yes, it was on my Progressive app. I also told him I had a letter (thanks, Tom) from my optometrist saying that I'm sensitive to sunlight, hence my tint. He asks me where my front plate is, and I tell him it's in the trunk...this was a FL car, and I had no front bracket. He says that front plates are great for them if there's a hit-and-run, because it breaks away and they can identify the assailant. I nod my head and smile in understanding.


He very politely asks me to find my front plate, and try to put it back on. Gives me my drivers' license back, and tells me to have a nice day. I look at Waze...I was pulled over for less than 4 minutes.


A similar situation happened to me last Easter in Johnstown. I'll tell it to you if you ask me in person. It is soooo good to hear it [<<groupX reference]


PSA...get your f**king CCW, and be respectful of the rules and law enforcement. We all enjoy driving customized vehicles enthusiastically. It may just save you from a ticket in the future.


TL;DR = If you get a CCW, the police recognize you as a "good guy that's in the system", and are more prone to release you to enjoy your day.

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1) where can I get one of dem dere fancy optometrist letters? i have perfect eyesight (except for my debilitating light sensitivity of course) and never had a need to see one


2) i always avoided getting CCW because OH is open carry and why bother letting LEOs know you're carrying, but I am rethinking my position based on this.

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TL;DR = If you get a CCW, the police recognize you as a "good guy that's in the system", and are more prone to release you to enjoy your day.


This is flawed logic clay, you got a warning because you were a nice person. I don't have one and my last two interactions with police ended in warnings as well because I wasn't being a douchebag to the officer. same for my wife.


Also, that BMW is a bit of a cop magnet. srsly.

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TL;DR = If you get a CCW, the police recognize you as a "good guy that's in the system", and are more prone to release you to enjoy your day.


Not always. I had one that pulled me over say he didn't think ordinary citizens should carry weapons and attempted to argue with me over where I stored my gun (center console with a lid/cover). He had to go pull out his little black book to verify. I believe he would tried to pin one on me otherwise.

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Breaks off and helps identify hit and runs. They never got the guy that hit me and i handed him the plate. Or my gf that got sideswiped on 70 by a drunk driver in an escalade, or most of the customers cars that i fix. Alot times customers say the cops informed them they wouldnt come to the crash scene unless there were injuries. I fix alot of cop cars and meet many great cops but most of the time people get away with hit n skips.
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2) i always avoided getting CCW because OH is open carry and why bother letting LEOs know you're carrying, but I am rethinking my position based on this.


"Open" carrying in your car is considered concealed. You'd have to store the firearm in the trunk and re holster every time you got in and out of your car.

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This is flawed logic clay, you got a warning because you were white. I don't have one and my last two interactions with police ended in warnings as well because I wasn't being a douchebag to the officer. same for my wife.


Also, that BMW is a bit of a cop magnet. srsly.



Also, getting a CCW for the sole purpose of avoiding tickets is the wrong way to go about things.

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Also, getting a CCW for the sole purpose of avoiding tickets is the wrong way to go about things.


I just carry illegally, but drive the speed limit so I don't get pulled over. I should get my speeding permit so I don't get busted for the gun thing.


Actually, I do the opposite of that.

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Id say its because you are a grown ass old man with sensitive eyes and not a 20 something punk without any good excuses, that you got off easy. :)


I'm a "20 something punk" and have yet to be cited since I've had my CCW. Been pulled over 4 ish times speeding 10-15 over

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Was it one thing, or the other? It's all about your perspective, and realistically what the cop determined. Glad to hear it was an easy traffic stop. We all have had good ones and there have been bad ones. One thing is for sure though, person with CCW has been through a background check. Let's not bury a good feels thread in "what if's". Clay has had a couple of instances where he feels having a CCW has been a helpful addition to his demeanor in the situation. It's easy to take shots (pun intended) at someone sharing their story.



Anyone on CR do classes? I have always wondered about this, or anyone know where to take the classes for a discount?


yes mojoe on here does


here is a thread with an upcoming class




Thanks, Paul. Traffic stops and interaction with law enforcement are talked about, and walked through in the class. Along with many other scenarios.

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LOL Route 30 near Wooster. The only place in my life I get speeding tickets. I drive that road constantly. And it had nothing to do with your CHL. Why did you even tell him when you were not carrying? It is only required when you are carrying.


Last time I was pulled over by mansfield I did not have my pistol on me. The first thing they said before I could even say hi was "Do you have your gun on you?". No sir it is at home in my safe. That was the end of it. I still got a ticket.


tl;dr speeding tickets are lame

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