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Official Clown Show AKA Presidential Race


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I gotta step in here;


Mill-dawg, a salesman is always on his best behavior when he is trying to close the deal. Once that shit is closed, you're a problem for customer service, not him. If you expect me to believe that Trump will suddenly turn into a decent human, you are cray cray.


You arrived at this consensus with many others from whatever sources you've viewed for the last year. I've viewed different ones outside of social media and the mainstream news that helped me arrive at my conclusion. And you're too mad to give that Gettysburg delivery an honest 20, it's ok. If Hillary had won I'd be in the Dead Sea, drinking Margaritas level salty.



If I put your same goggles on DJT = Pig man set out on ruining the lives of anything not Caucasian with a penis <---but it has to be a birth right penis. Hillary = Female black jesus

If you put mine on DJT = not so bad and is formulating a plan. Hillary = Satan's knuckle baby climbed out of its sock to earth. god halp us all



"I don't have time to be pc. "





Edited by Miller
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lol, there it is.


I feel like this fits perfectly into this discussion :lolguy:


I love Jim J.'s videos and comedy. Good guy. Some touching points in his video but in reality, "love" isn't going to stop ISIS from hurting us at home. The world already sees them as the assholes and that 16yr old middle eastern kid he mentions....if they are so easily radicalized simply because they think Trump is coming after them, then they weren't really seated in accepting our culture and society thus perhaps Trump IS right in that were a danger to us.


The Muslim population here needs to ban together to stop the radicalization from even reaching our shores and our people. THEY know the culture and their people well and can do it. Some are, but many are not.


Trump and his statements are not a danger our cause of radicalization. they are no more a danger to doing that than a Playstation 360 and Grand Theft Auto is to causing a young teen to rape, steal and kill. That reality stems from the heart and soul and commitment of the person in question. If a M.E. Teen really and truly wants to be part of the American Culture and believes in it, he/she won't turn on it like that.


I have plenty of guns and I like to shoot things but I'm not so bent in the head that watching a Trump video makes me want to go crazy and shoot Muslims here in the US. If things ever reach that point, the root-cause of someone going postal isn't likely the video or Trump or whatever the "stimulus" is, it's within the persons own head and heart that they are corrupt to do bad things. Trump and his statements are being used as a scapegoat and being played off as fear mongering just like others ironically are accusing him of doing.

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You arrived at this consensus with many others from whatever sources you've viewed for the last year. I've viewed different ones outside of social media and the mainstream news that helped me arrive at my conclusion. And you're too mad to give that Gettysburg delivery an honest 20, it's ok. If Hillary had won I'd be in the Dead Sea, drinking Margaritas level salty.



If I put your same goggles on DJT = Pig man set out on ruining the lives of anything not Caucasian with a penis <---but it has to be a birth right penis. Hillary = Female black jesus

If you put mine on DJT = not so bad and is formulating a plan. Hillary = Satan's knuckle baby climbed out of its sock to earth. god halp us all



"I don't have time to be pc. "






Lol. Alright dude, I'm hearing what you're saying. I will say that my opinion of DJT was in the oven cooking LONG before he joined the literally 26 other republican candidates at the beginning of this crazy election season. It isn't exactly like this dude has never been in the public eye before, bruh.


I'll say this, if you were to remove the man from his politics, then I would say that I actually don't hate a lot of his politics...that being said, we werent voting for Americas Chief of Janitorial Services who works in a basement and never ever interacts with anyone except Milton and the rats, we voted for the Chief Executive, which is a "customer facing" position. Therefore, it is impossible to remove the man from his politics, as he will be actually representing us to other heads of state. Again, it's this, combined with who he had made himself out to be through his words and actions during the campaign and before, that give me so much pause, and literally terrify a lot of my friends.

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Lol. Alright dude, I'm hearing what you're saying. I will say that my opinion of DJT was in the oven cooking LONG before he joined the literally 26 other republican candidates at the beginning of this crazy election season. It isn't exactly like this dude has never been in the public eye before, bruh.


I'll say this, if you were to remove the man from his politics, then I would say that I actually don't hate a lot of his politics...that being said, we werent voting for Americas Chief of Janitorial Services who works in a basement and never ever interacts with anyone except Milton and the rats, we voted for the Chief Executive, which is a "customer facing" position. Therefore, it is impossible to remove the man from his politics, as he will be actually representing us to other heads of state. Again, it's this, combined with who he had made himself out to be through his words and actions during the campaign and before, that give me so much pause, and literally terrify a lot of my friends.

Word bruddah. I understand.

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What about Trump is terrifying to people?


People are terrified they will be held accountable for their own actions. That they will have to go out and find a job. They are afraid of someone who doesn't candy coat shit. Obama said he was about change, but he didn't change squat. I think we will see real change with trump. And if not, well, there's always 4 years from now

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What about Trump is terrifying to people?


I'll tell you what scares me. He comes off like he doesn't think things through, acts out before thinking. His political inexperience is also worrisome. When he speaks he never actually conveys a point or message...talks in circles, and that to me is a sign of someone who doesn't know what he's doing.


I also get a weird vibe between him an Russia. The links between his servers and a Russian bank is scary. Him promoting cyber terror attacks against the US is scary.


How Trump will handle NATO is scary. The political insecurity/uncertainty alone is scary, and what it can do to the economy.


Less people having health insurance because they have to pay more for it again is scary. The deficit skyrocketing under his plans are scary.


That's all I can think of right now. We will probably be fine, but we might not.

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And everyone is entitled to their own opinion, that's fine. But for Trump supporters to be attacked for their view is completely ridiculous. It wouldn't be ok if the attacks were the other way around.


Firstly: you are 100% right.


Secondly: this is the internet, don't get butthurt.


Thirdly: This site is very conservative, and bashes liberals ALL the time. I do have to make it clear, I'm very middle of the road, sometimes leaning right, sometimes leaning left.


Bigly: Trump supporters are idiots









And if you didn't get it, the last one is a :gabe:

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I'll tell you what scares me. He comes off like he doesn't think things through, acts out before thinking. His political inexperience is also worrisome. When he speaks he never actually conveys a point or message...talks in circles, and that to me is a sign of someone who doesn't know what he's doing.


Fair enough. However, so far he hasn't had to. From a business perspective which is where he comes from, his goal hasn't been to have a thought through solution for the topics thus far. The goal initially was to get the nomination. Next, get elected. No different than anyone else.


Honestly, nothing good would have come from expanding on things prior. Haters would have still hated and nothing he said would have convinced them nor would it have likely had the weight of what Clinton would have said as critics and media were going to tear him apart and then leverage whatever he said against him using 30-40yrs of her experience as ammo. It was a smart plan really.


Obama didn't know shit either. He's never run a business and he wasn't really responsible for anything either. He was a very well spoken lawyer/bullshitter. All of them surround themselves with key figures that do the work. Same within businesses. I head up a very large group within my company but do I know everything...no. Not my role.


The role of a leader is to lead, inspire and clear paths. The POTUS isn't the end all be all solution maker. Obama dug himself a hole and looks like an asshole because he too thinks HE has all the answers. Sorry Obama, but the best solutions don't come from the top, they come from the people in the field who do the work and know better. Again, Trump's plan was smart.


I also get a weird vibe between him an Russia. The links between his servers and a Russian bank is scary. Him promoting cyber terror attacks against the US is scary.

meh....everyone is hacking us and we are hacking them too. I doubt there's anything other than some business ties if that to Russia. He doesn't have to promote Russia to hack us. What scares me is the shit they likely have as a result of Clinton's dumb ass actions. What scares me more is the fact that she put her neck on the line deleting things and if that was less of a repercussion than what was actually in those emails, one has to ask WTF she is/was hiding.


How Trump will handle NATO is scary. The political insecurity/uncertainty alone is scary, and what it can do to the economy.
Again, meh....he's a loudmouth but will lean on and be guided by those around him. He's not dumb.


Less people having health insurance because they have to pay more for it again is scary. The deficit skyrocketing under his plans are scary.
Obamafail is a failure and would fail on it's own thus the mere 20M without insurance would have to find it elsewhere eventually. That or we all move to a single payer suck-ass system. The gov't as a single payer? Our gov't is so corrupt and fucked up they can't manage SS or the VA let alone managed care. Please....that would be scarey. Debt wise, we don't know what his plan will bring, only the opinions of people who don't like him which is worth nothing. The only thing that is going to get us out of debt is progress and Obama and Clinton have us at near zero growth. Before worrying about where those 20M are going to get insurance, we need to find out how to get the 40M+ off food stamps and the 43M+ jobs so they aren't sucking wind living below the poverty level. the solution is to help people help themselves not carry them forever on the shoulders of others.


We will probably be fine, but we might not.
Agree. We'll be fine. Better under him where we can drain the swamp, save the supreme court, avoid the far left liberal bullshit ideas from becoming reality and erasing the bullshit regulations that are holding us back. Obama was a complete ass-hat in a role he couldn't handle. A great speaker who could rally the blacks and fool part of the whites but overall a joke of a pussy that ruined our position of strength in the world from both a military and financial perspective.
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Less people having health insurance because they have to pay more for it again is scary. The deficit skyrocketing under his plans are scary.


I support a socialized medical program but the current system is broken. My mom actually had coverage for the first time in her life and was able to get some preventative care. Since then (a year and a half ago?) her rates tripled and she has had to go without insurance because she can't afford it.


A better solution than dismantling the program in place would be to address the problems that plague it. IMO, strongly regulating insurance companies would reduce the amount of money we all have to pay. It's at least a start.

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Again, meh....he's a loudmouth but will lean on and be guided by those around him.


That's my thinking. On everything you said, including this, I hope you are right.


The server issue between him and Russia...both sides have denied it being business dealings btw.


I support a socialized medical program but the current system is broken. My mom actually had coverage for the first time in her life and was able to get some preventative care. Since then (a year and a half ago?) her rates tripled and she has had to go without insurance because she can't afford it.


A better solution than dismantling the program in place would be to address the problems that plague it. IMO, strongly regulating insurance companies would reduce the amount of money we all have to pay. It's at least a start.


My thoughts exactly. No need to scrap it, improve it.

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