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RE: Gun control. One only has to look at states like California and Mew York to see how hard they are trying to keep people from their second amendment rights. The fact that you now have to fill out a background check to purchase ammunition thanks to California prop 63 is mind blowing.




You are talking about two states which both have the largest populated cities within their state borders. They aren't trying to keep people from their second amendment rights so much as they are trying to curb irresponsible ownership since irresponsible ownership has larger repercussions in those densely populated areas. They are more the exception than the rule.


At one point those cities didn't have gun control laws (in our lifetimes) and let's be honest there was a lot of irresponsible behavior that happened, so they can no longer rely on "self policing" of gun owners. One thing that almost never gets talked about in these situations is the number of deaths and injuries caused by legal gun owners that have decreased as a result of gun laws. Getting shot in a bar brawl used to be so prolific they wrote many many many folk, rock, and blues songs about it. Don't hear about it nearly as much now.


The nice part of federal gun control standards is the states are still free to go more narrowly focused if they want so it is possible to not write a federal standard to the level of New York or Los Angles.


The supreme court already ruled (even the liberal justices) that outright restriction of access is not allowed, so they aren't going anywhere. the only question left is then how do they solve some of the ills of society without taking them away.


Personally I would rather see technology solve this problem than the legislature, but again the gun lobby and the NRA are the public's own worst enemy in this regard. The technology exists, as far back as the 1990's, to have a firearm that was restricted in use to a particular person or few people. That technology would cut down on the number of accidental children shooting and the number of people killed by their own fire arm in a self defense situation (which is actually greater than the number of people who are able to successfully defend themselves) without affecting access. But no, your lobbying organization would rather not even let people who want this choice to be available because they don't want progress in this area.

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That technology would cut down on the number of accidental children shooting and the number of people killed by their own fire arm in a self defense situation (which is actually greater than the number of people who are able to successfully defend themselves) without affecting access.


please list numbers of those shot and killed and cite sources for your concerns.

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You are talking about two states which both have the largest populated cOne thing that almost never gets talked about in these situations is the number of deaths and injuries caused by legal gun owners that have decreased as a result of gun laws. Getting shot in a bar brawl used to be so prolific they wrote many many many folk, rock, and blues songs about it. Don't hear about it nearly as much now.


The nice part of federal gun control standards is the states are still free to go more narrowly focused if they want so it is possible to not write a federal standard to the level of New York or Los Angles.


You don't hear about people getting shot at bars anymore? Uhhhh do you even read the news?


http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/lake-county-news-sun/crime/ct-lns-waukegan-shooting-st-1005-20161004-story.html let's solve bar shootings with ARMED GUARDS, wait guns are the solution to guns?


more http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/lake-county-news-sun/crime/ct-lns-fox-lake-bar-shooting-plea-st-0915-20160914-story.html




Shootings in and outside of bars all the time, maybe bars should be illegal?

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You are talking about two states which both have the largest populated cities within their state borders. They aren't trying to keep people from their second amendment rights so much as they are trying to curb irresponsible ownership since irresponsible ownership has larger repercussions in those densely populated areas. They are more the exception than the rule.


At one point those cities didn't have gun control laws (in our lifetimes) and let's be honest there was a lot of irresponsible behavior that happened, so they can no longer rely on "self policing" of gun owners. One thing that almost never gets talked about in these situations is the number of deaths and injuries caused by legal gun owners that have decreased as a result of gun laws. Getting shot in a bar brawl used to be so prolific they wrote many many many folk, rock, and blues songs about it. Don't hear about it nearly as much now.



What's your excuse for Chicago. It has extremely strict gun laws and highest gun violence in the country.

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Sorry didn't bother to read any of that lol


How many hours of your time did you say you volunteered a week? Missed where you evaded that from before.


Sorry bud, wasting hundreds of company hours trying to convince randos on the internet that you are better than them doesn't count.

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Agreed. Those who think that the left was going to take their guns away have no right to criticize those who fear Trumps election means that racism and bigotry are on the comeback trail in America.


I definitely think there would've been some drastic gun law changes made and honestly what I worried about the most would be the effect the supreme court appointments would've had on the rest of my life and the lives of my kids. I'm not even a huge gun rights person......I just want to be able to hunt and I want my kids to be able to hunt. I have zero use for most firearms out there. If I can't hunt with it I don't want it. What happens though is there's "sweeping" reform that leads to it being so expensive to hunt most people can't afford to do it. There were other threats a democratic president brought to the table but this easily was my greatest concern.

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At one point those cities didn't have gun control laws (in our lifetimes) and let's be honest there was a lot of irresponsible behavior that happened, so they can no longer rely on "self policing" of gun owners. One thing that almost never gets talked about in these situations is the number of deaths and injuries caused by legal gun owners that have decreased as a result of gun laws. Getting shot in a bar brawl used to be so prolific they wrote many many many folk, rock, and blues songs about it. Don't hear about it nearly as much now.


They're called nightclubs now, but it's the same fucking thing you bigot. #PrayForOrlando. Yet another completely preventable shooting.


Curious, did you ever hear the unedited 911 call? It's pretty damning that it was an act of terror committed in the name of Islam. I 100% believe that someone, at some level, edited the public release tape for political reasons, not safety or whatever.

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I know posting the things I do will get the "conspiracy, too far fetched" responses. In what I do, it's about thinking about what could happen. Part of risk management is thinking past what is just on the surface for the acknowledged concerns. I'm willing to looking at thinks several steps further as a problem multiplies. I just don't need to write about book about it on CR to get member approval, or overrun the forum until people quit posting or agree with me. Call is too far fetched, but I would rather acknowledge the possibility of a situation than be complacent, which leads to the mind set of "that will never happen", or "it won't happen to me". Isn't that all that the protesters and pissed off people are doing now also? Speculating that Trump is going to enlist the KKK to go on a lynching spree, steal women's uterus, have the military start curb stomping fags, and take away their free lunch program. Sure, those is unrealistic. But, if so, what are they protesting about then? They didn't get what they wanted, so now they have an exaggerated perception of things to come.
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You don't hear about people getting shot at bars anymore? Uhhhh do you even read the news?


http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/lake-county-news-sun/crime/ct-lns-waukegan-shooting-st-1005-20161004-story.html let's solve bar shootings with ARMED GUARDS, wait guns are the solution to guns?


more http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/lake-county-news-sun/crime/ct-lns-fox-lake-bar-shooting-plea-st-0915-20160914-story.html




Shootings in and outside of bars all the time, maybe bars should be illegal?


I'm not saying it doesn't still happen, but something I noticed when I used to do probate work is that when you start researching people's family trees, once you start to get into the 1970's and earlier it gets really common. I would actually love to see a historical study as to how common then vs now but not sure how that would be accomplished since you'd have to have permission to look at thousands of people's family history.

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Trump will no doubt be better for our constitution and what this country is supposed to be than Obamafail. LOL when Obama ranted that it would be 'personal insult' to legacy if black voters don't back Clinton. That he was going to "educate" Trump.


LOL as his legacy is going to go by the wayside and it turns out HE was the one who got schooled by the American People. Sorry Obama, you've been a legend in your own mind. You blew the legacy you could have had as our First black President. That will be your legacy and the black community was a big part of schooling you on that reality.

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This thread is hilarious.


Let's all pray for America that most of them believe a man who is known to lie has many failed businesses and bankruptcies with ZERO political experience, can run our country. And that's just putting it nicely.

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This thread is hilarious.


Let's all pray for America that most of them believe a man who is known to lie has many failed businesses and bankruptcies with ZERO political experience, can run our country. And that's just putting it nicely.


Well the alternative was Hildabeast who is known to lie, has many failed policies, under investigation for life long prison sentences, too much political experience (See corruption). I think you can pull negative shit from pretty much any candidate if you look hard enough. The problem with the two major party choices this time is, we didn't have to look very hard.

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Speculating that Trump is going to enlist the KKK to go on a lynching spree, steal women's uterus, have the military start curb stomping fags, and take away their free lunch program. Sure, those is unrealistic. But, if so, what are they protesting about then? They didn't get what they wanted, so now they have an exaggerated perception of things to come.


Some are, sure. In my conversations the fear that has been voiced the most is not that Trump himself will be attacking these rights, but that his election in the face of all of the things he said re: minorities signals a renewal or regeneration and tacit approval of the racism and bigotry that lie in Americas past. When groups like the KKK, who have been pretty much non-entities (at least publicly) for years are now holding "victory marches" in towns, it sends a rather disheartening message, don't you think?


I posted this on my fb. It's not my quote, and I don't personally know the man who wrote it...but it seems relevant, and it pretty much describes my feelings on the situation perfectly.


"If you're a Trump voter who is tired of being called a bigot, if you say you voted for him based on gun rights or economic issues, or because you think Hillary really was that awful, than in spite of his rhetoric, rather than because of it, I believe you. If you're in my life, I clearly don't think you're a vile hateful person. But if you're now watching protests across the country and you don't understand why, or think they are just being sore losers, let me break something down for you. These people aren't just angry or sad that someone they didn't support won the election, they're scared.

They're black Americans who hear talk of law and order and remember a racially charged stop and frisk program, or see an emboldened KKK holding a celebratory parade.

They're Muslim Americans who worry that spitting in their face is now okay and violations of their rights to assemble and their rights to privacy are about to come.

They're LGBT Americans who fear not just of the loss of marriage rights or restaurants gaining the right not to serve them, but of an administration that thinks it's more important to research electrocuting the gay out of them than AIDS.

They're Hispanic and Latino Americans who are scared their children will be bullied in schools, and their families ripped apart while their culture is mocked.

They're women who are wondering if we've normalized groping, and if their career endeavors will be judged by their face and body, and not their minds

I believe you when you say you didn't vote for any of these things. Most of America wasn't thrilled with the choices we had in this election. But If you didn't know that this is why they're protesting, if you think it's really just about free tuition or more government giveaways, then you, like the elite liberals you love to castigate, have also not been listening. If you're tired of being called a bigot, then you need to use the same voice you used on Tuesday and speak out against these things fully and clearly. It's not enough that you didn't say them yourself. You need to reassure your friends and family members who feel like they no longer have a seat at the table that you still stand with them, even if your priorities were different on Tuesday. If you aren't willing to do that, then you have no right to call for unity."

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Some are, sure. In my conversations the fear that has been voiced the most is not that Trump himself will be attacking these rights, but that his election in the face of all of the things he said re: minorities signals a renewal or regeneration and tacit approval of the racism and bigotry that lie in Americas past. When groups like the KKK, who have been pretty much non-entities (at least publicly) for years are now holding "victory marches" in towns, it sends a rather disheartening message, don't you think?


I posted this on my fb. It's not my quote, and I don't personally know the man who wrote it...but it seems relevant, and it pretty much describes my feelings on the situation perfectly.


"If you're a Trump voter who is tired of being called a bigot, if you say you voted for him based on gun rights or economic issues, or because you think Hillary really was that awful, than in spite of his rhetoric, rather than because of it, I believe you. If you're in my life, I clearly don't think you're a vile hateful person. But if you're now watching protests across the country and you don't understand why, or think they are just being sore losers, let me break something down for you. These people aren't just angry or sad that someone they didn't support won the election, they're scared.

They're black Americans who hear talk of law and order and remember a racially charged stop and frisk program, or see an emboldened KKK holding a celebratory parade.

They're Muslim Americans who worry that spitting in their face is now okay and violations of their rights to assemble and their rights to privacy are about to come.

They're LGBT Americans who fear not just of the loss of marriage rights or restaurants gaining the right not to serve them, but of an administration that thinks it's more important to research electrocuting the gay out of them than AIDS.

They're Hispanic and Latino Americans who are scared their children will be bullied in schools, and their families ripped apart while their culture is mocked.

They're women who are wondering if we've normalized groping, and if their career endeavors will be judged by their face and body, and not their minds

I believe you when you say you didn't vote for any of these things. Most of America wasn't thrilled with the choices we had in this election. But If you didn't know that this is why they're protesting, if you think it's really just about free tuition or more government giveaways, then you, like the elite liberals you love to castigate, have also not been listening. If you're tired of being called a bigot, then you need to use the same voice you used on Tuesday and speak out against these things fully and clearly. It's not enough that you didn't say them yourself. You need to reassure your friends and family members who feel like they no longer have a seat at the table that you still stand with them, even if your priorities were different on Tuesday. If you aren't willing to do that, then you have no right to call for unity."



No. I think most of the people protesting were 18-25 year old college students who haven't had to work for anything and think Bernie Sanders is the answer to all of their upcoming "adult" problems. Sure, those people you mentioned are definitely there as well, but the majority are white college students that have no sense of reality.

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This thread is hilarious.


Let's all pray for America that most of them believe a man who is known to lie has many failed businesses and bankruptcies with ZERO political experience, can run our country. And that's just putting it nicely.


How many businesses does Trump own? And how many have failed? Lastly, you are aware that claiming a bankruptcy is the most financially-efficient way to close shop, right? I've noticed that only those with zero business experience ever bring the bankruptcy thing up.


The whole rhetoric about him being a bad businessman is fucking stupid.

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No. I think most of the people protesting were 18-25 year old college students who haven't had to work for anything and think Bernie Sanders is the answer to all of their upcoming "adult" problems. Sure, those people you mentioned are definitely there as well, but the majority are white college students that have no sense of reality.


Gotta agree with Brandon. NPR was talking about the SJWs that protested last week downtown and last night in Clintonville. They are just that: entitled SJWs that are using this as a sounding board for their feelings (at best), rather than scared representitives from affected minorities.





Again - no doubt that concerns from societal groups exist and are well-supported for what Trump has said (or NOT said)...but the 10% of the population getting attention by protesting the elections are in the minority, unworthy of our attention.




The better option from Gawker and John Oliver I've heard over the last few days is to support those organizations that provide aide to the affected groups you're so concerned about. Maybe millennials will get the memo that it's more important to DO SOMETHING than just talk about it through social media.

Edited by zeitgeist57
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These people aren't just angry or sad that someone they didn't support won the election, they're scared.

They're black Americans who hear talk of law and order and remember a racially charged stop and frisk program, or see an emboldened KKK holding a celebratory parade.


They're Muslim Americans who worry that spitting in their face is now okay and violations of their rights to assemble and their rights to privacy are about to come.


They're LGBT Americans who fear not just of the loss of marriage rights or restaurants gaining the right not to serve them, but of an administration that thinks it's more important to research electrocuting the gay out of them than AIDS.


They're Hispanic and Latino Americans who are scared their children will be bullied in schools, and their families ripped apart while their culture is mocked.


They're women who are wondering if we've normalized groping, and if their career endeavors will be judged by their face and body, and not their minds


Nice spin on some valid points but if anyone who is "scared" actually listened to Trump they would know better. He's been pretty upfront about all the above issues. Yes, he supports law and order and stop and frisk. Shit worked in NYC and while I don't think it's perfect, I'll settle for it working if it does.


I think after seeing all the shit-chaos in Chicago, the inner cities and decayed areas there need a huge swooping in of the national guard to crack down on gangs and trouble makers and like it or not, ending the violence and crap and saving lives is a bit higher on the priority list of many vs worrying about if Johnny Thug is pissed off that the cops are harassing him as he walks his drug dealing ass down the street to either shake down his next victim of robbery or sell more dope.


I don't see trump busting down on Muslims either. Notice how that rhetoric comes and goes with the news coverage? His style is shock and awe and to get subjects of concern in play. He's already backed down on his stance here and other issues.


Trump never griped about gay marriage. He has said it over and over that he doesn't care. Bathroom laws however, different story and rightfully so. Not many straight people want their wives or daughters exposed to a man in a restroom or changing area of a gym/club. Got a cock- use the mens room - have tits and pussy - ladies room. P.O'd about that then go get adjusted medically and come back when you're operation is done. 9yr old kids that are confused - get them some counseling to help until they are ready medically. Until then, have them use the teachers lounge. College aged kids/cupcakes can deal with it by using family changing rooms and saving for their surgery.


The latino's only need worry if they are here illegally. First order of business is he's going to lock down the border and go after the ones with records and are criminals. Rightfully so. No more America if you're a bad guy. The rest need to shore-up their lives and be prepared for what "could" be and that's a remote chance that in 10yrs they may be asked to pay the piper for the crime they committed being here illegally. Doubtful that it will come to that though. Rules are rules though and they knew the drill going in.


Women....meh....nothing new here. They've been dealing with guys locker room talk for decades and we've come HUGE strides in fixing their working environments, etc. Trump has done nothing but show support for women in the workplace with his campaign. If anything women should be glad it's not Hit liar y in there as what her and bill did to women back in the day...now that was frightening.


At the end of it, what the rioters are doing is wrong and they should be given the smack down. Time for them to grow up and stop protesting the very democratic world they claim to support. Tuesday morning the world was fine for them, but my what a difference 12hrs makes eh? Get over it and go take your exams so you can make something of your lives.


/rant off.

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If you guys read my post as defending folks that are "rioting", then allow me to apologize for the miscommunication. Riots are not anything that I would condone. Peaceful protest is acceptable, and encouraged, by our form of government.


How many do you think we're protesting downtown? 10 thousand? 20 thousand? How many people in columbus voted for Hilary? I'm seeing 335 thousand and change. So, less than 5% of the voters are protesting. If you want to apply your.logic and disgust to those 5%, I'll not tell you not to. I will say that tossing in the other 300 thousand of us is pretty unfair.

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Gotta agree with Brandon. NPR was talking about the SJWs that protested last week downtown and last night in Clintonville. They are just that: entitled SJWs that are using this as a sounding board for their feelings (at best), rather than scared representatives from affected minorities.


Again - no doubt that concerns from societal groups exist and are well-supported for what Trump has said (or NOT said)...but the 10% of the population getting attention by protesting the elections are in the minority, unworthy of our attention.


So what you are saying is...only African Americans can protest for civil rights for African Americans? or are the only ones that should be taken seriously? I know this is probably not what you meant clay, but come on, it's sounds....well...you know how it sounds.


Don't undermine the legitimacy of the message, because of who the messenger is.


The better option from Gawker and John Oliver I've heard over the last few days is to support those organizations that provide aide to the affected groups you're so concerned about. Maybe millennials will get the memo that it's more important to DO SOMETHING than just talk about it through social media.


protesting in public isn't talking about it through social media, it's a form of "actually doing something" and part of what john oliver was talking about (yes I watch Last Week Tonight too). Keep in mind here we are not talking about rioting, just peaceful protest.

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So what you are saying is...only African Americans can protest for civil rights for African Americans? or are the only ones that should be taken seriously? I know this is probably not what you meant clay, but come on, it's sounds....well...you know how it sounds.


Don't undermine the legitimacy of the message, because of who the messenger is.


Kerry, you know full-fucking-well that's not what I meant. Stop being cute, because its comments like this you admittedly make just to be a counterpoint that undermine YOUR legitimacy.


So, YES...we can question the legitimacy of both message and messenger at any time, given any combination of factors.


protesting in public isn't talking about it through social media, it's a form of "actually doing something" and part of what john oliver was talking about (yes I watch Last Week Tonight too). Keep in mind here we are not talking about rioting, just peaceful protest.


Not once did I say anything about rioting. NPR stated an official count of 2000 people in attendance at last week's protest downtown, with less than 500 in Clintonville. By the statistics DJ used as perspective - and how many people voted against Donald Trump - my stance of the vast majority of people NOT "actually doing something" still wins the day.


If you REALLY give a shit as much as you want people to think, come back to me with evidence in the next 6 months that the following organizations have seen a dramatic increase in giving or volunteerism:




I personally give time and money to the Boys and Girls Club, augmented by the efforts of my teammates and corporate-matching dollars through my employer, in addition to our church and two other community-based charities in OH and FL. I challenge KERRY and everyone else to put their money where their mouth is, or at least volunteer.

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