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You didn't happen to be driving on 270 yesterday around 4:30-5 in Hilliard going north did you? Because that's EXACTLY what happened. We were stopped/going 10-15mph for a few miles and get close to the fishinger exit and realize that a semi wrecked on the ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING ROAD! Literally NO REASON traffic should have been at a stand still because it opened up right past the wrecked semi.


I was stuck in it. Happens way too often. Pisses me off to no end.

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Im in lewis center and have to hit the fun gemeni/polaris parkway/meeger onto 71s. At 8 its a shit show. They really need more exits between here and 36/37.


I travel north Westerville/ Polaris to downtown a few days a week for work. It takes about 40min. Not a single care given when I see how much my property value increases each year.


:D i am enjoying this.

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impeding the flow of traffic.


(A) No person shall stop or operate a vehicle, trackless trolley, or street car at such an unreasonably slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, except when stopping or reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or to comply with law.




Maybe the governor? or whoever should direct the police to stop citing for passing on the right and speeding, etc things that move traffic along, and start citing for impeding the flow of traffic?

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This mornings traffic cluster was due to a first gen WRX seemingly attempting the power blend between two cars, taking both of them, himself (herself?), and another car into the left lane wall. No cars in the actual path of traffic but whoooa did we stop dead. Soon as we passed the accident though, hammer down 90mph all the way to Sawmill!
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Clay, you are spoiled. Cbus traffic is definitely on the rise, but it's no where as bad as big city. Certain time of the day the traffic is stop and go but beside that no biggie.


I drive to Atlanta and Chicago couple times a year. Even on Sunday there still stop and go traffic in those places.

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You didn't happen to be driving on 270 yesterday around 4:30-5 in Hilliard going north did you? Because that's EXACTLY what happened. We were stopped/going 10-15mph for a few miles and get close to the fishinger exit and realize that a semi wrecked on the ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING ROAD! Literally NO REASON traffic should have been at a stand still because it opened up right past the wrecked semi.


:lolguy: Nope nowhere in the vicinity, but I see it happen ALL the damn time.




I also have discovered this strange mentality of driving here in Columbus; a lot of people use the left lane as the "get out of the way" lane. As in, they want to be as far away from merging traffic as possible (like someone else said, because no one here knows how to do it and they're clearly all terrified of it.) I actually have friends that I've had to argue that the left lane is ONLY for passing and higher speed traffic, they say "no, I just want to be as far from onramps as possible so I'm going to just cruise the speed limit in the left lane." I don't talk to them any more.

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I would just like to submit my complaint about 33 southeast of 270. I'm sure many will tell me about how their corner of the world is worse, but those who have experienced it will attest that it's awful.


They are slowly getting rid of the stop lights and crossroad intersections (like Rt. 23) and putting in on/off-ramps and overpasses. I hope the most recent one at Winchester road makes a difference.

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I also have discovered this strange mentality of driving here in Columbus; a lot of people use the left lane as the "get out of the way" lane. As in, they want to be as far away from merging traffic as possible (like someone else said, because no one here knows how to do it and they're clearly all terrified of it.) I actually have friends that I've had to argue that the left lane is ONLY for passing and higher speed traffic, they say "no, I just want to be as far from onramps as possible so I'm going to just cruise the speed limit in the left lane." I don't talk to them any more.


my wife calls them "Road cows" because they also seem to be the people that have trouble holding a lane. They just sort of poke along meandering at their own pace, oblivious to other drivers, road markers, laws, etc....

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:lolguy: Nope nowhere in the vicinity, but I see it happen ALL the damn time.




I also have discovered this strange mentality of driving here in Columbus; a lot of people use the left lane as the "get out of the way" lane. As in, they want to be as far away from merging traffic as possible (like someone else said, because no one here knows how to do it and they're clearly all terrified of it.) I actually have friends that I've had to argue that the left lane is ONLY for passing and higher speed traffic, they say "no, I just want to be as far from onramps as possible so I'm going to just cruise the speed limit in the left lane." I don't talk to them any more.


There is a reason that people who drive fast tend to pass on the right. I've gone past old people, foreign people, white people, black people, basically anyone, in the middle and right lanes. They sit in the left lane going 55 in a 65 or 70 zone, because "they feel safer over there" now. Basically any excuse to pay less attention to the fucking road. The evolution of the cell phone and texting has made distracted driving a REAL issue now. I also think it's funny when I honk at someone, for whatever reason, and get the finger. I've had people blow through stop signs at 4 way stops and fly off the handle when I honk at them. It's funny when you pull up next to them and they are so scared that they are shaking. People have become so accustomed to talking shit on the Internet without repercussion, that they forget how to act in real life.

Ask Anthony what he thinks about asshole drivers on the freeway!!

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I open the door and stand up keeping the door between us and she realizes I'm 6'5" and pissed off and holding a steering wheel club and she's 5'0 and very petit and stops... and then slinks back to her car.




You sound scary.

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Not using your signal should be a felony.


And merging, holy hell FUCKING MERGING! I just simply don't understand how people can't grasp the concept that you're suppose to ACCELERATE on on-ramps to merge with traffic?!


If anyone had driven 315NB through Worthington just before the 270 interchange. Because of construction they have had to shorten that merge lane from 161... it just amazes me that people meander down the on-ramp then hit the brakes hard at the end when they realize they have no room to merge and traffic is moving too fast. Already saw one major accident from it last weekend... yes... on a weekend 315NB was at a dead stop because of it Sunday afternoon.

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Nowadays, I use internet heavily to plan my routes, even when I know the shortest route to a destination that I have driven through many times over. The traffic data is what I look for and I apply judgement to the presented data. Incidents in Columbus traffic are mind boggling in a way that the explanation of the cause might belong in very silly or unnecessary categories.


It is not uncommon for an accident to happen in a straight section of a highway in broad daylight, light traffic flow, and on a dry road surface.

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Crazy how many cars I have seen facing the wrong direction on 270 on a sunny day.


I hate .gov intervention into our daily lives, but I often wonder what Ohio's traffic situation would look like if people needed annual vehicle safety inspections like many other states have. The amount of literally bald tires I see on cars is terrifying.


It's also why I think we see more accidents in the rain than in the snow. In the snow, people with shit tires can't even get out of their driveway so they stay home. In the rain, they don't realize how fucked they are until they're upside down in a ditch.

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Clay, you are spoiled. Cbus traffic is definitely on the rise, but it's no where as bad as big city. Certain time of the day the traffic is stop and go but beside that no biggie.


I drive to Atlanta and Chicago couple times a year. Even on Sunday there still stop and go traffic in those places.


I hear ya, Forrest...believe me, I've spent a lot of time throughout my life driving in major metropolitan areas for work and pleasure. Frankly, it's because we aren't a NYC/LA/Chi/ATL/Dulles Corridor area that makes me angry people subject themselves to such traffic!

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I can't help but laugh at this thread. The worst day of traffic in Columbus isn't as bad as a normal day in Houston. One of the biggest reasons I'm looking forward to moving back as far as driving to/from work... :gabe:


Hell, when they get a light snow or ice down here the world STOPS like the damn Walking Dead... :lolguy:

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Ok. Had another dumb bitch blow the same 4 way stop again. I had come to a stop and she was slowing down to stop, or so I thought. I start to go and the bitch speeds up, withough stopping, and blows by. I honk and surprise, surprise, get the bird. I really hate people in general. Maybe she will run herself off of the road and hurt no one else in the process.

Why is it so fucking hard to admit to a fucking mistake these days?

RANT off.

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Ok. Had another dumb bitch blow the same 4 way stop again. I had come to a stop and she was slowing down to stop, or so I thought. I start to go and the bitch speeds up, withough stopping, and blows by. I honk and surprise, surprise, get the bird. I really hate people in general. Maybe she will run herself off of the road and hurt no one else in the process.

Why is it so fucking hard to admit to a fucking mistake these days?

RANT off.


I don't suppose this was the 4 way stop at Scioto Darby & Leap, was it?

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You can deny reality all you want but I have a few member berries to share.


I started at Nationwide just over 3 years ago. At that time, my commute from the New Albany exit of 161 to 670 east Neil exit took me 20-30 minutes. Depending on my departure time between 7-7:30am it now takes me an hour to make that commute, consistently, unless there is a holiday for government employees. Accidents and especially snow can make my drive 2, in the worst case 2.5 hours.


I have actually changed my arrival time with my supervisors since, because leaving at 7:30 or 8:30 seems to net me the same arrival results. There's no motivation for me any longer to try and be an 8am employee.

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My everyday commute go thru a 1 block of school zone. When the yellow light blinking you slow down to 20mph, when you reach the sign that say "end school zone" you speed up to 35mph. Was that hard to follow?

You'll be surprised!! I slow down to 20mph and cars would be right on my rear bumper. People would passed me on the right and give me a dirty look. Sometimes there's cop and everybody actually slow down for the whole block. People are really nice when that are not in their car, once in the car their whole mentality changed.

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we are a mini Atlanta...going to be much worse...this cities roads were not planned well at all.



Columbus FINALLY has the highway system it needed in 1965. Too bad it isn't 1965 NOW though...

Honestly the issue is how many layers of planning there are, so many agencies and bureaus are involved at that level. The Interstate system could not be built today...We owe a LOT to Eisenhower riding a CCKW down the Autobahn in 1945!


Us old guys can remember how bad it used to be. 315 through town was INSANE, lots of bends because of how the old Spring/Sandusky interchange was incorporated. They straightened it in the 90s, eliminated a few ramps, and now it moves relatively decent.


The 256 exit used to back up all the way to Brice starting about 3pm EVERY day. Put a wreck in, and it wasn't uncommon to have cars back to HAMILTON. Pickerington was maybe 25% the size it is now, and there was NOTHING at that interchange but a couple gas stations. Sawmill was the same way. Roberts used to take me 25 minutes to get from the tracks to the freeway.


It's what happens with the traffic AFTER it exits the freeway that fucks everything up. And all it really takes to solve a lot of those problems are flyover exits, dedicated forced exit lanes, getting rid of the grassy medians, and the total elimination of the goddamn C-weave!

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