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Rogue One *no spoilers*


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Is it another over the top PC movie leading with a strong independent woman in a biracial friendship with a bicurious/rebellious dude homoerotically bro-hugging his fighter pilot pal for two hours while killing off the caucasion cisgender scum of the universe


Nailed it.

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Great movie. If you're old enough its like Dirty Dozen movie smashed up with Guns of Navarone movie smashed up with Midway movie.


Went in not expecting to like Donnie Yen and the Jiang Wen. Thought "oh here we go, eastern kung fu bullshit peanut butter mixed into my star wars chocolate".


Came out - Donnie and Wen were my favorites.




PS - if you're somewhere in the upper levels of fandom you're going to have an annuerism with all the easter eggs and call outs...


Blue Milk cameo star of the show!

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Is it another over the top PC movie leading with a strong independent woman in a biracial friendship with a bicurious/rebellious dude homoerotically bro-hugging his fighter pilot pal for two hours while killing off the caucasion cisgender scum of the universe





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Sorry 'bout the misunderstanding; I was mostly providing context, not really spoiling.


I mean, anybody who has seen Star Wars knows WHAT happens; the surprise and delight comes in HOW it happens. And I don't think context spoils any of that.


On topic - really enjoyable film, and just forces home what a lame director George Lucas is.


Anyways, carry on.

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Hot Fking Damn is right. That End. Bruh...


I really enjoyed TFA, but this is much more gritty and grimey.


I also didn't get the whole female lead PC vibe here. Yeah, there is a female lead, but she didn't magically know how to do everything really well right off the bat. And I felt that the other characters weren't far behind her in regards to being lead characters. I thought it was a great movie following a team.


And again...that End. Will watch again.

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Anyone that has followed the Star Wars franchise already knows what's going to happen... there's no surprise here so I'm not really sure people need to worry about "spoilers"


You mean they get the plans to the death star?




I enjoyed it, I enjoyed TFA better however. Just my .02 this movie was fun to fill in the story line b/w episode 3 and 4. However knowing the "outcome" kind of minimized suspense for me and or learning something new in the story.

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Is it another over the top PC movie leading with a strong independent woman in a biracial friendship with a bicurious/rebellious dude homoerotically bro-hugging his fighter pilot pal for two hours while killing off the caucasion cisgender scum of the universe


Copy pasta

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