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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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It's a total shit show


Spicer quit because of Mooch's appointment.


Preibus was fired because Mooch didn't like him.


Kelly comes in as a replacement and immediately fires Mooch.


It's like the Hunger Games at the White House.


At least now he can take the time to be with his newborn child. Oh wait....


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He's written 3 books already: "the little book of hedge funds", "Goodbye Gordon Gekko", and hopping over the rabbit hole".


If he does write a kids book I imaging it will be a sequel to this:



Probably entitled: "Nobody loves a Cuck"

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Lawsuit Alleges Fox News and Trump Supporter Created Fake News Story


The Fox News Channel and a wealthy supporter of President Trump worked in concert under the watchful eye of the White House to concoct a story about the murder of [seth Rich,] a young Democratic National Committee aide, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday.
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As the owner of a Grey Challenger, I do not condone the actions that happened in Charlottesville, VA


dude was from Ohio so many of us wondered :p


in all seriousness, the BS that went on is a show of stupidity from all sides. I'm more disappointed in the local officials who didn't shut this shit down.


what the hell are the cops and local officials directing them doing letting the riot and people just carry on like that. It's like they just walked away vs coming down in droves with paddy wagons and zip ties. until officials begin to crack down on stupidity with a sledge hammer, it's going to conitnue.

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dude was from Ohio so many of us wondered :p


in all seriousness, the BS that went on is a show of stupidity from all sides. I'm more disappointed in the local officials who didn't shut this shit down.


what the hell are the cops and local officials directing them doing letting the riot and people just carry on like that. It's like they just walked away vs coming down in droves with paddy wagons and zip ties. until officials begin to crack down on stupidity with a sledge hammer, it's going to conitnue.


can you please specify which group you are referring to that should have been "shut down"?


Also, you know that it was both determined to be an unlawful assembly and a state of emergency, right? we are talking about a city that has a population of under 50,000 people - not exactly a large police force to start with, even when bolstered by members of the VA state police. They were woefully under equipped to deal with what was happening in that city. I am not saying they don't have some responsibility to what happened there, but you can't lay blame solely at their feet.


come on Tim, where's your fire and brimstone rhetoric about "personal responsibility" and consequences? Why aren't you "calling out" Jason Kessler, who organized the White Supremacy rally, for being a cuck or some other conservative epithet for saying stuff like this:


"The blame for today's violence lies primarily with the Charlottesville government officials and the police officers who failed to maintain law and order, protect the First Amendment rights of rally participants, and provide for their safety,"


I mean...this is like textbook dodging responsibility right? where is your soapbox for personal responsibility or is it just reserved for mother's of kids who fall into gorilla cages and only people you deem "liberal"?


I mean, dude applied for a permit, got told no, then decided to hold a rally anyway and openly encouraged attendees carry weapons to the assembly. What happened? it's called consequences and it lays with him. Why are you waffling?

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can you please specify which group you are referring to that should have been "shut down"?


when violence and property damage ensues, any group needs to be shut down at that point. the line between free speech ends once aggressive actions like these occur.

Also, you know that it was both determined to be an unlawful assembly and a state of emergency, right? we are talking about a city that has a population of under 50,000 people - not exactly a large police force to start with, even when bolstered by members of the VA state police. They were woefully under equipped to deal with what was happening in that city. I am not saying they don't have some responsibility to what happened there, but you can't lay blame solely at their feet.

So they had no ability to call in any type of support? you're entitled to your opinion but given the circumstances I would have expected someone to have at least a plan for such things occurring otherwise what value do they bring to us as members of the community?

come on Tim, where's your fire and brimstone rhetoric about "personal responsibility" and consequences? Why aren't you "calling out" Jason Kessler, who organized the White Supremacy rally, for being a cuck or some other conservative epithet for saying stuff like this:

personal responsibility around starting a rally approved or not? how about personal responsibility for those beginning and continuing the violence on both sides.

I mean...this is like textbook dodging responsibility right? where is your soapbox for personal responsibility or is it just reserved for mother's of kids who fall into gorilla cages and only people you deem "liberal"?

are you trying to paint a picture of me only supporting one side? not sure what I've said here on the matter that would lead you to believe that.


I mean, dude applied for a permit, got told no, then decided to hold a rally anyway and openly encouraged attendees carry weapons to the assembly. What happened? it's called consequences and it lays with him. Why are you waffling?
both sides showed up to go at it. he was wrong but so were those on the other side that chose to come to a rally that was never approved. their intent was pretty evident just as the other sides was. neither side is innocent. no waffling about that.
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I haven't seen any pictures of protesters carrying weapons or having their hands taped up like boxers on their way to the rally, only the alt-right Nazi's in attendance...can anyone share some here?


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So they had no ability to call in any type of support? you're entitled to your opinion but given the circumstances I would have expected someone to have at least a plan for such things occurring otherwise what value do they bring to us as members of the community?

personal responsibility around starting a rally approved or not?


They called in support, but it was still too little. You don't know how many people are going to show up for these things until...they...you know actually show up. They called in more support but by the time it got there, things were already in full swing.


Again, I am not saying they made great choices, but they made the choices given how quickly things were escalating and in general law enforcement isn't that great about responding quickly to how these things grow and evolve.


As a scapegoat they are convenient, but they don't own the lions share of this violence. That belongs to the "unite the right".



how about personal responsibility for those beginning and continuing the violence on both sides.


Nice dodge. Again. One group said we are going to hold an illegal rally. One group encouraged their protesters to bring weapons on their media outlets (the daily stormer and associated podcasts). One group was promoting to be as antagonistic as possible. It wasn't the police, it wasn't the loose congregation of several small socially liberal groups, it was "Unite the Right".


are you trying to paint a picture of me only supporting one side? not sure what I've said here on the matter that would lead you to believe that.


In my view that's a paint by numbers picture. There are times when it's ok to be in the middle and say I condemn actions on both sides, and then there are other times where a clear line should be drawn. The president is learning this right now where his choice of middling "can't we all just get along" rhetoric is proving to work against him. At this point the "Alt right" has pushed conservatives to make a choice - either you have to condemn them outright, or be prepared that any statements or actions that are not an outright condemnation are to be read as tacit approval of their rhetoric.


It was their intention all along to cause this violence and divide people and they got exactly what they wanted. In one weekend they managed to take away from every conservative white male in this country any possible assumption that they are not inherently racist. If you are a white male, you now have to openly state you are against their agenda without caveats or asterix, and anything short of condemnation is insufficient. I don't know if it was the intended strategy, or just unintended fallout but it has worked brilliantly in their favor.


both sides showed up to go at it. he was wrong but so were those on the other side that chose to come to a rally that was never approved. their intent was pretty evident just as the other sides was. neither side is innocent. no waffling about that.


See this right here? This is the trap. They have caused you to legitimatize white supremacy whether you feel that way or not. The implication of this statement is that you have now leveled the playing field of white supremacy, Nationalism, Populism, and NAZI-isim. By saying this you accept it as having a place in our society. You may not agree with some of the more liberal extremists but the White Supremacy agenda is one of eugenics, genocide, slavery, and subjugation and it is not even remotely objectively equal to some of the even most far leaning liberal groups like AntiFa and BLM.


There is a pretty clear bad side here. It's the guys with NAZI icongraphy and the racial slurs - it has no equal and it has forced itself on the republican party and is making violent love to it (now who is the cuck?) while you stand by and try to salvage what little shred of your conservatism you have left with things like "everyone's" at fault. There is no false equivalency here, They took over your party while you were chanting "but her emails" and if you aren't now looking at your elected republican officials and Trump and saying "you enabled this" then you are never getting your party back.


Sure everyone owes some responsibility to this, but it isn't an equal share and if you treat it like it is you are legitimizing white supremacy. This isn't gray, it's black or white. NAZI's are bad. I shouldn't even have to say that.

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My god this is fucking stupid. This anti-white shit is just as fucking bad as this neo-nazi, white supremacy shit. It 100% goes both ways. The anti-white culture has been growing and growing over the years and if you can't see it, you're fucking blind.


Kerry, you're doing exactly what you yelled at me for doing. Lumping everyone in a group. "If you are a white male, you have to openly state that you are against it." Since fucking when? Why does anyone have to justify themselves at all? I didn't see a call for Muslims to come out and openly say they are against the numerous terrorist attacks here. What about the BLM attacks on police and riots through the street? Was there a call for all black people to openly state they were against it? Or are you saying this only pertains to white males? I don't get the logic anymore and I probably never will.

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My god this is fucking stupid. This anti-white shit is just as fucking bad as this neo-nazi, white supremacy shit. It 100% goes both ways. The anti-white culture has been growing and growing over the years and if you can't see it, you're fucking blind.


The Actual "Anti-white" movement does not have close to the same numbers as white supremacists. Nor is it recognized or endorsed by any political party or has been in the past. They do not associate themselves with the Democratic party, they do not call themselves "the ALT Left" (because there is no Alt Left). The do not presume that when democrats don't speak out against them they are being endorsed. Most have been branded terrorist groups or hate groups by various government groups and the southern poverty law center. They DO NOT include BLM or Anitfa, because those groups agendas are not Anti White. To that end those groups are just as bad as white supremacist but let's be clear we are talking about American ISIS supporters and other domestic terrorists.


What you think is Anti-white is mostly propaganda perpetuated by those aligned with the "Alt Right" and based on your previous comments includes BLM and AntiFa and stereotypes of liberal extremists. This has been mostly disseminated by conservative news sources, who it is unclear as to whether they were participants in the white supremacist agenda or just opportunists. The concept of an "Alt Left" has it's roots in GOP campaign marketing to pull moderates right by characterizing people like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders as liberal extremists. It is artificial.


Kerry, you're doing exactly what you yelled at me for doing. Lumping everyone in a group.


I am not doing anything. "Untie the Right" just asked you to pick a side. What side did you pick? Pointing out their strategy isn't me making you do anything or me lumping them together. They call themselves Conservative. They call them selves Republicans. They are holding themselves out as representing you, do they represent you? If not you know how to respond.


"If you are a white male, you have to openly state that you are against it." Since fucking when?

Since this weekend. It is how you distance yourself from something. If you are unclear about it, you are not distancing yourself. So far you have done this (except for that little comment about the BLM and Antifa too). Common sense led you to those statements earlier in this thread. Nobody made you do it, nobody asked you to do it, you realized on your own you had to because deep down you are a good person with a functioning moral compass. that is how this situation works - the "unite the right" put you in a situation where you felt you had to say it so you wouldn't be presumed to be part of it. They did this to everyone.


Why does anyone have to justify themselves at all? I didn't see a call for Muslims to come out and openly say they are against the numerous terrorist attacks here.


That happens every time a Muslim man makes the news related to a crime. And you know what? They fucking do it. And it gets a small amount of press because...well...duh.


When a Muslim extremest comes out and does something horrible and says he represents all is Islam, those that do represent islamic communities rush to make sure it is clear he does not. White supremacists just did to you what you what happens to Muslim people any time there is a Muslim based terrorist action. How you do not see this or understand it escapes me.


you know who didn't do it? The head of the executive branch and the person that represents all of America. Or rather it took him 48 hours to do it.


What about the BLM attacks on police and riots through the street? Was there a call for all black people to openly state they were against it? Or are you saying this only pertains to white males? I don't get the logic anymore and I probably never will.


Well first off can you prove any organized BLM attacks on police? Any actual attacks that BLM has openly taken credit for? You can't because there are none. Are there crazies who act alone and then later claim they are part of BLM? sure but the same can be said for any group, crazies are everywhere, and that group disavows any connection and it is usually proven right.


And yes, many many black people have been critical of some of the more confrontational tactics of BLM, and that is a matter of public record. They had to do it because that is how you distance yourself from something.

Edited by Geeto67
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I want everyone from the left to come out and say they are against BLM or I will assume they all hate Cops.


I want everyone from the left to come out and say they are against ANTIFA or I will assume they are against free speech and capitalism.

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My god this is fucking stupid. This anti-white shit is just as fucking bad as this neo-nazi, white supremacy shit. It 100% goes both ways. The anti-white culture has been growing and growing over the years and if you can't see it, you're fucking blind.


Kerry, you're doing exactly what you yelled at me for doing. Lumping everyone in a group. "If you are a white male, you have to openly state that you are against it." Since fucking when? Why does anyone have to justify themselves at all? I didn't see a call for Muslims to come out and openly say they are against the numerous terrorist attacks here. What about the BLM attacks on police and riots through the street? Was there a call for all black people to openly state they were against it? Or are you saying this only pertains to white males? I don't get the logic anymore and I probably never will.

What is anti-white culture? All I've ever seen is Nazi web sites taking an anti-white slant on every "news" piece, but it's completely made up propaganda that's meant to mobilize their base.


Also, I haven't seen anyone else say it, but Trumps entirely too late statement denouncing Nazism was complete BS. Not only was he forced to do it, and it didn't appear genuine, but he added "we're all created by the same God" to the end of it. He wasn't speaking to Americans here, he was talking to his base. What about the people who don't believe in your God Mr. Trump? With all the anti-semitism/anti-muslum rhetoric from the alt-right, why would you feel it necessary to say that after saying we all live under the same laws and all salute the same flag? His base will still take this statement as support, that only people 'like them' are true Americans.


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I want everyone from the left to come out and say they are against BLM or I will assume they all hate Cops.


I want everyone from the left to come out and say they are against ANTIFA or I will assume they are against free speech and capitalism.


your expecting logic and it won't happen. The lefts only agenda right now is to be obstructionist when it is convenient.

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your expecting logic and it won't happen. The lefts only agenda right now is to be obstructionist when it is convenient.
You're calling the minority left obstructionist, but ignoring the behavior of the Republican party during the last few years of Obama?


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They called in support, but it was still too little. You don't know how many people are going to show up for these things until...they...you know actually show up.....a scapegoat they are convenient, but they don't own the lions share of this violence. That belongs to the "unite the right".


You're welcome to give the elected officials and those in charge a pass but not me. This isn't he worlds first parade of skinhead/kkk knuckleheads to prepare for dealing with. I also will allow you to categorize them as the Unite the Right but last I checked, they aren't exactly the conservatives choice for representation. Alt-right perhaps.


Nice dodge. Again. One group said we are going to hold an illegal rally. One group encouraged their protesters to bring weapons on their media outlets (the daily stormer and associated podcasts).


Not sure where you think I dodged. Again, you can put down the false and lame attempt to link me to supporting or defending them. Fact still stands if I say I'm coming to your front lawn with a baseball bat and you walk outside to confront me and talk shit then you're just as much a knucklehead.

In my view that's a paint by numbers picture. There are times when it's ok to be in the middle and say I condemn actions on both sides, and then there are other times where a clear line should be drawn. <snip> either you have to condemn them outright, or be prepared that any statements or actions that are not an outright condemnation are to be read as tacit approval of their rhetoric.


I think even going way back to the David Duke thing during his campaign he's been pretty clear that he doesn't approve or support such shit. He should have probably put his political hat on tighter in this case and played the entertainment game more but if anyone really thinks he supports this then they are misguided fool who is looking more for political entertainment than anything else.


It was their intention all along to cause this violence and divide people and they got exactly what they wanted.


Probably. Shame on the others for playing into it too. If people want to take away their power, don't give them the attention they seek or coverage they want. Would have kinda sucked for them if the only ones who showed up were them.


In one weekend they managed to take away from every conservative white male in this country any possible assumption that they are not inherently racist.


IMO everyone is racist to a certain extent. To the degree any of us is however will only be determined true by that persons actions. I'll disagree and state that what you see isn't accurate but is an assumption others will make. No need for any of us to come out an defend what someone else "thinks" we are based on the actions of others. That's solely on them.


If you are a white male, you now have to openly state you are against their agenda without caveats or asterix, and anything short of condemnation is insufficient.


You might think so but I don't.

See this right here? This is the trap. They have caused you to legitimatize white supremacy whether you feel that way or not. The implication of this statement is that you have now leveled the playing field of white supremacy, Nationalism, Populism, and NAZI-isim. By saying this you accept it as having a place in our society.


There's no trap. I've not accepted their view in any way. Our country is built on free speech and who are you or me to tell someone what they can like, love or hate? Putting America First is not Nazi-ism or hate speech so let's not try and link the two.


There is a pretty clear bad side here. It's the guys with NAZI icongraphy and the racial slurs - it has no equal and it has forced itself on the republican party


such crap is on both sides Kerry. The BLM movement and extremists on that side are the same turds in return pointing the other way. They are indeed the equal force on the other side. Not that either side really has a place or desire for either of them. ie. I don't sense a democrat supports the extremist ANTIFA/BLM Freaks any more than the republicans support the KKK or white nationalist freaks.


while you stand by and try to salvage what little shred of your conservatism you have left with things like "everyone's" at fault.


this is the fault of both sides here. both sides had people go over the line. you can argue chicken or egg all you want, a bad egg isn't good but then neither was the response to them nor was the end result of how it was handled executed well.


They took over your party while you were chanting "but her emails" and if you aren't now looking at your elected republican officials and Trump and saying "you enabled this" then you are never getting your party back.


you mean the emails she had destroyed to protect some self interest?


NAZI's are bad. I shouldn't even have to say that.


not sure anyone is disagreeing with you but you like to argue so much you must think they are.

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I read in an article yesterday (I think on Bloomberg) that the Clinton campaign coined the term "alt-right" in an attempt to hurt the Trump campaign but it clearly did not work. The reason we do not have the term "alt-left" is simply because no one made it a goal to brand it that way. There are extreme idiots on both ends of the political spectrum. I literally know no one personally that believes the views / lives the live's of the people portrayed in today's mainstream media. It is a characature of real life designed to enflame both sides against each other. It sells. It works.
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Also, I haven't seen anyone else say it, but Trumps entirely too late statement denouncing Nazism was complete BS. Not only was he forced to do it, and it didn't appear genuine, but he added "we're all created by the same God" to the end of it.


he did fail at the political speak game of once again denouncing Nazism...cause we all know deep down he's a skin-head right? and what's with the hate towards his God comments? like we aren't a country founded on faith right? if he said "have a blessed day" would he be considered racist because that's a black thing? we're going a bit over board here....

He wasn't speaking to Americans here, he was talking to his base. What about the people who don't believe in your God Mr. Trump?

maybe deep down inside he figures "fuck them"? no different than anyone else. again, we're a country founded and still driven by the majority of people who do have some type of faith.


His base will still take this statement as support, that only people 'like them' are true Americans.
You can define a true American however you wish as will his followers. I enjoy our pledge of allegiance to the flag and appreciate the edit made to it in the 50's to show support against the communist threat and think it's still valid against simliar threats including that of the Islamic Extremists. Fuck both of them! This isn't Russia and or Little Syria and we're not a country founded on atheism. You don't have to agree with that but then don't get all butt hurt when someone disagrees with you, including our President who now finally isn't a pussy caving into ideals that differ than ours.
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