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Election '16


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If you can even call it that


Who are you for and why?


If you like Trump? How? He makes all these "great" ideas with seemingly no explanation behind them other than they will be great because he said it.


If you like Hillary? How? She has flip flopped her whole career and pandered as well. Not to mention she didn't learn from Bill's mistake to own up to a fuck up and get it over with.





I'll go stand over here while this goes up in flames.

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If you can even call it that


Who are you for and why?


If you like Trump? How? He makes all these "great" ideas with seemingly no explanation behind them other than they will be great because he said it.


If you like Hillary? How? She has flip flopped her whole career and pandered as well. Not to mention she didn't learn from Bill's mistake to own up to a fuck up and get it over with.





I'll go stand over here while this goes up in flames.


Why only two choices?


Isn't there some other psycho on the ballot in all 50 states?


That dude that wants to make heroine legal, and tax all sales at 30%?


#feelthecock? #feelthebuldge?






Thats the guy!



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Why only two choices?


Isn't there some other psycho on the ballot in all 50 states?


That dude that wants to make heroine legal, and tax all sales at 30%?


#feelthecock? #feelthebuldge?






Thats the guy!





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Why only two choices?


Isn't there some other psycho on the ballot in all 50 states?


That dude that wants to make heroine legal, and tax all sales at 30%?


#feelthecock? #feelthebuldge?






Thats the guy!




Johnson is objectively worse than both of them if you actually look into his policies. His whole appeal is he's "not Trump OR Hillary, lol!" I truly don't understand how he's getting this cult following on Reddit, Facebook, etc.


These candidates both suck, but Trump is leagues above the slimy, shady shit that Clinton has done.

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Does anyone have any good factual links to sites that show what Hilliary did wrong in Benghazi? or the whole email scandal? I am genuinely curious.


Did you download and read the latest FBI report that was all the rage a few weeks back on the email situation? Dems tried dismissing it as yet another investigation but it did go a lot deeper and provided a lot more detail and contained the interviews with the people there on-site at Benghazi. I think I have it and can email it to you in pdf form.

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