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Why I keep my gun loaded and in reach.


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So the other night the dogs start barking like crazy. I wake up it's 2am, and they never bark like this ever? I grab my .45 walk to the window, look out side. Didn'T see anything? Let the dogs out the back while I walked down to the front door. Looked out side, still didn't see anything. They run around then come back in the house and go back to bed? Talked to the head of our home owners group. they said that same night that 25, yes 25 cars and garages had been broken into!! I live in a somewhat nice Mc Neighborhood. Where some people still leave there door unlocked? Guess the Wife will not ask me twice why I keep the loaded .45 under the bed anymore. P.O.S animals need to respect peoples property.

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I gots ways to deal with "They had a gun" lol. Sucks for my neighbor he is a state farm rep and had his laptop in his unlocked? car. They stole that, his ashtray money and garage door opener. I told him to pull the disconnect on his opener and lock it from the inside until he can get it changed. Wish the dogs would have barked a little more quiet. So I could have snuck up.

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I am guessing it was some punk ass kids. They only took small items, Ipods, garage door openers, money from ashtrays. From what I have heard there were no cars taken, or stereo stuff stolen. Most likely kids being arsholes. Guess they would need a car or truck to take kicker boxes and amps or radio stuff? They only entered cars that were unlocked. If they saw a garage door opener they opened that also. Have not heard if any stuff was taken from any gargages?

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I gots ways to deal with "They had a gun" lol. Sucks for my neighbor he is a state farm rep and had his laptop in his unlocked? car. They stole that, his ashtray money and garage door opener. I told him to pull the disconnect on his opener and lock it from the inside until he can get it changed. Wish the dogs would have barked a little more quiet. So I could have snuck up.

He shouldn't have to have his garage door changed. He should just be able to erase all of the trained codes and then reprogram the replacement transmitter.

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I taught my dogs to be quiet and wake me up. Then I would throw on some camo cover, and just go out quiet and hunker down and wait. Doesn't take long, some idiot will walk right past me. Pretty much just standing up will stop all adventures in the entire neighborhood for a long time. Scares them witless.

I use motion alarms now, too darn lazy to get up and out unless I really have to. The technique is different with motion alarms. You want to go out the door full blast, and check your stuff. Mostly I find cats and raccoons walking about. geez...

Just being outside in the middle of the night, once and a while, doesn't exactly go unnoticed. That also will keep local kids away. And I don't mean just going to the car and back, they don't care about that. I mean standing outside scoping things out.

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Just being outside in the middle of the night, once and a while, doesn't exactly go unnoticed. That also will keep local kids away. And I don't mean just going to the car and back, they don't care about that. I mean standing outside scoping things out.

Having a shotgun while standing under a bright ass spotlight enhances the effect. Face camo adds a +1 to the pucker factor.

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Just being outside in the middle of the night, once and a while, doesn't exactly go unnoticed. That also will keep local kids away. And I don't mean just going to the car and back, they don't care about that. I mean standing outside scoping things out.


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Outdoor motions can be a pain in the ass, especially at night.

Wind can trip them. laser fences set above varmit height are much less prone to false tripping, but more expensive.

Agreed. Too many false alarms. I actually wait for multiple alarms before I get interested. Even then, it's likely to be a raccoon chased by a coyote followed by a curious cat. Lasers are cool. Attenuated perimeter alarms work well also.

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Well I work swing shift 3,2,1 so every week I am on a new shift. During the nice weather I tend to sit in the dark on my back patio and have a few beers after work(1-2am) I guess I might have to skip the brews and sit out for some recon this summer? And the only warning shot I am gonna fire is center mass, sorry.

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Sucks for my neighbor he is a state farm rep and had his laptop in his unlocked? car. They stole that.....

Clients' personal info on the laptop?? :confused:

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edged weapons are more effective displays to prevent trouble, I stand out in my front yard every halloween with the biggest sword in my collection, all the "kids" see me... I haven't had one lick of trouble, and I've accidentally left my garage open over night once or twice.... and the cops can't say anything about it... not like a gun in public, you can get in trouble for inducing panic...sword just sez " fuck with me, and loose your head." slow painful death... my favorite...

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I dont know what the lap top had on it but it was for his work so I would figure it had some info on it? And the neighborhood kids think I am crazy already, from me walking in and out to go to the range with all my guns. The parents don't seem to like it to much though?! I bet they are wondering what is in all those black tactical cases with the mag pockets on the outside?!! LOL Heck I think I might open carry the next time I cut the grass, until I can get my ccw thats all I can do anyways.

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I dont know what the lap top had on it but it was for his work so I would figure it had some info on it? And the neighborhood kids think I am crazy already, from me walking in and out to go to the range with all my guns. The parents don't seem to like it to much though?! I bet they are wondering what is in all those black tactical cases with the mag pockets on the outside?!! LOL Heck I think I might open carry the next time I cut the grass, until I can get my ccw thats all I can do anyways.

i love doin that. the walk from my house to my car with arm fulls of guns and ammo really sends messages.

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I dont know what the lap top had on it but it was for his work so I would figure it had some info on it? And the neighborhood kids think I am crazy already, from me walking in and out to go to the range with all my guns. The parents don't seem to like it to much though?! I bet they are wondering what is in all those black tactical cases with the mag pockets on the outside?!! LOL Heck I think I might open carry the next time I cut the grass, until I can get my ccw thats all I can do anyways.

I can't speak for State Farm, but when I was with AMFAM no information was stored on the local unit. You had to log in to the network with username and password. It also required an 8 digit digital key. In order to get it you had to type your personal pin in a little "token" device that would generate the required numbers, was never the same number twice.

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Its under lock and key in a small strong box under my bed. With said key hidden out of reach of said rug rats. But I would love to get one of those little hand print type safes. Would be much quicker then going to get a key then unlocking a box. But most of the ones I have seen run around $120 so for now the lock and key work just a bit slower then I would like.

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