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Why hasn't 13 Hours been released?


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If someone were to stream/download movies from the internet it is quite odd that one would not be able to find the movie 13 hours anywhere on the internet. And then if you are looking to purchase it Walmart "presale" states December 31? Seems a bit weird they are taking so long for this movie to hit the masses.. If anyone has a connection or copy drop me a message!
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Just watched it on the plane over to London - powerful movie. Pulled on my heart strings.


Is it me or was Clinton kinda the reason why those rats in Benghazi knew where to attack, how many to bring and had coordinates on Stevens? Like her private emails were being taken and used as Intel since she would speak about classified info about the movements of Steves and his security detail.


If that's true, Clinton should just drop out of the race.

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Just watched it on the plane over to London - powerful movie. Pulled on my heart strings.


Is it me or was Clinton kinda the reason why those rats in Benghazi knew where to attack, how many to bring and had coordinates on Stevens? Like her private emails were being taken and used as Intel since she would speak about classified info about the movements of Steves and his security detail.


If that's true, Clinton should be thrown in prison for the rest of eternity



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Is it me or was Clinton kinda the reason why those rats in Benghazi knew where to attack, how many to bring and had coordinates on Stevens? Like her private emails were being taken and used as Intel since she would speak about classified info about the movements of Steves and his security detail.


It's just you, or rather it's you and everybody else who really wants to use this as a reason to hate Clinton.


The reality is A bipartisan (that means republicans and democrats) senate committee and a house of representatives armed services committee investigated and did not find Clinton at fault for any of this. Given the general displeasure the republicans have toward the Clinton, if there really was anything that would have been the time to bring it up to hurt her political career. It didn't happen because there was nothing. But don't let that get in the way of a good fiction in support of political hate.


13 hours is not a documentary film. It is a work of fiction based loosely on real events and it takes certain liberties in furtherance of being both an entertaining movie and pandering to it's audience. It brings people no closer to the truth than Oliver Stone's JFK does in solving the Kennedy Assassination or Bambi does in regulating deer populations. I am not saying it is not a good movie or not, It probably is a very good film considering the cast and production, I am just saying don't be manipulated emotionally into blurring the line between entertainment and reality.

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Is it me or was Clinton kinda the reason why those rats in Benghazi knew where to attack, how many to bring and had coordinates on Stevens? Like her private emails were being taken and used as Intel since she would speak about classified info about the movements of Steves and his security detail.


If that's true, Clinton should just drop out of the race.


I mean, there's no way a movie (that's trying to make money) based loosely on 'historical' events could be biased, change the truth or take creative liberties to fill in the story.

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It's just you, or rather it's you and everybody else who really wants to use this as a reason to hate Clinton.


The reality is A bipartisan (that means republicans and democrats) senate committee and a house of representatives armed services committee investigated and did not find Clinton at fault for any of this. Given the general displeasure the republicans have toward the Clinton, if there really was anything that would have been the time to bring it up to hurt her political career. It didn't happen because there was nothing. But don't let that get in the way of a good fiction in support of political hate.


13 hours is not a documentary film. It is a work of fiction based loosely on real events and it takes certain liberties in furtherance of being both an entertaining movie and pandering to it's audience. It brings people no closer to the truth than Oliver Stone's JFK does in solving the Kennedy Assassination or Bambi does in regulating deer populations. I am not saying it is not a good movie or not, It probably is a very good film considering the cast and production, I am just saying don't be manipulated emotionally into blurring the line between entertainment and reality.


While you are entitled to your view, I must ask what sold you? Because this committee of politicians found another politician innocent that must mean it's true right?


I won't let this ignorance fire me up, because having worked for the same companies doing the same job I know the inherent risks. We all do. What we didn't expect was for our Countries 'political leaders' to leave us to die and do nothing. Because that was what was done. Nothing. Justify that however the you want with all your expertise. But when you want to man up and stop hiding behind the computer, I'll buy your ticket on over and we will see how you feel about it.

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Simple view of those who serve, there is no greater insult to someones death than doing nothing when there were the means and knowledge that would have kept them alive. All politics aside. The end result of Benghazi was preventable. When people in leadership positions do nothing, they are not a leader.


Do something, anything, even if it's wrong. But, don't just sit by action-less.

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While you are entitled to your view, I must ask what sold you? Because this committee of politicians found another politician innocent that must mean it's true right?


I won't let this ignorance fire me up, because having worked for the same companies doing the same job I know the inherent risks. We all do. What we didn't expect was for our Countries 'political leaders' to leave us to die and do nothing. Because that was what was done. Nothing. Justify that however the you want with all your expertise. But when you want to man up and stop hiding behind the computer, I'll buy your ticket on over and we will see how you feel about it.


Nothing "sold" me....from what I know about dealing with government bureaucracy the massive amount of CYA going on in any "official" story isn't really all that "credible" either. It does have the advantage of being the official story, rather than the other position which is completely made up by at best some republican PR campaign and at worst conspiracy theorists who just want an excuse to hate someone that doesn't make them look like blatant misogynists.


Here is what I know about human nature: people in politics are opportunistic. If there was any opportunity for the "official" investigation for the republicans to drag the opposite party through the mud without getting their own hands as dirty they would have seized it and rode it into the ground. And I think that is more credible than either the "official" story, or the highly popularized republican one.


I don't believe for a second that the blame for what happened in Benghazi can be laid on any one individual, despite this republican groundswell to make it seem like it is all "Hilliary's fault". You could easily blame her as much as you can Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Regan, Bil Clinton, and both George Bushes for 50+ years of antagonistic US-Libyan relations. In just the context of the attack more than anything the intelligence system and communication systems failed those people in Benghazi. That is not one politician in Washington but a whole chain of people of various political affiliations and various roles in the government. It is just too large a system to be as "fast acting" as it needs to be sometimes.


I am not trivializing the loss of any one's life, that is tragic and it should be emotionally felt as a country. But the lesson we should be learning from this is maybe we should be rethinking our diplomatic policy toward this part of the world instead of continuing down the same 50+ year antagonistic path, and maybe we should be reviewing our intelligence and communication protocols so the CIA isn't the punchline to a bad joke being told by the international communities (I don't know that it will ever live WMDs in Iraq down, but stuff like this doesn't help either). And maybe as Americans we shouldn't be so unrealistic to think that a "radioed in airstrike" can just fix any bad situation our operatives find themselves in.


But no, instead we as a people are being emotionally manipulated to vote for one person over the other because that's how politics works, exploitative marketing at its finest. This is just another incarnation of "swift boats" or "Billy Beer" or any number of manufactured propaganda to cause people to make an emotional decision rather than a rational one. The enemy isn't another American, it is a small faction of people who assaulted a US diplomatic position, an enemy the US has spent 50+ years manufacturing through misguided foreign policy on both sides of the aisle.


TL;DR: If anybody's anger about Benghazi leads them to make a decision during a presidential election one way or the other they are a sucker. the only solace being that given the popularity of "Benghazi" as a political statement the US is full of suckers.

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