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Today's project for our 4th of July Power Wheels Race.


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24v Barbie Mustang Conversion


Batteries and Charger Charging



Harness completed and trimming plastic to fit the 2 batteries. The cowl on the hood came in handy.



Fresh meats on all 4 corners



Need to find some bands to wrap on the rear tires to get it to hook. And ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Was thinking of plastidipping it White. Do I need to rough up plastic?


Gonna do testing tomorrow covertly as we are not showing our hand until race day. :fuckyeah:



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Nice, I'm dying to do this! I heard a dealt drill works well too.

No need to rough up for dip, just clean. As long as the first coat is light, it'll stick.

We need "Street outlaws" style test hit vids, lol.

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It was super easy, the only cutting on the harness I had to do was to cut the white wire to insert a 30amp fuse. Other than that the wires plug into the existing connector and you make a wire to go from positive to negative. I can still install the Powerwheels battery and battery tie down.
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Got a link to the 24v conversion kit you used?


No kit, had to source and buy batteries, charger, separately. Wires and connectors came from Home Depot.


This video told me what to buy and how.


This video talks about the charger.

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My son is still learning on the 12v but I will be going 24v..



As for the tires go to Walmart and look at bicycle tires. People are cutting the sidewall out and sliding the tread right on the middle. You do that and you'll be pulling the front wheels.

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Batteries charged, fitment is great, plugged them in to test, both speeds work. Testing tonight hopefully, the wife and I have our 15th anniversary dinner tonight.





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Is this a neighborhood thing? Or? Rules? :)

Here is his thread from last year




As I posted last year we live on a street with some exceptionally cool neighbors, that almost every family has multiple kids the same ages as our kids. We party on Friday nights and hang out after work quite often. Each 4th of July we get a permit from Westerville to close our street. One of the featured activities is the Power wheels drag race for all the hooligan children.


Qualifying Race 1:


Qualifying Race 2:




The pink Mustang is my daughter and defending champion. 2 Time champ! My son is her co-pilot. Rear Wheels are broken and taped and the Battery doesn't last long, may have to do the 24v conversion and find some new rear wheels for next year. Race was too close this year. ;)


Edit: I think I should put the Benny Hill music to these videos.

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Man my daughter loves this mustang so dearly, she was begging me to convert it yesterday and I gave in. (I've had everything for the conversion since December) I told her this would be the last year as she is way too big for it. Her knees stick up and she can barely drive it. I told her we should plastidip it white and give to her brother, she starts bawling and says no it's always gonna be hers. Man it breaks my heart, I'm caught in a tough spot, my son wants one (The red Porsche I think) but would take hers if I plastidipded it. However my wife does not want me to spend the $$ on one for him, and like I said Gabrielle is super attached to her pink Mustang even more so as now I own a Mustang. Gonna have to bite the bullet and have the fight with the wife after I come home with a second Power Wheel. LOL
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Is this a neighborhood thing? Or? Rules? :)


It's a street thing, we have now 34 kids on our street, with 2 to be born in the next 90 days. LOL High school should be pretty funny when they start dating each other. As for Rules, It has to be a Power Wheels is about it, and it's run what you brung as far as I am concerned. It looks stock and in Low it's 12 Volt, so when she drives down to the starting line in Low, it will look normal. She has been instructed to start the race in Low, gain traction and then once moving good shift to High and she should walk away quickly. LOL After the Qualifying race I'm sure there will be some questions and other fathers whining. So with my experience here in watching Linn, Sam, Anthony, and others I think I know how I will handle the situation. LOL

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Oh this is fantastic, love it! Sounds like you have some great problems to have, kids that love cars and are already introduced to the hobby. "Retire" her race car now that it's too small for her, put some championship stickers on it and put her on the sons pit crew? ;)
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Oh this is fantastic, love it! Sounds like you have some great problems to have, kids that love cars and are already introduced to the hobby. "Retire" her race car now that it's too small for her, put some championship stickers on it and put her on the sons pit crew? ;)


She's like Bret Favre, can't retire and wants to 3 peat bad. LOL


I'm kind of curious, one father has 2 boys and he's pretty competitive, this pink Mustang has owned his sons now 2 years. So I think there is a chance he has bought at least one gas go cart to put an end to our streak. We shall see, I'm all for this escalating to go karts though! So I'll take the loss THIS year if that happens. We shall see. Ha Ha

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Man my daughter loves this mustang so dearly, she was begging me to convert it yesterday and I gave in. (I've had everything for the conversion since December) I told her this would be the last year as she is way too big for it. Her knees stick up and she can barely drive it. I told her we should plastidip it white and give to her brother, she starts bawling and says no it's always gonna be hers. Man it breaks my heart, I'm caught in a tough spot, my son wants one (The red Porsche I think) but would take hers if I plastidipded it. However my wife does not want me to spend the $$ on one for him, and like I said Gabrielle is super attached to her pink Mustang even more so as now I own a Mustang. Gonna have to bite the bullet and have the fight with the wife after I come home with a second Power Wheel. LOL


Whoa now, doesn't your wife know you cant buy one kid something and not get the other kid one. Favoritism showing there. Use this statement to your advantage. Good luck sir.



But also better to ask for forgiveness then permission. Plus after she sees the smile and excitement on your sons face, can she really be mad at you?

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Whoa now, doesn't your wife know you cant buy one kid something and not get the other kid one. Favoritism showing there. Use this statement to your advantage. Good luck sir.


I know Right?!


But also better to ask for forgiveness then permission. Plus after she sees the smile and excitement on your sons face, can she really be mad at you?
Absolutely! And Yes, Yes she can, She's a female....LOL


LOL here is a Video of the Power Wheels Porsche GT3. LOL it's a pretty funny Ad.


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