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White House-Anon is posting on 4chan


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yea the swordfish stuff was bust and it was way too far out there to look at. Between congress pushing for Russia/Iran sanctions, DNC IT staff arrested, Sessions releasing his criminal leak probe, Susan Rice testifying...... alot is going on.
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Does anybody have anything from a credible source that says this isn't anything more than a fraudulent rental property loan from a credit union and some stolen desk chairs and monitors?


Just to be clear The daily caller is not a credible source.

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Does anybody have anything from a credible source that says this isn't anything more than a fraudulent rental property loan from a credit union and some stolen desk chairs and monitors?


Just to be clear The daily caller is not a credible source.




Not all criminals are brought down on their most heinous crimes.

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Not all criminals are brought down on their most heinous crimes.


yes but being a drug dealer doesn't make you a bank robber either.


other then literally pure fantasy and speculation is there any evidence of any other crimes? I have read some of the pundit sites on this and there is a literal metric fuckton of mental gymnastics to get this to line up with hacking and other suspected crimes. Also a lot of it relies on misused information and a lack of knowledge about government processes.


So I will ask again...is there anything credible that suggests that there is more here than lying to secure a personal HE loan and Michael Bluth's office chair?

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Sure did. It shows that the investigation in to the Awans isn't a new story about bank fraud.


The investigation from three months ago was about the stolen equipment. Which they are not charged for.

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I didn't read the whole thing. Here's the relevant bits.


Senate Democrats used a parliamentary maneuver Wednesday to cut short a high-profile hearing, where a key witness was set to testify on Russia's misdeeds and also raise fresh allegations against the company behind the infamous anti-Trump dossier.


Bill Browder, the CEO and co-founder of Hermitage Capital, was set to tell the Senate Judiciary Committee that the co-founder of the firm Fusion GPS was hired to conduct a "smear campaign" against him.


Democrats are so scared they're letting him testify tomorrow.


Browder now is expected to testify Thursday,
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I thought this was a great summary of the importance of Bill Browder and the importance of kutschner's meeting with the Russians:




Here is what I don't get, there are the great makings of a real conspiracy theory concerning trump and a bunch of really rich Russians....and yet we are here talking about how some stolen office chairs and rental property loans add up to framing republicans for international hacking byt he Russians. I mean it even sounds stupid when I type it.

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Well I'll give you one thing, Priebus seems to be on the chopping block today, although I'm not sure you can call firing people you appointed as "draining the swamp," unless you also take credit for filling it...


Also, this whole thing is fucking hilarious, with Scaramucci accusing Priebus of leaking a publicly available document, and then trying to delete the accusation from the internet. It's total amateur hour in the White House.

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so I have a question for the group here:


Which would you consider worse?:


- Trump's team actually colluded with a foreign power to tip the scales of the election in their favor, (the collusion position) or


- the Trump team didn't collude, but following that meeting the Russians realized that the team's inexperience, lack of ethics, and desire to overturn "Obama policies" led them to the conclusion that he was the more easily manipulated than his opponent and it was in their best interest to attempt to interfere to get him elected (let's call this the cuck position).


At this point it is one or the other, so which one do you look at as less bad? being a colluder or a cuck?

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so I have a question for the group here:


Which would you consider worse?:


- Trump's team actually colluded with a foreign power to tip the scales of the election in their favor, (the collusion position) or


- the Trump team didn't collude, but following that meeting the Russians realized that the team's inexperience, lack of ethics, and desire to overturn "Obama policies" led them to the conclusion that he was the more easily manipulated than his opponent and it was in their best interest to attempt to interfere to get him elected (let's call this the cuck position).


At this point it is one or the other, so which one do you look at as less bad? being a colluder or a cuck?

where is the proof that Russia rigged the election?

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where is the proof that Russia rigged the election?


Rigged is your word, Kerry explicitly said interfere and "tip the scales," which is the conclusion of the US intelligence community based, as far as the public knows, on intercepts of conversations between Russian intelligence agents who said that's what they were doing, among other things.


Not to mention the email Don Jr released, which implies that they knew about it:


The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.


The proof you seek is most likely classified, so if you're not one to believe the reports of any US intelligence agencies then I don't have much to offer you.


eta: Here's the declassified report. It is not subtle. Start on page 11 of the PDF.

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