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Official Clown Show AKA Presidential Race


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I hear you. I'm 32, getting older and need to start doing yearly visits.


On your example...yeah I can't stand people like that. I guess I don't know how that's Obama's fault. Are you saying because it's more affordable to get health care, this person in your example isn't taking care of herself because she knows insurance will pay for treatment instead of taking responsibility and losing weight?


What would the alternative be? Make insurance out of reach for her so that she needs to choose between losing weight or die without help? The way I feel about people like that, I want to say yeah, fuck them...they made their bed now lay it it...but it's just not right. That also punishes the people who legitimately need it. And a side note, she is exactly who I see as the typical right wing, anti-left person, but is the first one to take handouts and bitch and moan about her rights to healthcare. Call it stereotyping, wrong, but it is what it is.


Before Obamacare, that person wouldn't have insurance. They simply would go to the emergency department when they had a problem and that would be it. Now, because they have insurance, the er has to refer them to my office. Before Obamacare, when someone had Medicaid type insurance, I would only open my office from 1-2 for those patients. I would triple book them (because at least 1 in 3 don't show), and they all see my physician assistant only, unless they need surgery. And if they miss one appointment, we do not call them to set up another, they have to call. If they miss two appointments without a seriously legit excuse, I ban them from my office.


You can't help someone that doesn't want help, and the majority of these patients don't have a real problem. everyone of them says the same bullshit lines


---I have a high pain tolerance

---trust me, I don't like pain meds

---it all started with a car accident

---I barely eat anything

---I'm a very fast healer

---the doctor said I had the worst _______ he's ever seen

---I'm ambidextrous.


For some reason the last line bothers me the most.


With the previous system, this group still got healthcare, they were just muzzled slightly due to their crazy, irresponsible usage of the system.

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I honestly don't think I've ever seen a single change.org petition actually change anything. I can't help but cringe whenever I see someone post a link to that site on Facebook.

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---I have a high pain tolerance

---trust me, I don't like pain meds

---the doctor said I had the worst _______ he's ever seen


I've used these "excuses", but with my script my doctor seemed very surprised that when I returned for my checkup I still had 3/4 of a bottle of my Percocet and did not want any refills. I told him I was breaking them in half on top of taking them every 8-12 hours instead of the every 4-6 he advised. He was also quite shocked when I walked in to his office after 2 weeks. Unfortunately I'm not a fast healer and I tend to cause issues because I think I'm better off than I am. I don't seem to give sufficient healing time and tend to push myself way too far and too fast.

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I'm laughing at all the little triggered snowflake left leaning idiots that are doing the following:


-protesting the results AFTER they said Trump was an idiot for suggesting he would dispute them.


-calling for Trump to be killed


-attacking trump supporters


-calling for violence against trump supporters


-pretty much doing everything and more they criticized the right for after Obama was elected twice.


I don't support any of the stupid stuff Trump said, but the left needs to stop being this stupid. Their actions got Trump elected, they need to deal with their sins now just like the rest of us.

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why is the media reporting false stories about muslims having there hijab pulled off and told to "go home" (2 separate stories turned out false). But they won't touch the stories of all the white or latinos that are being assaulted for expressing support for trump? Ive seen 3 stories of BRUTAL race fueled attacks on whites/latinos since Tuesday. Not ONE has been on mainstream media.
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why is the media reporting false stories about muslims having there hijab pulled off and told to "go home" (2 separate stories turned out false). But they won't touch the stories of all the white or latinos that are being assaulted for expressing support for trump? Ive seen 3 stories of BRUTAL race fueled attacks on whites/latinos since Tuesday. Not ONE has been on mainstream media.


Good question

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why is the media reporting false stories about muslims having there hijab pulled off and told to "go home" (2 separate stories turned out false). But they won't touch the stories of all the white or latinos that are being assaulted for expressing support for trump? Ive seen 3 stories of BRUTAL race fueled attacks on whites/latinos since Tuesday. Not ONE has been on mainstream media.


You realize fox news is the only outlet that supports trump?

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I haven't been able to catch the news theast couple of days. So what has the person currently in charge of our country said about the protests/riots? I'm going to guess about the same amount of nothing he's said about the open bounty on our law enforcement.
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I haven't been able to catch the news theast couple of days. So what has the person currently in charge of our country said about the protests/riots? I'm going to guess about the same amount of nothing he's said about the open bounty on our law enforcement.


He tweeted his fantasy football pics for this weekend and mentioned Lebron James and Kanye on Pinterest. #thanksalotobama

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I meant to post this a while back and got too busy, it's too late now, thankfully. But, it is worth thinking about. Had Clinton won, I believe there could have been a gun grab with the plan to disarm the US. It may have started the civil war people have talked about, leading to the tearing apart of the US. Or, if the grab happened, where do those guns go? Destroy them, do they hold them somewhere? I believe they would have been sold to those who are against the US. Think about that. I fully believe she would have sold us out to be overrun slowly.
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I fully believe she would have sold us out to be overrun slowly.


100% agree. Her and Obama were looking at continuing an agenda that complete changes our country into something absolutely unacceptable. I hope to heck Trump swiftly addresses the BS that's going on.

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100% agree. Her and Obama were looking at continuing an agenda that complete changes our country into something absolutely unacceptable. I hope to heck Trump swiftly addresses the BS that's going on.




A random internet guy said that he believed that Clinton wanted to start shit with Russia, knowing that it would result in a large military response, sending us to war. And that the majority of her voter base would NOT be the ones fighting/dying. Leaving them here to bang her war drums.

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I meant to post this a while back and got too busy, it's too late now, thankfully. But, it is worth thinking about. Had Clinton won, I believe there could have been a gun grab with the plan to disarm the US. It may have started the civil war people have talked about, leading to the tearing apart of the US. Or, if the grab happened, where do those guns go? Destroy them, do they hold them somewhere? I believe they would have been sold to those who are against the US. Think about that. I fully believe she would have sold us out to be overrun slowly.


That's pretty out there Joe. I think there would have been a "gun grab" by people who normally buy guns and who fear a plan to disarm the US, but that an actual "disarmament" is highly unlikely.


We have talked about this many times here, the 2nd amendment isn't going anywhere and we already have gun control in this country. The only serious conversation that was really going on prior to the election was whether the gun control standards should be national or remain at the state level. Everything about Obama taking your guns was nonsense fear mongering and gun sales.


A random internet guy said that he believed that Clinton wanted to start shit with Russia, knowing that it would result in a large military response, sending us to war. And that the majority of her voter base would NOT be the ones fighting/dying. Leaving them here to bang her war drums.


I was having a conversation recently with a friend of mine who is former army intelligence. He had a really interesting take: whether we think it or not, Russia thinks they are in a second Cold War with us and they view politics as a form of warfare. In terms of nation building and prosperity they would have to weaken the western alliance and the US to continue to grow so they had a very specific stake in our election turn out. The incoming administration is probably the best outcome for them.


I honestly haven't been following the Russian connection to trump, but it's an interesting theory.

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That's pretty out there Joe. I think there would have been a "gun grab" by people who normally buy guns and who fear a plan to disarm the US, but that an actual "disarmament" is highly unlikely.


We have talked about this many times here, the 2nd amendment isn't going anywhere and we already have gun control in this country. The only serious conversation that was really going on prior to the election was whether the gun control standards should be national or remain at the state level. Everything about Obama taking your guns was nonsense fear mongering and gun sales.


Agreed. Those who think that the left was going to take their guns away have no right to criticize those who fear Trumps election means that racism and bigotry are on the comeback trail in America.

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Agreed. Those who think that the left was going to take their guns away have no right to criticize those who fear Trumps election means that racism and bigotry are on the comeback trail in America.



Incorrect. It's your right to say whatever the fuck you want. No matter how asinine it might be.


RE: Gun control. One only has to look at states like California and Mew York to see how hard they are trying to keep people from their second amendment rights. The fact that you now have to fill out a background check to purchase ammunition thanks to California prop 63 is mind blowing.


Also (id have to doublecheck this) i though Obama was on record saying not being able to pass more gun control was his biggest regret.


Will the Left be successful in gun confiscation? I have no idea... would they if why could? Hell yes.

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