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Official Clown Show AKA Presidential Race


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When I used to work in bars in NY, there were a large portion of Irish/Scottish illegal aliens who worked as bartenders. Some of them had been in the country for years and had not filed extensions for as long. Nobody is talking about illegal Europeans, Africans, and Asians when they are talking about illegal immigration. Next to mexico, India, China, Canada, and the Philippines top the list of country of origin for new immigrants to this country - and most of them are coming in through the northern border.


Trump could stop the ACA dead in it's tracks any time he wants to. All he has to do is stop the federal Government's appeal of a lower court decision from when the Republican party sued the federal government for funding the program. It would be wildly unpopular for him to do so....so he has to play nice. Keep in mind, the majority republican congress blocked all efforts to make changes thus far that might have made a difference in how it works and eased some of the burdens simply because it isn't their program and they don't like "socialized" medicine. So Trump is in the unenviable position of having to either kill it entirely, or get the obstructionist republicans to be less obstructionist and allow some changes to the program. he's fucked either way, and what's worse - he's fucked by his own party.

Can you actually cite your sources for numbers you keep pulling out of thin air?

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Can you actually cite your sources for numbers you keep pulling out of thin air?


you know how to use google don't you? Or do you feel like you are entitled to something and don't want to work for it? LOL







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You are the one spouting off numbers, not me.


Ill tell my professor that next time I write a paper.

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You are the one spouting off numbers, not me.


Ill tell my professor that next time I write a paper.


I would say taking "life advice" from this forum, specifically this thread is probably unwise, but then again given your current situation I don't really see what you have to lose.

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I would say taking "life advice" from this forum, specifically this thread is probably unwise, but then again given your current situation I don't really see what you have to lose.


A sure sign of a poor debater is taking offense and resorting to personal insults.

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You are the one spouting off numbers, not me.


Ill tell my professor that next time I write a paper.



I would say taking "life advice" from this forum, specifically this thread is probably unwise, but then again given your current situation I don't really see what you have to lose.






A sure sign of a poor debater is taking offense and resorting to personal insults.



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I would say taking "life advice" from this forum, specifically this thread is probably unwise, but then again given your current situation I don't really see what you have to lose.


You know it was sarcasm.


And please elaborate about my current "situation" id love to debunk more of your fantasy world.

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Dude, you internet stalked me for like a month and then made all sorts of personal attacks like a year ago. It was pretty creepy. I don't feel like mining through a year of posts, that shit is here for anybody who wants to go back and find it which is literally no one.
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The problem is he cant. As you stated before, he resorts to personal attacks during arguments when he is challenged. Any time that he is asked for an example, he vanishes into thin air.


He is too busy being superior to have time for that peasant shit. His frame is the only frame,

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Dude, you internet stalked me for like a month and then made all sorts of personal attacks like a year ago. It was pretty creepy. I don't feel like mining through a year of posts, that shit is here for anybody who wants to go back and find it which is literally no one.


I found 2 pictures of you on facebook, which took literally a 30 second search. In a matter of hours I had a text from a mod about your crying because it said triggered. The only personal attack ive made on you was me calling you a front butt. Get over it, especially if you intend on slinging shit at everyone on here.


Sounds like you are too lazy to use the search function.

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I found 2 pictures of you on facebook, which took literally a 30 second search. In a matter of hours I had a text from a mod about your crying because it said triggered. The only personal attack ive made on you was me calling you a front butt. Get over it, especially if you intend on slinging shit at everyone on here.


Sounds like you are too lazy to use the search function.


I know that thinking about me has become a past time for you, but you really should get over it. It does put a smile on my face when you take time out of your day to ping me insults and what not out of the blue because honestly, outside of just reading these comments and responding I don't think about you at all. Enjoy your day.

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Dude, you internet stalked me for like a month and then made all sorts of personal attacks like a year ago. It was pretty creepy. I don't feel like mining through a year of posts, that shit is here for anybody who wants to go back and find it which is literally no one.


I never said you were wrong. I only asked if you could prove your claim, and you have not.


Online search for the terms intellectually-dishonest debate tactics might lead you to some terms with which you should familiarize yourself. Here are a few that may be of particular interest:


False premise: debater makes a statement that assumes some other fact has already been proven when it has not; in court, such a statement will be objected to successfully by opposing counsel on the grounds that it “assumes facts not in evidence.”


Vagueness: debater seems to cite facts or logic, but his terms are so vague that no facts or logic are present. Debates where any party is allowed to use vague terms last forever, are circular, and settle nothing.


Lawyering.’ This was inspired by Chris Christie’s recent criticism of Obama for trying to “lawyer” his lie about keeping your plan and your doctor if you like them.


The purpose of debate is to ascertain the truth. The purpose of “lawyering” is to win the case by whatever means will accomplish that end. Famed Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz said, “When the truth hurts my client, my job is to suppress the truth.”


Conclusory statements. This is a conclusion statement masquerading as evidence to prove the conclusion in question. You don’t prove a defendant is guilty by merely saying he’s guilty.


You commit [insert dishonest debate tactic here] all the time. Give me an example so we can set the record straight. None is forthcoming. The “logic” of it seems to be if you say “all the time,” you are thereby absolved from having to prove the accusation. In fact, if it is so frequent, it should be easy to come up with an example. The fact that you cannot come up (or choose not to come up) with even a single one gives the indication that your accusation is false.







Edit: I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were committing another offense to debate while I was typing my response. I'll add another one, referring to the post above mine:


Theatrical fake laughter or sighs: This can be wordless, but it says “What you just said is so ridiculously wrong that we must laugh at it.”




Also I think you meant passtime

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you often complain about how these threads become "all about me" and yet you can't seem to stop talking about me. Even I am bored by this. sigh.


what's your point? it's an internet forum for informal conversation, not a debate competition. And you are trying to hold me to a standard you don't even hold yourself to....so....???? where are you going with this?

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