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Need home for 2 year old Blood Hound


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yeah...large dogs tend to have their own set of issues. Our St Bernard is 6 so he's just approaching the point where he could start having issues. He's pretty healthy right now but we've been pretty good about watching his diet so he doesn't carry any extra weight. He also gets zero table scraps because at his size you can't have him begging or thinking he can just grab shit off counters, the stove, or the top of the fridge haha.
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Large dogs tend to have equal but different issues.


I would say "generalizing" breeds would be a better statement.


So hows pooch Cram?


He's pretty awesome so far.


I tried not caging him the first day when I went to work as I have never caged one of my dogs and don't like to do it...and it failed LOL. I put him in my kitchen and 'secured' the exit with a strong dog gate...that he went right through after I left. He did a little damage but nothing terrible. Went and bought a crate that night and he actually will just walk himself into and laydown even when I'm home. I'm still not a fan of it.


He is great when I am home and won't leave my room when it's time for bed. He's not eating as much as he should but I think it is still due to him adjusting.


I brought him to work today for some socializing and so far he has been awesome. Vet appointment is today at 2:30 so hoping he checks out!




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He's pretty awesome so far.


I tried not caging him the first day when I went to work as I have never caged one of my dogs and don't like to do it...and it failed LOL. I put him in my kitchen and 'secured' the exit with a strong dog gate...that he went right through after I left. He did a little damage but nothing terrible. Went and bought a crate that night and he actually will just walk himself into and laydown even when I'm home. I'm still not a fan of it.


He is great when I am home and won't leave my room when it's time for bed. He's not eating as much as he should but I think it is still due to him adjusting.


I brought him to work today for some socializing and so far he has been awesome. Vet appointment is today at 2:30 so hoping he checks out!






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