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WWCRD: Neighbor Fencing Issue

Fiji ST

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Just sayin, if you are pointing out your property extends 24" past your fense and you make him take his gate down and not use your fence, regardless if he puts a fence up or not, you kinda need to man up and mow the 24" now. Which I'm sure you will.


Absolutely agree. My grass, my responsibility.

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Don't throw dog shit over the fence, as uncivilized as he is coming off keep the issue on topic. He unrightfully damaged your property by connecting his fence. He had no permission from you or the HOA to do so, you did the right thing in making a deadline for it to be fixed or it will be fixed for him, simple.


If it were me, I would get the city to come out and mark where your actual property line begins and ends, THEN dismantle whatever fencing is on your side. Most likely he'll blow up and be an asshole. Maybe even call the cops. But when you show them the property line made by the city it won't matter how angry he gets or what he says after that.

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Don't throw dog shit over the fence, as uncivilized as he is coming off keep the issue on topic. He unrightfully damaged your property by connecting his fence. He had no permission from you or the HOA to do so, you did the right thing in making a deadline for it to be fixed or it will be fixed for him, simple.


If it were me, I would get the city to come out and mark where your actual property line begins and ends, THEN dismantle whatever fencing is on your side. Most likely he'll blow up and be an asshole. Maybe even call the cops. But when you show them the property line made by the city it won't matter how angry he gets or what he says after that.


I just spoke to our real estate agent/family friend about this and he's connecting us with someone to resurvey/repin the property. He also confirmed that my neighbor can't block the easement to the boxes. I'm tempted to just call the city, have them come out for an inspection and tear the fence out themselves.

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Damn, this is a lot of work and drama for someone just connecting to your fence. I know it sucks and I'd be pissed too, but it's not worth getting shot over. People are fucking crazy man- it's 2016. You want this fucker killing you over someone connecting to your damn fence? Honestly, it's not worth it. The fence will be fine. Those 4x4 posts were made to hold some serious weight.
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At this point, your best bet is to A) get the survey done and the pins marked B) let the city or HOA deal with it, people are truly nuts, sometimes they need a dose of reality, i.e. the governing body to come out and tell them that they can't do what they want to other peoples property.


You could always take YOUR fence down, forcing him to put his own up, it would be a win for you.

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At this point, your best bet is to A) get the survey done and the pins marked B) let the city or HOA deal with it, people are truly nuts, sometimes they need a dose of reality, i.e. the governing body to come out and tell them that they can't do what they want to other peoples property.


You could always take YOUR fence down, forcing him to put his own up, it would be a win for you.

Lol i actually like that idea. Take sections of your fence down would force him to figure it out.

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Damn, this is a lot of work and drama for someone just connecting to your fence. I know it sucks and I'd be pissed too, but it's not worth getting shot over. People are fucking crazy man- it's 2016. You want this fucker killing you over someone connecting to your damn fence? Honestly, it's not worth it. The fence will be fine. Those 4x4 posts were made to hold some serious weight.


The point is, as we see rampant in society today, entitlement and lack of respect. If everyone was to just allow themselves to be trampled on all the time because of the .0000001% that the trampler may react with a gun when stood up to, nothing would get done. The OP's expectations are not unreasonable. Fear is a helpful tool, but it should not run your life.


came here expecting to see pics of fence down.


Me too. Am disappoint.

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I'd just remember you have to live next to this guy until you move or he moves. I mean it's a fucking fence. Do you really care that much?




Is it REALLY that big of a deal? If they didn't half-ass their sections and made sure it doesn't look like it's held together with zip-ties, why worry about it?


I don't know about you, but I have plenty of better things to worry about than 6 fucking inches of grass.

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Is it REALLY that big of a deal? If they didn't half-ass their sections and made sure it doesn't look like it's held together with zip-ties, why worry about it?


I don't know about you, but I have plenty of better things to worry about than 6 fucking inches of grass.


Problem is when the time comes to move you will fight this battle when selling. Would you rather fight it when it's new or after who knows how long of the fence being up without a issue?

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The point is, as we see rampant in society today, entitlement and lack of respect.


This is not a "new" phenomenon, the concept of adverse possession in property law is thousands of years old and exists precisely because of this situation. Dude puts a fence up on your property, and you know about it and you do nothing, over time it becomes his property. Granted in ohio he needs to have it for 15-20 years, but still - where is this notion that "entitlement and lack of respect" is newly rampant?


I'm not going to give any "legal" type opinion on this because generally this board reacts like a bunch of assholes when I do, but I will say this: If you are heading where I think this is heading (and it isn't to a confrontation with a gun but a confrontation with legal counsel) document everything. Send a registered letter to your neighbor (and keep a copy for yourself) putting him on notice that he erected a fence on your property without your permission and you are going to seek action to have the section removed that is on your property (don't tell him what action, make him guess). Every conversation you have about this with someone take written notes at the time of the conversation and date them (this will meet standards for evidence of the conversation - if you write it down a day later it may not meet the standards). Keep a written time line starting from when you had your first conversation with the neighbor till now and document things like when you sent the letter and when you spoke to the HOA. A reasonable person would give the neighbor written notice and an opportunity to correct the situation on their own so mention that in the letter.


Or you can evaluate how much time and energy you want to devote to this and decide to let it go and move on with your life.

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This is not a "new" phenomenon, the concept of adverse possession in property law is thousands of years old and exists precisely because of this situation. Dude puts a fence up on your property, and you know about it and you do nothing, over time it becomes his property. Granted in ohio he needs to have it for 15-20 years, but still - where is this notion that "entitlement and lack of respect" is newly rampant?


I'm not going to give any "legal" type opinion on this because generally this board reacts like a bunch of assholes when I do, but I will say this: If you are heading where I think this is heading (and it isn't to a confrontation with a gun but a confrontation with legal counsel) document everything. Send a registered letter to your neighbor (and keep a copy for yourself) putting him on notice that he erected a fence on your property without your permission and you are going to seek action to have the section removed that is on your property (don't tell him what action, make him guess). Every conversation you have about this with someone take written notes at the time of the conversation and date them (this will meet standards for evidence of the conversation - if you write it down a day later it may not meet the standards). Keep a written time line starting from when you had your first conversation with the neighbor till now and document things like when you sent the letter and when you spoke to the HOA. A reasonable person would give the neighbor written notice and an opportunity to correct the situation on their own so mention that in the letter.


Or you can evaluate how much time and energy you want to devote to this and decide to let it go and move on with your life.



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Problem is when the time comes to move you will fight this battle when selling. Would you rather fight it when it's new or after who knows how long of the fence being up without a issue?


A problem when he moves? How so? No realtor is going to be like, "OH YEAH, THE ASSHOLE NEIGHBORS BUILT THEIR FENCE ON 6" OF THIS LAND, SO YOU'LL HAVE TO DEAL WITH THAT IF YOU BUY THIS HOUSE." :lol:


I don't think the typical buyer would even know better, nor would they REALLY care. It's a fence.


Maybe that's just me *shrug*

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A problem when he moves? How so? No realtor is going to be like, "OH YEAH, THE ASSHOLE NEIGHBORS BUILT THEIR FENCE ON 6" OF THIS LAND, SO YOU'LL HAVE TO DEAL WITH THAT IF YOU BUY THIS HOUSE." :lol:


I don't think the typical buyer would even know better, nor would they REALLY care. It's a fence.


Maybe that's just me *shrug*


It comes up more often than you think and in every context from "where is the actual property line" to "I don't want to live next to inconsiderate asshole neighbors". Most of it though will probably be because people buying a house want to make improvements unhindered and don't want to be beholden to a neighbor without at least a discount.


People get all kinds of funny when they are spending the most amount of money they have ever spent in their life in a single transaction.

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Some of you may remember my janky old 1959 Chevy Apache pickup truck. It was a gift from an uncle of mine who lives out in Berkeley, CA. I got that truck because of a situation similar to this.


My uncle's old neighbor had erected a fence between their properties about 6" on their own side of the property, giving my uncle JUST enough space for a short gravel driveway to the backyard where he could squeeze the truck through. Old neighbor and he also helped each other out in terms of the street parking situation, with my uncle allowing the neighbor to street park in the area blocking his driveway.


Old neighbor moves out, new neighbor moves in, wants 6" more of garden space in the yard. They told my uncle to deconstruct the fence, uncle said fuck off I'm not paying to take it down, so they sent a letter asking him to do it (likely to document evidence). Eventually they just basically picked up the fence and moved it 6" into my uncle's driveway, thereby trapping the truck in the backyard. In the meantime my uncle has gotten a new truck with a pop-up camper in the bed, he also has a motorcycle and wife has a WRX so they have ways to get around. Neighbor is pissed now that they're not getting the angry reaction they want, so they start parking in front of the driveway, arguing that it's not being used since it can't access the back. Uncle has their car towed.


As retaliation, the neighbor uses their mother (who they drive around occasionally) to get a handicap placard, and petitions the city to make the spot immediately next to his driveway a handicap-only street spot. City obliges, and while the driveway is now clear, there's always the neighbor's car juuuust not giving enough space for his pop-up pickup to fit. So my uncle calls the city arguing that they're using the placard without the handicap person actually living there. Gets their car towed again, this time with a big fine for misuse of a handicap placard...SO THE NEIGHBOR MOVES THEIR MOM IN WITH THEM so they can keep the placard and use the spot all the time.


Well then my uncle's diagnosed with cancer, and gets his own handicap placard. Guess who now has a permanently parked pop-up camper in front of their house in "their" handicap-only spot?


All this comes to a head when the neighbor threatens him, and he responds by firing up the Apache for the first time in months, and drives it straight through the fence and out to the street. That day he called me and said "I've got a really nice pickup truck with some damage on the passenger side, it's yours if you can drive it back to Ohio." Turns out the new neighbor had moved the fence a couple inches into his property and he didn't damage the shit on her side of the line.


Do you want it to get to that level? Because it's probably headed there if you don't exercise ever proper legal option you have.

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This is not a "new" phenomenon, the concept of adverse possession in property law is thousands of years old and exists precisely because of this situation. Dude puts a fence up on your property, and you know about it and you do nothing, over time it becomes his property. Granted in ohio he needs to have it for 15-20 years, but still - where is this notion that "entitlement and lack of respect" is newly rampant?



I need to go back and look at my wording, but I don't believe I used the terms "new" or "newly." I will go back and check for good measure though.

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I need to go back and look at my wording, but I don't believe I used the terms "new" or "newly." I will go back and check for good measure though.


Just went a checked. Nope. I didn't use either of those words.

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Some of you may remember my janky old 1959 Chevy Apache pickup truck. It was a gift from an uncle of mine who lives out in Berkeley, CA. I got that truck because of a situation similar to this.


My uncle's old neighbor had erected a fence between their properties about 6" on their own side of the property, giving my uncle JUST enough space for a short gravel driveway to the backyard where he could squeeze the truck through. Old neighbor and he also helped each other out in terms of the street parking situation, with my uncle allowing the neighbor to street park in the area blocking his driveway.


Old neighbor moves out, new neighbor moves in, wants 6" more of garden space in the yard. They told my uncle to deconstruct the fence, uncle said fuck off I'm not paying to take it down, so they sent a letter asking him to do it (likely to document evidence). Eventually they just basically picked up the fence and moved it 6" into my uncle's driveway, thereby trapping the truck in the backyard. In the meantime my uncle has gotten a new truck with a pop-up camper in the bed, he also has a motorcycle and wife has a WRX so they have ways to get around. Neighbor is pissed now that they're not getting the angry reaction they want, so they start parking in front of the driveway, arguing that it's not being used since it can't access the back. Uncle has their car towed.


As retaliation, the neighbor uses their mother (who they drive around occasionally) to get a handicap placard, and petitions the city to make the spot immediately next to his driveway a handicap-only street spot. City obliges, and while the driveway is now clear, there's always the neighbor's car juuuust not giving enough space for his pop-up pickup to fit. So my uncle calls the city arguing that they're using the placard without the handicap person actually living there. Gets their car towed again, this time with a big fine for misuse of a handicap placard...SO THE NEIGHBOR MOVES THEIR MOM IN WITH THEM so they can keep the placard and use the spot all the time.


Well then my uncle's diagnosed with cancer, and gets his own handicap placard. Guess who now has a permanently parked pop-up camper in front of their house in "their" handicap-only spot?


All this comes to a head when the neighbor threatens him, and he responds by firing up the Apache for the first time in months, and drives it straight through the fence and out to the street. That day he called me and said "I've got a really nice pickup truck with some damage on the passenger side, it's yours if you can drive it back to Ohio." Turns out the new neighbor had moved the fence a couple inches into his property and he didn't damage the shit on her side of the line.


Do you want it to get to that level? Because it's probably headed there if you don't exercise ever proper legal option you have.


Your uncle is a BOSS! :fuckyeah:

Edited by Paul
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Just went a checked. Nope. I didn't use either of those words.


you used "rampant in society today" which I took to infer that it was not rampant in the past, mostly for my own lulz and the chance to make a pedantic snarky comment because it's CR. No real offense intended.

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He is bullying us so he could spend the least amount possible to enclose his yard. He's already pushed the neighbor to retreat behind him about the section of fence he put there because he "doesn't want anymore confrontations."


If he had tried to maybe work with us on it instead of dismissing our concerns about OUR property and lying to us as well, we could have worked this out. But the way he thought he could push around a couple of young people because of what he wanted to do is not going to fly with me. I get a fair amount of disrespect at work, and that comes with the job. I don't expect the same when I get home. I am very respectful and mindful of my neighbors, so I expect the same in return.

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He is bullying us so he could spend the least amount possible to enclose his yard. He's already pushed the neighbor to retreat behind him about the section of fence he put there because he "doesn't want anymore confrontations."


If he had tried to maybe work with us on it instead of dismissing our concerns about OUR property and lying to us as well, we could have worked this out. But the way he thought he could push around a couple of young people because of what he wanted to do is not going to fly with me. I get a fair amount of disrespect at work, and that comes with the job. I don't expect the same when I get home. I am very respectful and mindful of my neighbors, so I expect the same in return.


Hell hath no fury like a car salesman dealing with someone who isn't his customer.


EDIT: and yeah, my uncle is a badass. flower child draftee turned MC gangbanger turned radiologist turned retired outdoorsman LOL.

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He is bullying us so he could spend the least amount possible to enclose his yard. He's already pushed the neighbor to retreat behind him about the section of fence he put there because he "doesn't want anymore confrontations."


If he had tried to maybe work with us on it instead of dismissing our concerns about OUR property and lying to us as well, we could have worked this out. But the way he thought he could push around a couple of young people because of what he wanted to do is not going to fly with me. I get a fair amount of disrespect at work, and that comes with the job. I don't expect the same when I get home. I am very respectful and mindful of my neighbors, so I expect the same in return.


I agree 100%, don't let this fly. Some of the other pansies on here don't think its a big deal. Well yes its only 6 inches, or could possibly even be 24 inches if it gets confirmed either way its YOUR 6/24 inches and your fence that you paid using your hard earned money.

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Anyone see the news article this morning where two neighbors got in an argument over their sprinkler systems getting a house wet? They shot and killed each other.


Move on. There are bigger things in life to worry about than this.


Edit: Boom, here it is: http://nbc4i.com/2016/07/19/fight-over-sprinkler-systems-leaves-two-men-dead/

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Anyone see the news article this morning where two neighbors got in an argument over their sprinkler systems getting a house wet? They shot and killed each other.


Move on. There are bigger things in life to worry about than this.


Edit: Boom, here it is: http://nbc4i.com/2016/07/19/fight-over-sprinkler-systems-leaves-two-men-dead/


Yes cause that happens with every single neighbor over every dispute every time. :jerkit:


if you live your life like this scared of every small disagreement good luck lol

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