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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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You're welcome to give the elected officials and those in charge a pass but not me. This isn't he worlds first parade of skinhead/kkk knuckleheads to prepare for dealing with. I also will allow you to categorize them as the Unite the Right but last I checked, they aren't exactly the conservatives choice for representation. Alt-right perhaps.




Not sure where you think I dodged. Again, you can put down the false and lame attempt to link me to supporting or defending them. Fact still stands if I say I'm coming to your front lawn with a baseball bat and you walk outside to confront me and talk shit then you're just as much a knucklehead.



I think even going way back to the David Duke thing during his campaign he's been pretty clear that he doesn't approve or support such shit. He should have probably put his political hat on tighter in this case and played the entertainment game more but if anyone really thinks he supports this then they are misguided fool who is looking more for political entertainment than anything else.




Probably. Shame on the others for playing into it too. If people want to take away their power, don't give them the attention they seek or coverage they want. Would have kinda sucked for them if the only ones who showed up were them.




IMO everyone is racist to a certain extent. To the degree any of us is however will only be determined true by that persons actions. I'll disagree and state that what you see isn't accurate but is an assumption others will make. No need for any of us to come out an defend what someone else "thinks" we are based on the actions of others. That's solely on them.




You might think so but I don't.



There's no trap. I've not accepted their view in any way. Our country is built on free speech and who are you or me to tell someone what they can like, love or hate? Putting America First is not Nazi-ism or hate speech so let's not try and link the two.




such crap is on both sides Kerry. The BLM movement and extremists on that side are the same turds in return pointing the other way. They are indeed the equal force on the other side. Not that either side really has a place or desire for either of them. ie. I don't sense a democrat supports the extremist ANTIFA/BLM Freaks any more than the republicans support the KKK or white nationalist freaks.

The democrats didn't have one sitting in the white house making policy. Trump has cultivated these groups ever since he got into politics and he's done nothing to denounce them until coerced.



I read in an article yesterday (I think on Bloomberg) that the Clinton campaign coined the term "alt-right" in an attempt to hurt the Trump campaign but it clearly did not work.


Not true.


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I read in an article yesterday (I think on Bloomberg) that the Clinton campaign coined the term "alt-right" in an attempt to hurt the Trump campaign but it clearly did not work. The reason we do not have the term "alt-left" is simply because no one made it a goal to brand it that way. There are extreme idiots on both ends of the political spectrum. I literally know no one personally that believes the views / lives the live's of the people portrayed in today's mainstream media. It is a characature of real life designed to enflame both sides against each other. It sells. It works.


Spencer himself is the one who started using it regularly but it is typically attributed to a conservative philosopher

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Spencer himself is the one who started using it regularly but it is typically attributed to a conservative philosopher
Yea Richard Spencer was credited in this article too.




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I stand corrected - she just brought it into the mainstream apparently.




Maybe made people aware, but


In March 2010, Spencer founded AlternativeRight.com, a website he edited until 2012
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he did fail at the political speak game of once again denouncing Nazism...cause we all know deep down he's a skin-head right? and what's with the hate towards his God comments? like we aren't a country founded on faith right? if he said "have a blessed day" would he be considered racist because that's a black thing? we're going a bit over board here....

maybe deep down inside he figures "fuck them"? no different than anyone else. again, we're a country founded and still driven by the majority of people who do have some type of faith.


You can define a true American however you wish as will his followers. I enjoy our pledge of allegiance to the flag and appreciate the edit made to it in the 50's to show support against the communist threat and think it's still valid against simliar threats including that of the Islamic Extremists. Fuck both of them! This isn't Russia and or Little Syria and we're not a country founded on atheism. You don't have to agree with that but then don't get all butt hurt when someone disagrees with you, including our President who now finally isn't a pussy caving into ideals that differ than ours.

We were not a country founded on faith, which is why there is separation of church and state. A majority of the founding fathers weren't even Christian.


I have an issue with his God comments because he is not a pastor, he is the President. We are a country of many faiths and many beliefs. You can't give a speech claiming to want to bring people of different backgrounds together, then say that all Americans are created by the same God. To me it's a bigoted statement and it's only meant to appeal to his base.


Do you honestly believe Trump is a deeply religious man? He's probably used God more in the last year than he has the rest of his life. Evangelicals eat that shit up and look past all his past transgressions because if it.


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Be careful on the whole "separation of church and state". My memory is not what it once was, I admit, but, as I remember, it was designed to protect the church from the state. It has, over time, been flipped.


That being said, I can see where his comments could be seen as devisive. As a Christian, what offends me more is that I think he is totally using it to satisfy his base as mentioned above. I am not sure I have seen him exhibit any qualities I would want to see in a fellow Christian.

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Be careful on the whole "separation of church and state". My memory is not what it once was, I admit, but, as I remember, it was designed to protect the church from the state. It has, over time, been flipped.


That being said, I can see where his comments could be seen as devisive. As a Christian, what offends me more is that I think he is totally using it to satisfy his base as mentioned above. I am not sure I have seen him exhibit any qualities I would want to see in a fellow Christian.


It was to keep religion out of politics and laws and to show no favoritism towards any.



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The democrats didn't have one sitting in the white house making policy. Trump has cultivated these groups ever since he got into politics and he's done nothing to denounce them until coerced.


he hasn't "cultivated them" they made their own choice to support their own cause and him no different than Obama and BLM only Obama invited those turds to the White House.

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My belief is that these idiot extremists on both sides have always been around. It is just today they get to make their voices heard through the accessibility of social media. We have given a platform to the < 1% of the population and the media is using it to make it look like this is how the majority of US citizens feel...


Just my .02

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he hasn't "cultivated them" they made their own choice to support their own cause and him no different than Obama and BLM only Obama invited those turds to the White House.
I find it absurd that you would express outrage over the leaders of an organization attending a meeting, while turning a blind eye to Bannon's role in the White House.


He sure as hell cultivated them from the moment he entered the political ring. He's perpetuated every conspiracy theory written on those blogs, he claimed Obama was a Muslim, he claimed Obama wasn't a US citizen, his rallys were often violent and he would encourage the crowd when doing so, he said all Muslims were bad and they would be deported, he said Mexicans are bad and need to be deported, he ran a campaign based on strong nationalism and aligned his ideals with the alt-right/KKK, yet never denounced them until basically forced to by the press, which made it meaningless IMO (and I believe those groups saw it as meaningless too). He's catered to thus group since day 1, then appointed Bannon as chief strategist. Actions speak louder than words, and Trumps made it clear that his word means nothing.


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Be careful on the whole "separation of church and state". My memory is not what it once was, I admit, but, as I remember, it was designed to protect the church from the state. It has, over time, been flipped.


That being said, I can see where his comments could be seen as devisive. As a Christian, what offends me more is that I think he is totally using it to satisfy his base as mentioned above. I am not sure I have seen him exhibit any qualities I would want to see in a fellow Christian.


Thomas Jefferson drafted it to protect the people from government interference in their religion. It wasn't to protect the government or the religious institution, it was to protect the individual citizen. It very much mirrors the concept of speech free from government persecution (btw they are both the first amendment). England at the time had gone through a very nasty battle with the Catholic Church that caused the establishment of the National Church of England. With a national Church, the monarchy was free to persecute any one practicing a religion that wasn't the nationally sanctioned one. Hence the puritan flight and resettlement to America.


Kennedy in the 60's further clarified the separation by saying that it is the responsibility of those holding government office to make secular decisions for the benefit of all citizens. He did this to settle fears that as a catholic he would give preferential treatment to the Catholic Church. Since Kennedy's administration ALL sitting presidents have abided by this understanding except maybe our current one.


Anybody who tells you the US was founded as a Christian country is full of shit. It is the most practiced religion in the US, but it is not the foundation for our laws and government. Most of the political theory guiding our laws and government predate Christianity as the founders were obsessed with Greek, Roman, and Mesopotamian rule of law.

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My belief is that these idiot extremists on both sides have always been around. It is just today they get to make their voices heard through the accessibility of social media. We have given a platform to the < 1% of the population and the media is using it to make it look like this is how the majority of US citizens feel...


Just my .02


Yes they have always been around but the Klan and White Supremacy used to have a massive influence in politics in this country, esp in the southern states.

If you have forgotten this, go watch Mississippi Burning to remind yourself. If you were born before 1971, a former klan member was an active sitting justice on the Supreme Court in your lifetime and an active member ran for both governor and congress in Louisiana as a republican in your lifetime. White Supremacy has a long thread of power in the history of this country, something the "alt left" or anti white can't claim at all. That's why they are unequal. To treat them as equal is to ignore the ugly truth of our own nation.

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he hasn't "cultivated them" they made their own choice to support their own cause and him no different than Obama and BLM only Obama invited those turds to the White House.


Tim, are you completely oblivious to the racial implication of calling black activists "turds"? Or do you do it because you think that brand of casual racism is funny. Just asking for a friend.

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Tim, are you completely oblivious to the racial implication of calling black activists "turds"? Or do you do it because you think that brand of casual racism is funny. Just asking for a friend.


So, Turd is racist? Can I get a few bans please?

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He sure as hell cultivated them from the moment he entered the political ring.


he ran a campaign that put America and our Citizens first period. that's not racist, it's common sense.


he claimed Obama was a Muslim
it's pretty clear was very sympathetic to them and grew up with a huge influence from their culture.


he claimed Obama wasn't a US citizen
and Obama claimed he supported Hit liar y too and that she was the best candidate.


his rallys were often violent and he would encourage the crowd when doing so
any more violent than the left riots and rants on campuses and elsewhere encouraged by those from the left claiming people should "resist"?


he said all Muslims were bad and they would be deported


he said Mexicans are bad and need to be deported
No he didn't. Illegals should be deported and we should be adhering to the fucking law not allowing or encouraging illegal aliens to come, stay and even be protected by sanctuary city bullshit.


he ran a campaign based on strong nationalism and aligned his ideals with the alt-right/KKK
really? so he wanted to kill gays, never supported blacks or called for jews and blacks to be killed? really, please stop exaggerating. listen to his inaugural address and tell me what he said about all of us bleeding the same color blood, etc...he has not made claims or shown support for the KKK.


yet never denounced them until basically forced to by the press
that's like stating a guy coming from church has to denounce the hooker he passed on the highway. dude, he ran a campaign pledging to support the black community and went out of his way to prove it even while some shunned him and others on the left didn't do shit even when in office. I think if anyone still thinks Trump needs to denounce this bullshit one more time then they haven't a clue as to how often he already has. If I was black, I'd be pissed that the country's first half-black dude didn't do a thing to help the depression so many communities face. he basically fed them more social welfare programs to keep them addicted to their current way of life. pathetic.
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Tim, are you completely oblivious to the racial implication of calling black activists "turds"? Or do you do it because you think that brand of casual racism is funny. Just asking for a friend.


you seem to be drawing a weird correlation. feel free to plug in fuck-sticks but don't go all sexist on me if you choose to substitute that term.

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I feel bad for WWII vets that are still around and see this shit on their homeland today.


I can't even put words to how I feel about this bullshit.


Also, the Korean and Vietnam war vets that see people waving communist flags in their home state and people who call themselves anti-fascists who literally believe in suppression of the opposition and oppose freedom of speech :dumb:

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Also, the Korean and Vietnam war vets that see people waving communist flags in their home state


Example please? Define "communist" flag that isn't associated with an actual nation.


and people who call themselves anti-fascists who literally believe in suppression of the opposition and oppose freedom of speech :dumb:


I hate it when you literally don't know what you are talking about and you make ignorant seemingly smug comments like this. It really makes you look like an ass.


Facisim is a form of extreme nationalism characterized by authoritarian dictatorships. It is by its very nature a violent movement. Every facist regime that has come into power has done it by bloodshed from Hitler and the Beer hall riots, Mousolini and his black shirt secret police, pol pot and the kuhmir rouge, etc....


Antifacisim, which was coined by Mouisulini by the way as a way to propagandize his opponents, means you oppose a dictatorship. Churchill was an Antifacist, FDR was an antifacist, we fought wars over this. This isn't about who is suppressing whom, you have one group advocating eugenics, geoncide, the violent overthrow of the federal government, and you have antifacists who oppose that political position. They are not advocating government suppression of freedom of speech, they are meeting the tactics head on with their own as a way of neutralizing the threat.


If you have a problem with white supremacy, then why do you have a problem with anti-fascists - the people who literally have made it their mission to oppose that? Or to put it more succinctly " why do you hate America, bro?"

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he ran a campaign that put America and our Citizens first period. that's not racist, it's common sense.


Historically every "America First" organization from Woodrow Wilson to now carried some overt racist, anti-Semitic, and or xenophobic platform. You say it's "common sense" but really common sense would dictate that anyone's using the "America first" approach not be trusted to be impartial on matters of race.



it's pretty clear was very sympathetic to them and grew up with a huge influence from their culture.


Dude grew up in Hawaii and Washington state. He got as much influence from their culture as any other black American.


I wouldn't say he gave them preferential treatment, he treated them like Americans, because 1% of Americans are Muslim. Islam has been in this country since 1528 and the slave trade was its biggest importer since the 1600's. Muslim men and Women built this nation - not metaphorically, they physically did the construction. The White House was built by slave labor and some of that was Muslim slave labor. If you are one of those ignorant people that thinks all muslims are the enemy to America then guess what - you are siding with the white supremacists.


and Obama claimed he supported Hit liar y too and that she was the best candidate


I think Trump has proven at this point that she was. At least between the two of them.

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But overall, far-right extremist plots have been far more deadly than far-left plots (and Islamist plots eclipsed both) in the past 25 years, according to a breakdown of two terrorism databases by Alex Nowrasteh, an analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute


White nationalists; militia movements; anti-Muslim attackers; I.R.S. building and abortion clinic bombers; and other right-wing groups were responsible for 12 times as many fatalities and 36 times as many injuries as communists; socialists; animal rights and environmental activists; anti-white- and Black Lives Matter-inspired attackers; and other left-wing groups.


While antigovernment activists, for example, have been fomenting and building their anger since 2008, Antifa is a more nascent movement, reflected in their scale. The far right has a scattered membership of a few hundred thousand, estimated Ms. MacNab, compared with a few thousand Antifa activists.
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