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Official Clown Show AKA Presidential Race


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You have to be a pretty large physicians group in a large practice area to leverage the insurance companies. That's the minority of the physicians out there. even the big hospitals break against the sea wall of the bigger companies.




It's common place where I practice medicine for the physician groups to leverage the insurance companies.

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Seems we are on the verge of that anyway, now the anti- Trump riots and protests are starting.




Who is telling you about the riots? The Media? If so, just trigger them and they'll retreat to their "safe space."


We have enough room on the Trump Train for everyone who wants to put America first. Real Trump supporters accept all AMERICANS.

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We have enough room on the Trump Train for everyone who wants to put America first. Real Trump supporters accept all AMERICANS.


Taken literally, that sounds commendable. In reality though, "putting America first" has been the phrasing used to justify some pretty unreasonable and un-american stances. I'm also fairly confident that the standard definition of AMERICANS on the Trump train differs significantly from that of most others.


Regardless though, it's over and in my mind at least not worth discussing for a whole lot longer. Trump wasn't my guy, and I couldn't being myself to vote for him (though I did vote), but now he's THE guy so now my only role is to stand back and watch. Hopefully somebody keeps a hose ready in case the fire gets out of hand. The shock and awe of the results could legitimately have positive political outcomes, I'll admit, and if Donny T ends up being a net positive for the country in 4 years I'll gladly eat my words.


I just don't see it.

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For everyone who is all doom and gloom, here are some positives with Trump


-Not a career Politician

-Repeal Obamacare

-Wants to give more power to the State

-Lower taxes for everyone

-Lower taxes for businesses

-Supports the 2nd amendment

-Create trade policies, simplify tax codes that make it easier to have production and keep businesses in the United States

-Restore our infrastructure

-Fix our education system by allowing school choice and expanding charter schools



And no, I'm not a Trump supporter but yes, I was rooting for him to win simply because of his above views/policies.

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The Trump victory cracks me up. Since when has the Republican Party, or Trump himself, ever been in the corner of the poor and uneducated voter. He won his victory on the backs of the very people he will screw over with his fiscal policy. So when immigrants leave, the unemployed are going to go pick corn or lay sod? Not likely. They never wanted those jobs and still don't. When Trump puts tariffs on foreign goods and we are forced to buy shitty quality US products at inflated prices due to the great wages they will feel just as poor. Our entire manufacturing base will turn itself into the US auto industry. Overpaid and underperforming and bailed out by the next President.
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Facebook "friend" of mine who supports HRC was bragging today about how he went around and was knocking over and destroying trump signs.


The fucking irony. What a retard.


He's worked fast food his entire life and is almost 30. I didn't have the heart to remind him of that.



He deleted his disabled his facebook today before i had a chance to read his concession post.


Cucked to the max.

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Good afternoon, Tim. You're a bit late to the discussion, but I believe the info you are looking for is on pages 1-13 of this thread. Immigrants aren't going anywhere.


Oh, thank god. His first broken campaign promise :lolguy:

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The Trump victory cracks me up. Since when has the Republican Party, or Trump himself, ever been in the corner of the poor and uneducated voter.


IIRC it was President Bush’s who wanted to push harder for extending welfare benefits but rather than welfare being a way of life he wanted to further enforce the work requirements, training, etc. so that people could stand on their own vs live on the backs of others.


He won his victory on the backs of the very people he will screw over with his fiscal policy.


Kinda like the Clintons have made their millions on the backs of our people by taking money, tons of it from Wall Street and Foreign "doners" :rolleyes: and we all know the fiscal policy of the past 8yrs was such a winner for so many too.


So when immigrants leave, the unemployed are going to go pick corn or lay sod?


LEGAL immigrants can stay. The illegals can GTFO. We'll see that corn is picked and sod is installed.


When Trump puts tariffs on foreign goods and we are forced to buy shitty quality US products at inflated prices due to the great wages they will feel just as poor. Our entire manufacturing base will turn itself into the US auto industry. Overpaid and underperforming and bailed out by the next President.


because Obamafail didn't bail out the auto industry and banks....

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How much have you lost, Tim?

Expand on your personal atrocities...


It's not just about me. I don't need to go into the impact on my world but since you mentioned it, Obama has gone well overboard at fucking our kids over with debt and shit policy.


Fuck him and his executive orders, pardons and policies that suck-ass. Fuck his private deal with Iran and bullshit way of trying to change our country into HIS version of what HE thinks we need to be. Sorry Obama, GTFO. You're a disgrace to blacks everywhere for fucking up the first black POTUS. My next gun purchase will be to spite your liberal pussy ass and I'll make sure I buy an extended magazine or two also.




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Why is everyone mad at those that voted trump? They should be mad at Hillary for not having a good strategy to winning the white house. She thought she had states in the bag, she did not. She was arrogant. Her platform was 95% against trump instead of 100% for good and "heres what I can do for you". We are smarter than that. The hispanics are smarter than that, we see that in the voting numbers. She thought telling them that Donald will deport them if he is elected was the golden ticket. She thinks everyone is stupid and can't look up the quote themselves. She treated this election like a turn nose elite that in the end was exposed to be a fraud. Edited by Panduh
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Why is everyone mad at those that voted trump? They should be mad at Hillary for not having a good strategy to winning the white house. She thought she had states in the bag, she did not. She was arrogant. Her platform was 95% against trump instead of 100% for good and "heres what I can do for you". We are smarter than that. The hispanics are smarter than that, we see that in the voting numbers. She thought telling them that Donald will deport them if he is elected. She thinks everyone is stupid and can't look up the quote themselves. She treated this election like a turn nose elite that in the end was exposed to be a fraud.


My opinion on this is that...


1) You can't blame the candidate, either people like them or they don't

2) There are other options out there.

3) Trump supporters ARE stupid and don't care about facts

4) Not sure how she was a fraud

5) She did however have a hard time connecting with the average knuckle dragger, she could have probably done a better job being popular, perhaps do a beer bong during the debates? That would have been pretty dope.

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1) You can't blame the candidate, either people like them or they don't

2) There are other options out there.


it's absolutely the candidate's fault. THEY are the ones responsible for how others see them. Their actions, track record, behavior set the stage. How well they LISTEN to the voters and how well they respond in messaging is key.


Clinton has a horrible record and she was so arrogant and self righteous about believing she deserved the position and so arrogant that she would get away with all that she did without repercussions that it all piled up and kept her for really hearing what the voters were asking for. Trump capitalized on that and won. How she couldn't hear the people calling her liar and taking that seriously is beyond me.


3) Trump supporters ARE stupid and don't care about facts
We don't need to see smoking gun in her hand to KNOW she's a guilty mother fucker. Her legal BS proved to be just that. She's a cunt and America knows it. She fucking lost to Trump...LOL, that in itself is payback enough.

4) Not sure how she was a fraud

They are all frauds to a point. Her downfall is she was blatently caught in lies time and time again and topped off not owning that with arrogance and some displaced sense of entitlement. No real surprise that it kicked her in the ass.


5) She did however have a hard time connecting with the average knuckle dragger, she could have probably done a better job being popular, perhaps do a beer bong during the debates? That would have been pretty dope.
Yep. That too. All the above combined, sprinkled with some blindness on her part cost her the election. She's a master at manipulation but horrible at hiding herself from the truth.
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