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Official Clown Show AKA Presidential Race


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Think of it like this...you just told a bunch of short people that they need to grow taller to clear a bar that taller people can already clear.


Analogy doesn't quite work. Physically I"m not going to get taller but financially and from a social / business perspective, the sky is the limit and I'm my greatest enemy at whether or not I succeed with my goals.


this country spent hundreds of years denying a class of our own citizens things the constitution promised them. It's time the country made good on those promises.


I'm pretty sure that "class" or category you're referencing has had MANY people succeed.


you realize this literally translates to let the poor die in the streets, right?


No it doesn't. What we have is letting them just continue to exist. Forcing someone to put skin-in-the-game on their own life is growing them beyond what they are today and in many cases sparking the fire in the belly that leads to success.


you keep trying to paint me as this guy that is trying to say the rich are evil and nobody should be rich, but no...I love money the same as anybody and sure people should strive to be rich, just pay your damn taxes so we can pay for soldiers, f22s, schools, and programs to help the poor.


Please....there's plenty of tax money to pay for those things. This country needs to shore-up the bleeding and fix the right that has been wrong in terms of what money was stolen from social security to fund other things. That is a MAJOR issue that will need addressed soon or at some point in the near future.


Can't pay a soldier's salary with your apple stock. Sorry. Don't try to reframe this here by expanding the type of social "good" we are talking about.


Not going to pay it with Obamafail or Hil liar y's failed ways either. All he's done is spend money and give away money he doesn't have.

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How many hours a week do you donate of your personal time volunteering?


I know it wasn't asked of me but I'll put my wife up front who no longer practices law but donates 12-16hrs per week at Old Sawmill and Davis Middle School volunteering as a math tutor and an English as a Second Language tutor for kids there. Most of her students have immigrated to the US in the recent past too.


Kerry may crack on that being my wife vs me, but together we've given up a HUGE income to not only benefit my kids but other families kids as well. To me that does count as I am left to shoulder the income for the family.


For me, I won't get into details but my work is a not for profit company that 1/3 of my budget for the job I do is towards 100% charity work.


Kerry...you're turn.

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I just want to say I hope this discussion doesn't make people hate others for their political views. I may not agree with a lot posted on here, however I set that aside as everyone has a political opinion like everyone has an asshole, and they all stink.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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How many hours a week do you donate of your personal time volunteering?


Way too much...and I still make a good living by busting my ass and donate a large percentage of my income to local charities. But I'm the asshole because I do claim my donations on my taxes. :lol:


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Way too much...and I still make a good living by busting my ass and donate a large percentage of my income to local charities. But I'm the asshole because I do claim my donations on my taxes. :lol:



Either way you're giving to charity. The Government = The Biggest Charity Fraud in history.

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And don't give me that bullshit about how my $100 is less important than someone in a lower tax bracket. Fuck that. I work just as hard for that $100. By your bullshit argument I should pay more when I go to mcdonalds too?? Taxes pay for a service. I don't think I should pay more than anyone else, let alone a higher percentage for a higher tax bracket.


The govt needs to set a poverty line, above which, you pay a flat rate

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And don't give me that bullshit about how my $100 is less important than someone in a lower tax bracket. Fuck that. I work just as hard for that $100. By your bullshit argument I should pay more when I go to mcdonalds too?? Taxes pay for a service. I don't think I should pay more than anyone else, let alone a higher percentage for a higher tax bracket.


The govt needs to set a poverty line, above which, you pay a flat rate


But. But. But you're more of a drain on society than they are. You drive more miles on the roads. You cause more damage to them. Soldiers kill more people for you than others. Clearly you use more resources than others in your daily life. So you should have to work more, and pay more.



Kidding aside, I'm not averse to paying taxes. I'd just like to see it spent wisely. The .gov is terrible at this so what makes you think their ability to fairly collect it is any different?

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By your bullshit argument I should pay more when I go to mcdonalds too??


Actually you already do, this is the economic motivation behind how coupons work. Are you clipping a lot of McDonald's coupons? No? Then you are paying more than people who take the time to clip coupons. The perceived value of the dollar is what motivates.

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Actually you already do, this is the economic motivation behind how coupons work. Are you clipping a lot of McDonald's coupons? No? Then you are paying more than people who take the time to clip coupons. The perceived value of the dollar is what motivates.


We've got a regular old philosopher just like D Wiggs over here!

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We've got a regular old philosopher just like D Wiggs over here!


It's not philosophy, it's basic economics and called "price discrimination". It is literally economics 101 (as in they teach it to entry level freshman for those who didn't go to college). You actively participate in this and you don't know how it works?

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You just assumed he doesn't use coupons. What if he does?


It's irrelevant whether he actually uses them or not.

I'm sure he is using them in some way, maybe not McDonald's but at the grocery store probably. Doesn't matter - his argument was using an analogy that contained a falsehood: that everyone pays the same price at McDonald's. I was just pointing out how that is false, that price discrimination exists and is actually an ideal that a lot of companies strive for, esp in a competitive marketplace to maximize profits.

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And don't give me that bullshit about how my $100 is less important than someone in a lower tax bracket. Fuck that. I work just as hard for that $100. By your bullshit argument I should pay more when I go to mcdonalds too?? Taxes pay for a service. I don't think I should pay more than anyone else, let alone a higher percentage for a higher tax bracket.


The govt needs to set a poverty line, above which, you pay a flat rate


There will never ever, ever, ever be a flat tax rate. They've made the tax code so complicated, it creates jobs. The more complicated it becomes, the more you needed advice, you need to consultants, you need tax lawyers, you need multiple accountants, you need IRS agents. Complicated tax code was one of the very first job creations by your US government, and it will never be simplified. You would unemploy about 45 million Americans if you went to a flat tax, the next day.

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There will never ever, ever, ever be a flat tax rate. They've made the tax code so complicated, it creates jobs. The more complicated it becomes, the more you needed advice, you need to consultants, you need tax lawyers, you need multiple accountants, you need IRS agents. Complicated tax code was one of the very first job creations by your US government, and it will never be simplified. You would unemploy about 45 million Americans if you went to a flat tax, the next day.


sounds like a plan.....get a real job....Scumbags.

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Anyone know when polling locations open tomorrow? I thought in previous years it was 6:30am, but I didn't see where the hours were for the General Election...




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Tell me it's not sketchy that somehow it only takes about a week or less for Clinton to be cleared for potentially multiple serious criminal charges and she just so happens to be cleared 2 days before the election, yet Trump isn't cleared of any of his potential charges that have been lingering? Why?
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