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How do I get the Dog smell out?


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anyone have a recommendation on an ionizer? I can't imagine a car one is all that powerful and the market is probably flooded with a lot of looks good on paper but works crap in real world.


My experience is with smaller commercial units, and they're not cheap. Like $350+, which I imagine you don't want to spend. I was thinking more along the lines of borrowing one somewhere. I'm no help there.

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I'll try to get ahold of my ex and see if she knows of any. The ones she used at work were giant shop-vac sized commercial units.


Have you tried the ozone spray? I used to use that stuff when I still smoked and it worked great. I'd spray it on the carpets/seats/headliner and then leave the windows up/doors closed on a nice sunny day. Link to it on amazon but I know walmart and the parts stores carry it.





^^ have used this and found a can here at the house if you want use it. Let me know if you're around on Tuesday either at Easton or Arlington areas.

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