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50 dead in mass shooting in Florida


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I don't have a whole to add to this, but my thoughts:


I purchased a gun about 3 years ago and it took about 10 minutes to do my background check. 6 years ago, I had an emotional meltdown after I graduated college and had to go on heavy meds, see counselors, etc. It lasted about 1 year. I had suicidal thoughts, etc. Not one of those things came back on a background check and I was EASILY able to purchase a gun (multiple now). Depression and bi-polar run in my family, and to that point, I was the only one who didn't suffer from it. Both my parents, my sisters, my grandparents...all had it. Obviously, that isn't the only way for gun safety, but it has always been something that stuck out to me.


I don't have a solution to this, but it's getting out of control. When this is the norm, there is a serious fucking problem. I'm sure you all agree with that.


For the record, I haven't experienced an ounce of depression in almost 4.5 years. I chalk it up to improving my health, but that's for a whole other discussion.


Admittedly it's been a couple years since I've filled this form out but didn't at least one of the questions ask about your current mental health or prior treatment? I was thinking that somewhere in the section that it asks you about domestic abuse and restraining orders it also asked if you had ever been treated for mental issues or on any medication because of them.

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and here is where you go off the rails into batshit crazy land. There is no communal American "values" - the American experience is different for everyone. The concept of not murdering people for a political ideology - that's pretty much a global value and not exclusive to America.


So is their condoning of killing someone who is gay a political or religious ideology for them? Is it one in the same with them?


It's hard to take you seriously when you talk about "American values" when you don't recognize that the American system is still struggling with institutionalized racism and sexism.


wouldn't racism and sexism be world wide struggle? I also think it's hard to take issues like racism seriously when you support a group like BLM who is filled with racism and actions that are pretty unbecoming.


Tim, In every discrimination law written in this country "national origin" is the thing that usually follows racism. Why? because hating a person because they hail from a certain country is a form of racism. This rant you have above? it's a form of bigotry, and an ugly one at that.


If I'm a bigot because I'm not tollerant of people yelling the name of Alla as they kill our people and who hate us yet hide behind our legal system while enjoying what this country has to offer in the way of jobs and freedoms to spread their ilk then I'm guilty as charged and proud of it. I don't care if they are born in Brooklyn or Syria, they are a cancer that needs removed.


The core values of the US are it's constitution and subsequent laws, a person is not hiding behind them if they are protected they are just being an American.


They are absolutely hiding. Hence the reason why we have to probe the mosques looking for the radicals they are shielding.


Are they doing something you don't like? sure. I don't like it when people burn the flag either (the stench is terrible) but the value of America is protecting individual liberties - not the individual liberties that you don't find objectionable.


I'm glad you are fine with supporting things as they are so that such events can continue. I'm sure the gay community is fine with Hil-liar-y and President Hussein Obama supporting the rights of those who feel they should be murdered in order to set them free. No worries, I'm sure they will protect us all.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk

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I find it funny that the fact this guy was on a FBI watch list, interviewed 2 times, and still could get a gun is just being glossed over and people are howling for gun bans and such.


I mean, it is the FBI, the same .gov entity that is run by a person who thinks you can just buy a gun with a few clicks of a mouse and have no background check, that is run by HIS agency :lolguy:

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I'm a bigot because I'm not tolerant of people


This pretty much sums it up Tim. It isn't about killing people vs not killing people, you just aren't tolerant of people that don't think the same as you.

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I'd like to congratulate Tim

yes....congratulations are in order





this is a pretty cool word




the shortest response

I forgot what I was going to say here



that I've ever seen from Geeto.

yeah....normally he multi-quotes a post to death. :D

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I find it funny that the fact this guy was on a FBI watch list, interviewed 2 times, and still could get a gun is just being glossed over and people are howling for gun bans and such.


You could write many many many books about how fractured inter-agency communication is in the American government or how badly government intelligence reporting fails. this is proven by the many many many books written on these very subjects.


I mean, it is the FBI, the same .gov entity that is run by a person who thinks you can just buy a gun with a few clicks of a mouse and have no background check, that is run by HIS agency :lolguy:


Slow your roll there...the FBI has a long standing history of being fairly independent of the Executive office, despite the lead position being appointed by the president. It is the only agency in government that can, and has (Nixon), investigate the president for wrong doing. You can't really claim the FBI is lackey of the president where 108 years of the FBI clashing with the executive office and winning say otherwise.

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The irony is so thick I can taste it.


I think Tim has a right to his opinions as much as I have a right to my opinions that his opinions suck. I am not advocating he be shipped out of the US or killed, or any other number of remedies he has suggested for those that don't support his version of "American Values", and there in lies the difference.

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You could write many many many books about how fractured inter-agency communication is in the American government or how badly government intelligence reporting fails. this is proven by the many many many books written on these very subjects.


Then wouldn't the prudent thing to do be to fix the actual problem instead of further stepping on your citizens' Rights? It seems our current NICS system (as well as many others things, I'm sure) would be much more effective if these agencies would just communicate with one another. A wound heals best from the inside out; not by slapping another Band-Aid on it. That kind of half-ass shit just leads to more infection.

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I think Tim has a right to his opinions as much as I have a right to my opinions that his opinions suck. I am not advocating he be shipped out of the US or killed, or any other number of remedies he has suggested for those that don't support his version of "American Values", and there in lies the difference.


I'm pretty tolerant of other people's views and try my best top look at the world through their eyes it's just when THEIR view is that I should DIE because of my views that I take issue with their opinion lol

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Where's all the American flag overlays for everyone's Facebook profile

Pics? We had France and Belgium flag overlays but not USA?


Its the gay pride flag

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You could write many many many books about how fractured inter-agency communication is in the American government or how badly government intelligence reporting fails. this is proven by the many many many books written on these very subjects.


you're right. time to fix that and stop dicking around with so much red tape. or you could be Obama and apologize to everyone even those that hate us and instead rant on about how guns are bad vs actually addressing the real core issues.


Slow your roll there...the FBI has a long standing history of being fairly independent of the Executive office, despite the lead position being appointed by the president. It is the only agency in government that can, and has (Nixon), investigate the president for wrong doing. You can't really claim the FBI is lackey of the president where 108 years of the FBI clashing with the executive office and winning say otherwise.


let's see if they make the right call with Clinton before you being your roll here.

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The less we share of personal beliefs on CR, the better.


Be Kerry: invite open discourse by asking others to share, and then shoot down their beliefs and values for non-conformity based on his own lens of the world around him.


Open discourse is always going to be opposing viewpoints. The way a person's knowledge grows is to understand the opposite position. It's a bit of a rabbit hole but that's not anything new. It is not disrespect to a person's opinion to see the flaw that they don't and point it out - it is supposed to cause them to think about their own opinion and whether it is as strong as they need it to be.


Where this falls apart is when you run into those who just have a blind ideology or faith which marries them to their opinions and are unwilling to consider alternatives. If your answer to this specific problem is "we should jettison those fuckers back to the land they came from" then it's a bit hard to have an actual intelligent discourse because on it's face it is just unrealistic and inflammatory.


the good news is we are all just talking about opinions here so it isn't like it's anything that really matters. If people want to get all butt hurt that someone else thinks their opinion sucks it's their baggage - these things shouldn't be so precious. At the end of the day it is entertainment, I mean nobody here is going to solve all the social ills with their words.


The point of me being "that guy with the unpopular opinion" was to offset some of the conservative bullying that plagues this site. Like everyone here I am a car guy, and I am genuinely interested in what car guys think about in all facets of life - not just cars. Having a largely one sided rhetoric drives people away, but having a lively conversation with opposing views draws people in.

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let's see if they make the right call with Clinton before you being your roll here.


you know why it will never happen? because it is a fiction. If there was anything to come out it would have happened already. Maybe there is something in the future but I'm pretty sure the people whose job it is to actually investigate crime at this level know more about this than you.

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Ask Israel how their mega-strict gun laws work at preventing Islamic terrorism. Stabbings, mowing people down with cars, etc. all seem to be pretty regular things there. This is despite strict gun bans, checkpoints, militarized police, and on and on.


The problem here is not scary "military assault rifles," or even the ignorance of a public that falls for that shit, it is radical Islam, which we have no real answer for. Instead of pragmatic solutions to this we get the firearm scapegoats and bigotry, equal parts. We're fucking doomed.

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because rigged system of political bullshit with Obama at the Helm.


Tim, either every single thing is corrupt and rigged or you are just crazy. Hint: not everything is corrupt and rigged.

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you're right I'm the only one in the country that believes this. you win.


you really have not mastered the concept of correlation vs causation. It could be you are right, or it could be evidence of an epidemic. neither is actually proof of anything. Lots of people believe in santa claus too so he must be real.




and yes I win.

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