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Nazareth Deli needs help


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I am sure everyone local read about the attack at Nazareth Deli, now the owner needs a different kind of help, an attorney to help fight for them:


Hello my dear beloved community,

I need your help, your voice and assistance, not your money.

Now that we are open, I am broke and about to go out of business, I have spent every penny, sweat and energy to have Nazareth back. The insurance will not pay because it was a terrorist attack. Our mayor has denied, ignored, bullied and avoided us. He did not even mention the terrorist attack in his state of the city speech which was less than 10 days after the attack. Andrew Githner shame on you. The city of Columbus did nothing for us the day after the attack. Two weeks ago on Tuesday, after Nbc 4 had a picture of Nazareth remodeling to reopen the night before, the city sends an inspector and stops us from working, even though we applied for a permit 4-6 days prior to that. This incident has cost me over $100,000. I did not ask for what happened. It's not enough that they didn't protect us, help pick us up or help us get back on our feet. I as citizen, or any citizen for that matter, should not be a victim of terrorism, and then to be victimized by the leaders, who are not doing their jobs. A 27 year old business going out of business, 20 employees about to lose their jobs, Do the leaders care, anyone, city, state or federal !? I lost evrything, I'm homeless and pennyless in my own home town. I have been here since 1987, business since 1989.

Help, i need a lawyer.

Will you stand by me? I love you man....Hany Baransi



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Also the guy did a very cool thing and kept paying his staff..... He has every right to be pissed. He's been fucked over. Now we gotta buy Terrorism Ins...


What happens when some fucker sets off a car bomb next to your car, sorry your Ins doesn't cover acts of Terrorism? Keep paying that $400-500 note and have no car, thanks for your premium.

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So he sets up a go-fund me after the attack, then goes on vacation, then comes back broke. Odd.


Still unfortunate about the insurance thing. PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF. Why even bother paying for insurance these days if theyre just going to deny your claim 60% of the time?

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So he sets up a go-fund me after the attack, then goes on vacation, then comes back broke. Odd.


Still unfortunate about the insurance thing. PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF. Why even bother paying for insurance these days if theyre just going to deny your claim 60% of the time?


He was finishing his addition to the restaurant, not sure where you are getting he went on vacation.

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So he sets up a go-fund me after the attack, then goes on vacation, then comes back broke. Odd.


Still unfortunate about the insurance thing. PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF. Why even bother paying for insurance these days if theyre just going to deny your claim 60% of the time?


Because he specifically chose not to buy terrorism insurance?

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Because he specifically chose not to buy terrorism insurance?


Terrorism insurance was bestowed upon every American on July 4th, 1776, when we fought for certain unalienable rights where the government should work to protect us and not just tax us.

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For fucks sake, man, who buys terrorism insurance? ??


What a dumb fucking thing to even sell.


If something like this happens, local government, businesses and residents should rally around their own and support the victims.


"SHOULD" is the key word here. It really sucks how things work sometimes, and this is one of those times. Everyone jumped on the story, but once the sizzle fizzle out the owner is and will be left high and dried. I hope he can tough thru this ordeal.


Lol on insurance, it's just another fucking tax. Modern day version of the mob protection.

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You must be confusing the owner with someone else.


isn't he the one that the news stations interviewed several times after? If so.....he's the one. I saw news clips during the re-opening of him laughing and hugging people. Next news cast I saw he was moving back to where ever it was he was from due to stress and had walked away from the business to let his wife run it. Now this. There's something not right with that guy. What man dumps all of that into their wife's lap?

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Who determines what constitutes a "terrorist" act? Would any demonstration of violence in pretty much any scenario constitute "terror?"


Insurance companies hate him! The one secret insurance companies don't want you to know about.

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For fucks sake, man, who buys terrorism insurance? ??


What a dumb fucking thing to even sell.


If something like this happens, local government, businesses and residents should rally around their own and support the victims.


Every commercial/business insurance policy sees the option, at least with my firm. You may think it's crazy but it's a reality.


To be considered a terrorist attack the pres/governor has to declare it a terrorist attack.


Similar how Chrostie 'determined' Sandy a 'super storm' so everyone's insurance covered it because they didn't cover hurricanes.

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That fkn sucks. When I think of terrorist attack, I don't think of a single dude with a machete. This situation strikes me as just some nutcase with a big knife.


How disappointing. The term "terrorism" is used entirely too freely.

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I think the "terrorist insurance" thing if true is utter bullshit. I would be pissed. Not sure what all is going on in this story that is true or bull but I feel for a guy who ran what seemed like a good small business and is now struggling to stay open. Not sure what role the whole event played in it all but worth looking into just for the sake of knowing.
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Every commercial/business insurance policy sees the option, at least with my firm. You may think it's crazy but it's a reality.


To be considered a terrorist attack the pres/governor has to declare it a terrorist attack.


Similar how Chrostie 'determined' Sandy a 'super storm' so everyone's insurance covered it because they didn't cover hurricanes.


Isn't terrorism insurance heavily subsidized too?

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So he sets up a go-fund me after the attack, then goes on vacation, then comes back broke. Odd.


Still unfortunate about the insurance thing. PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF. Why even bother paying for insurance these days if theyre just going to deny your claim 60% of the time?


I agree, something is not right with this story......

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