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Belgium Terrorist attack thread


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98 % of Americans are never going to relate or understand why they don't understand the violence in the world. The 1.5 % that do understand there is world violence are military, law enforcement and those whose families have lived it or experienced it and are in the US. The other .5% are people who educate themselves about the world. Understanding that you don't understand the violence, but recognizing there is a threat out there, is almost the best most can do. This is why I say you can not rationalize irrational actions. You have control over situation awareness, and your ability to limit your threat exposure, or being able to effectively react to an incident. Labeling right and wrong, or good guys and bad guys is your perception. Remember, they think you are the bad guy too. Edited by Mojoe
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98 % of Americans are never going to relate or understand why they don't understand the violence in the world. The 1.5 % that do understand there is world violence are military, law enforcement and those whose families have lived it or experienced it and are in the US. The other .5% are people who educate themselves about the world. Understanding that you don't understand the violence, but recognizing there is a threat out there, is almost the best most can do. This is why I say you can not rationalize irrational actions. You have control over situation awareness, and your ability to limit your threat exposure, or being able to effectively react to an incident. Labeling right and wrong, or good guys and bad guys is your perception. Remember, they think you are the bad guy too.


Humans have always been killing each other, so you can't pass laws, or ban objects to stop it no matter what some people try to tell you.


Ever since I took your class I always carry a higher sense of situational awareness and have a way to protect myself available at all times.


Bad people are going to do bad things no matter what, its how you react that will help determine the outcome for you.

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98 % of Americans are never going to relate or understand why they don't understand the violence in the world. The 1.5 % that do understand there is world violence are military, law enforcement and those whose families have lived it or experienced it and are in the US. The other .5% are people how educate themselves about the world. Understanding that you don't understand the violence, but recognizing there is a threat out there, is almost the best most can do. This is why I say you can not rationalize irrational actions. You have control over situation awareness, and your ability to limit your threat exposure, or being able to effectively react to an incident. Labeling right and wrong, or good guys and bad guys is your perception. Remember, they think you are the bad guy too.


Its amazing to me how anti-gun people can be. "ZOMG YOU'RE SUCH A PUSSY, WHYS DO YOU NEEDS A GUNS TO PROTECTS YOUSELVES!?!"


My reaction to those people:


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I know I know... I'm not blind to whats going on in the world or world history... I just feel like, where does it all end? ya know? :confused:


When the oil runs dry and they no longer have the means to purchase weapons and regress to throwing stones.

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This is why I say you can not rationalize irrational actions.


My assumption is for every one of these attacks, the attackers do not consider their actions to be irrational. They believe what they are doing is the right thing. Either for religious or political reasons they are the good guys in whatever war they are fighting. We think of the Germans and Japanese in WWII as the bad guys, but they were fighting for their country. They were patriots. From their point of view they were fighting against the bad guys (us).


As long as we look from the outside in (from our point of view), we'll never see what they see. Their actions are completely rational to them from their point of view. They are defending their way of life. They cannot stand against us directly so they lurk in the shadows and strike when they have the opportunity. We did the same in the American Revolution. We violated the rules of honorable warfare by targeting officers and by not going toe to toe with the British solders.


By no means do I condone their tactics. I am revolted by these attacks. But to look at the overall climate only from our point of view will guarantee these attacks will continue, and they will only get worse.

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We think of the Germans and Japanese in WWII as the bad guys, but they were fighting for their country. They were patriots. From their point of view they were fighting against the bad guys (us).


slow your roll there and go read the transcripts from the Nuremberg trials (esp the doctors trials). They knew genocide was wrong and still acted. "I was just following orders" was so cliche it became a joke.


I get your point, just Nazi Germany is a bad example because a lot of the unethical orders reform in the military comes from that.


Everybody is fighting for something, just the methods and the enemies change.

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Its amazing to me how anti-gun people can be. "ZOMG YOU'RE SUCH A PUSSY, WHYS DO YOU NEEDS A GUNS TO PROTECTS YOUSELVES!?!"


Not that this is thread in which to bring this shit up or anything, but let me ask you this (from one pro-gun guy to another), how would guns have prevented any of this particular incident, or improved the outcome? I am doubtful that it would have at all.


Now, can we continue with the discussion re: the terrorist attack in Belgium without any further political axe grinding interruptions, please?

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My assumption is for every one of these attacks, the attackers do not consider their actions to be irrational. They believe what they are doing is the right thing. Either for religious or political reasons they are the good guys in whatever war they are fighting. We think of the Germans and Japanese in WWII as the bad guys, but they were fighting for their country. They were patriots. From their point of view they were fighting against the bad guys (us).


As long as we look from the outside in (from our point of view), we'll never see what they see. Their actions are completely rational to them from their point of view. They are defending their way of life. They cannot stand against us directly so they lurk in the shadows and strike when they have the opportunity. We did the same in the American Revolution. We violated the rules of honorable warfare by targeting officers and by not going toe to toe with the British solders.


By no means do I condone their tactics. I am revolted by these attacks. But to look at the overall climate only from our point of view will guarantee these attacks will continue, and they will only get worse.



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Its amazing to me how anti-gun people can be. "ZOMG YOU'RE SUCH A PUSSY, WHYS DO YOU NEEDS A GUNS TO PROTECTS YOUSELVES!?!"


My reaction to those people:


When you have the ability to perform a judi chop at the magnitude I can, a gun is only holding you back.

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My assumption is for every one of these attacks, the attackers do not consider their actions to be irrational. They believe what they are doing is the right thing. Either for religious or political reasons they are the good guys in whatever war they are fighting. We think of the Germans and Japanese in WWII as the bad guys, but they were fighting for their country. They were patriots. From their point of view they were fighting against the bad guys (us).


As long as we look from the outside in (from our point of view), we'll never see what they see. Their actions are completely rational to them from their point of view. They are defending their way of life. They cannot stand against us directly so they lurk in the shadows and strike when they have the opportunity. We did the same in the American Revolution. We violated the rules of honorable warfare by targeting officers and by not going toe to toe with the British solders.


By no means do I condone their tactics. I am revolted by these attacks. But to look at the overall climate only from our point of view will guarantee these attacks will continue, and they will only get worse.


Not sure if you are trying to say the same thing I did in different words, or if you quoted me, thinking I didn't say the same thing.

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This is not a pro gun or anti gun situation. This is people have situational awareness, and being armed with the knowledge of reporting suspicious actions. Many people are so buried in their phones, that they have no clue of what's going on around them.


Why are there three guys pushing carts near each other, and two of them are only wearing one glove on their left hand? That's weird, maybe I need to pay attention and see if there are other things out of place with them.

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Not that this is thread in which to bring this shit up or anything, but let me ask you this (from one pro-gun guy to another), how would guns have prevented any of this particular incident, or improved the outcome? I am doubtful that it would have at all.


Now, can we continue with the discussion re: the terrorist attack in Belgium without any further political axe grinding interruptions, please?


You are correct in your assumption that a firearm might not have stopped the threat. My point is, people are fucking crazy and there certainly are instances when having a firearm might come in handy. Much like car insurance. I have spent the last 6 years working in behavioral health (Disclaimer: not a clinician) and if there is one thing i have learned, it was my second sentence.

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...My point is, people are fucking crazy and there certainly are instances when having a firearm might come in handy... I have spent the last 6 years working in behavioral health (Disclaimer: not a clinician) and if there is one thing i have learned, it was my second sentence.


I don't carry looking for a fight; I carry in case the fight comes to me and there is no possible alternative solution.


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Not sure if you are trying to say the same thing I did in different words, or if you quoted me, thinking I didn't say the same thing.


I misinterpreted what you were saying then. Many people will look at this situation (and all the similar ones before and after it) as irrational. And to them it is. I was just saying that one persons irrational act is another persons rational act. Again, I do not condone their actions.

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I misinterpreted what you were saying then. Many people will look at this situation (and all the similar ones before and after it) as irrational. And to them it is. I was just saying that one persons irrational act is another persons rational act. Again, I do not condone their actions.


Yup, that's what I was saying too.

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My assumption is for every one of these attacks, the attackers do not consider their actions to be irrational. They believe what they are doing is the right thing. Either for religious or political reasons they are the good guys in whatever war they are fighting. We think of the Germans and Japanese in WWII as the bad guys, but they were fighting for their country. They were patriots. From their point of view they were fighting against the bad guys (us).


As long as we look from the outside in (from our point of view), we'll never see what they see. Their actions are completely rational to them from their point of view. They are defending their way of life. They cannot stand against us directly so they lurk in the shadows and strike when they have the opportunity. We did the same in the American Revolution. We violated the rules of honorable warfare by targeting officers and by not going toe to toe with the British solders.


By no means do I condone their tactics. I am revolted by these attacks. But to look at the overall climate only from our point of view will guarantee these attacks will continue, and they will only get worse.


For poor Arabs joining a terrorist organization like ISIS is like joining the military. Take young men with no job and train them that through their version the Quran murder of outsiders/infidels/innocents is glorified and rewarded. Give the same young man an AK47 or suicide vest, $1000 a month (for that region very good pay), and he will do whatever you want.


I do wonder how many more attacks like this will happen before Europe can pull together and go against Russia and Iran to wipe out ISIS.

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